Friday 6 October 2023

Video: Golf Ball Hilariously Misses Hole in Cartoon-Like Fashion

Maintaining a pristine golf course is a tough job, but greenskeepers around the world take great pride in what they do. Sometimes, they even have fun with it, which can lead to some frustrating—if not funny—scenarios for golfers. 

One such incident happened at Gilbert Plains Country Club near Winnipeg, Canada. Every year, as colder months get closer and courses prepare for the end of the season, many will host their version of a "Greenskeeper's Revenge" tournament. In this tourney format, the organizers make things as difficult as possible for golfers after a season of them trashing the course by forgetting to fix ball marks, leaving divots unfilled, and driving their carts too close to tees and greens. The greenskeepers exact their revenge by moving tees to unconventional spots and cutting holes in certain locations like slopes or at the edges of greens. 

The 16th hole at Gilbert Plains is one of those with a deviously sloped green edge. Every October, the country club holds its Ironman tournament where golfers have to conquer these neglected courses. Viral video from the 16th hole shows one golfer who appeared to have putted the ball right into the cup. At the last second, it comically rolled around the hole and continued rolling off the green and into the bushes several yards away. 

It's not the first time this has happened at this Gilbert Plains' 16th hole. Back in 2020, golfers similarly had to deal with last-second shenanigans mere millimeters from the hole. 

Needless to say, don't try one of these events unless you either want to have your heart broken, or are in the mood to laugh throughout your 18-hole journey. 

from Men's Journal

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