Wednesday 25 October 2023

Eric André Tells Jimmy Kimmel About Experience Smoking Toad Venom

Eric André dropped by Jimmy Kimmel Live on Tuesday to promote his upcoming book (co-authored with Dan Curry) Dumb Ideas: A Behind the Scenes Exposé on Making Pranks and Other Stupid Creative Endeavors (and How You Can Also Too), which hits shelves November 14. True to the book’s title, André shared his recent experience smoking toad venom. The Bad Trip star said the experience led him “into the anus of the Milky Way galaxy.”

"There's a toad that lives in the Sonoran desert that hibernates for nine months out of the year in mud, and then it comes out of the mud like Martin Sheen in Apocalypse Now,” André explained to Kimmel. “It eats rats and it fucks hot other toads. It's a big, giant toad, but if you smoke the venom off of its legs, you get high out of your mind."

And André did indeed get high out of his mind. "I sailed into the anus of the Milky Way galaxy, spun around Saturn's rings, and had Thanksgiving dinner with God,” the comedian marveled. “It was unbelievable."

According to André, the venom is a “DMT derivative,” DMT being “a strong hallucinogenic” that “the kids are into these days…You release it in your brain when you die, and when you're born it's incredible," he explained. "It's kind of ayahuasca but on acid. If ayahuasca did acid, it'd be toad venom."

André reported to a fairly stunned Kimmel that the “shaman” who led the experience scraped the venom from the toads legs into “a little crack pipe,” which they then smoked from. "The shaman, he looked like a skinny Guillermo del Toro, and he had all these cool Tibetan singing bowls, and he had a great crack pipe, so I used his crack pipe," he recalled. "I highly recommend it."

The typically fearless prankster balked, however, when Kimmel asked him for his dealer’s phone number. “I got a number, [but] I’m not gonna say it out loud on TV,” André demurred.

“Every time you sign one of these books you [should] write the guy’s number in the back,” Kimmel told him. “It’s a dumb idea, right?”

Dumb Ideas is currently available for pre-order ahead of its November 14 release.

from Men's Journal

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