Thursday 5 October 2023

Political Candidate Admits He Once Smeared Poop on Daycare

Typically, when dirt surfaces on a political candidate leading up to an election, it tends to be concerns such as extramarital affairs or being caught accepting bribes. This is decidedly not the case when it comes to a man running for New Jersey State Assembly in the 36th district, who has admitted to smearing fecal matter on a daycare center in 2009.

Republican Joseph Viso, 52, admitted to reporters at the New Jersey Globe that he previously pleaded guilty to criminal mischief charges that stemmed over a dispute with the owner of The Children’s Studio in East Rutherford. At the time, Viso owned an electrical company, Viso Electric, that was adjacent to the daycare. 

According to a police report by detective Chris DeCarlo, the owner of the daycare center notified police after discovering that "someone smeared fecal matter over the handles and locks of all the doors" of her business. The report also stated that Viso Electric would also "frequently blast loud music with offensive lyrics" next to the daycare's playground. 

When DeCarlo informed Viso that there had apparently been photos and video taken of the incident, he apologized, stating: "I am not proud of what I did." He was later fined $250.

"Those people harassed my men every day,” Viso said this week in an interview with the New Jersey Globe. "They had cars ticketed every time my men parked on a side street."

"It was done before anyone got hurt,” he continued, claiming he cleaned things up before children were present. "I’m not going to defend it. It was wrong. I was a young man. It was a horrible time, and I made a mistake. Obama came into office the year before." 

It's worth pointing out that Viso was 38 years old when the incident occurred.

But perhaps the poop-smearing incident is the least of Viso's worries, who also boasts a lengthy criminal rap sheet stemming from drug and gun convictions. 

In 2014, Viso was charged with possessing a sawed-off shotgun near a school and possessing a gun while committing a crime, as well as multiple drug offenses. He likewise appeared in federal court in a 2016 plea deal in which he admitted to one count of conspiracy to distribute Methylon, after being charged with possessing 5,000 grams—or enough to make five million Molly or Ecstasy tablets. He was subsequently sentenced to three years probation.

from Men's Journal

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