Wednesday 13 September 2023

Woman Reveals Unexpected Compliment That Tells Men She's Interested

The art of seduction can be a delicate dance, as no amount of gimmicky-titled self-help books or relationship experts seem to have brought men and women any closer to understanding each other. All too often, it can be difficult to gauge interest in a potential romantic partner and express your intentions while also not coming on too strong or driving them away.

Now obviously, what's going to attract one person versus another varies on the individual and situation, but there are a scant few exceptions. For instance—fellas, if a woman compliments your hands, she's probably interested. Very interested. This is according to Melbourne-based stand-up comedian Grace Jarvis, who posted a spicy take on the platform formerly known as Twitter this week.

"If a woman tells you you have 'nice hands' she is doing everything in her power not to fuck you senseless," Jarvis wrote. "Please release her from her torment, her friends are receiving the kinds of messages someone in prison would send."

While it was intended as a joke, Jarvis clearly hit a nerve, as her post was liked over 150,000 times within the span of a day or so. (Not to mention that a lot of men don't realize that women can absolutely be just as disgusting when talking to our friends.)

As the post went viral, other women chimed in to cosign. "True, you have nice hands is the boiling point," quipped one user. On the other hand, others pointed out that forearms can also have the same effect on women.

"I told my husband he had nice forearms and a good voice on one of our first dates and the man still did not understand that I was basically aflame for him," chimed in another user, while yet another added that a nice sweater partially rolled up to the forearm is "the sluttiest thing a man can wear."

Jarvis's mentions were also flooded—no pun intended—with men who had received similar compliments and not realized at the time that they were being hit on. "One time a girl told me i should be a hand model and it took me two years to realize how hard I fumbled," wrote one hapless guy.

Now that the secret is out, do with this information what you will. But an invitation for a cup of coffee is probably a good place to start.

from Men's Journal

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