Monday 11 September 2023

Looking for a Healthy Breakfast? Try These High-Protein Mix Dal Appe!

Every morning, we face the eternal question: What's for breakfast? It's a meal that sets the tone for the day, and it better be good. When we think of a healthy, flavourful and satisfying breakfast, South Indian cuisine immediately springs to mind. With its array of delectable options like Dosa, Uttapam, Iuli, and Upma, South Indian food is not only light on the tummy but also nutritious. And among these gems, we've unearthed a hidden treasure: Mix Dal Appe.

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Mix Dal Appe: A High-Protein Breakfast Delight

Mix Dal Appe is a mouthwatering breakfast dish crafted from a blend of dals (pulses), rice, and a handful of essential ingredients. What makes this dish extra special is its natural fermentation process, which gives it a unique texture and taste. Unlike other quick fixes that rely on soda or fruit salt, Mix Dal Appe lets the magic happen naturally.

Our trusty YouTube chef, Cook with Parul, shares her recipe for this protein-packed breakfast on her channel.

Here's the lowdown on how to create the perfect Mix Dal Appe:

Right Measurements Matter

For the ideal Mix Dal Appe, precision is key. Gather your ingredients - one cup of chana dal, half a cup each of urad dal and moong dal, one cup of poha, and two cups of rice. Measuring these ingredients correctly ensures you end up with soft, fluffy appe that are pure perfection.

The Secret Ingredient: Fenugreek Seeds

To achieve that coveted soft and fluffy texture, don't forget to add a spoonful of fenugreek seeds to the mix. These little wonders work their magic during fermentation, so be sure to include them.

Soaking Time Matters

Once you've combined the pulses, rice, poha, and fenugreek seeds, wash them thoroughly with water (3 to 4 times) and then soak them for 4 to 5 hours. This allows everything to swell up properly. Grind the mixture into a slightly coarse batter, and you're well on your way.

The Power of Fermentation

After grinding the mixture, please give it a good whisk to incorporate air and allow for proper fermentation. Cover the vessel with a towel and let it ferment overnight, or if you're in a hurry, give it 6 to 7 hours. For those seeking instant gratification, a touch of fruit salt can speed things up.

Cooking Up High-Protein Mix Dal Appe

Once your batter has fermented, gently mix it, heat up an appe pan, and lightly grease it with oil. Pour the batter into the molds, cover them, and let them cook to golden perfection. Flip and cook the other side until they're irresistibly crispy.

Traditionally, appe are served with coconut chutney or sambar, but feel free to pair them with tomato ketchup or your favourite chutney if that tickles your taste buds.

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Mix Dal Appe is here to save the day! Give this recipe a whirl and let us know in the comments how it tickled your taste buds. Trust us; your mornings will never be the same again.

For the full tutorial, watch Cook with Parul's video on Mix Dal Appe here. Enjoy your delicious, protein-packed breakfast!

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