Wednesday 13 September 2023

Watch What Happens When This Busy City Sidewalk Collapses

Sidewalks in New York City in many ways are just as important as roads, providing a way for millions of pedestrians to get from point A to point B. Maintaining that infrastructure is crucial, but in many areas, some sidewalks are literally falling apart. 

Veteran YouTuber Casey Neistat showed his followers the concerning decay on one block that leads to a scary-looking abyss. Using his foot, he gently stepped down on a brittle-looking patch of sidewalk, causing pieces of concrete to fall into a hole underneath the sidewalk. When he stuck his camera into the ground, he revealed a network of pipes and chambers presumably leading to the buildings nearby. "NYC sidewalks can be a little scary," he captioned the clip. 

Commenters had fun with the deteriorating street-level infrastructure. "That’s a $4200/month 2 bed 0.5 bath [apartment] already furnished with easy access to utilities and subway," one wrote in response to the underground pipe room. U.S. men's national soccer team player Jimmy Conrad quipped "This is some Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shit." 

It's the latest instance of a New York City sidewalk crumbling and revealing a surprise underneath. In August, photos and videos began circulating of a gaping hole in the pavement that gave walkers in SoHo a clear view of the subway station beneath them. 

It could be worse: last month, three crocodiles emerged from a collapsed sidewalk in India. The reptilians' presence underground was likely as close to a real-life Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles moment as one can get—at least for now. 

from Men's Journal

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