Saturday 30 September 2023

How To Clean Water Bottles And Keep Them Bacteria-Free

In our kitchens, we diligently clean various items like cabinets, jars, and countertops. Yet, we often overlook an essential item—water bottles. These bottles, used in every household, can accumulate stubborn stains and, if left uncleaned for extended periods, become breeding grounds for harmful bacteria, potentially leading to various health issues. Occasionally, these bottles may even develop unpleasant odours. Simply rinsing them with water isn't enough; water bottles require special cleaning. Here, we offer some tips to help you keep your bottles clean and free from bacteria.

Also Read: Cook Smarter, Not Harder: 5 Time-Saving Kitchen Hacks You Need To Try

Utilize Vinegar

Vinegar, a versatile kitchen ingredient, isn't just for culinary use; it's also remarkably effective for cleaning bottles. If your water bottle has an unpleasant odour, mix vinegar with hot water and pour it into the bottle. Allow it to sit for 5 to 10 minutes, then shake the bottle and wash it as usual. Ensure thorough drying after washing.

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Harness Baking Powder

Baking powder can be your ally in bottle cleaning. Take 3 to 4 tablespoons of vinegar in a container, add lukewarm water, and create a paste by incorporating 1 tablespoon of baking powder. Place this paste inside the bottle and let it sit for some time. Afterwards, scrub both the interior and exterior of the bottle to remove all stains effectively.

Employ Detergent Liquid

Detergent, a cleaning agent familiar to us, can also be used to clean bottles. Prepare a solution by mixing detergent with water. Pour this solution into the bottle and give it a good shake to ensure thorough cleaning from the inside. Don't forget to clean the bottle's exterior with this soapy liquid. Rinse the bottle meticulously with water.

Embrace the Power of Lemon

For heavily soiled drinking bottles, consider using lemon. Fill your bottle with lemon juice and lukewarm water, leaving it to soak for some time. Subsequently, sprinkle a bit of white salt onto the lemon peel and use it to scrub the bottle's mouth. These techniques can effectively eliminate germs thriving in your bottle.

Turn to Dish Soap

Ordinary dish soap can also be employed to clean your bottles. Apply some dish soap to a scrubbing pad and use it to clean the bottle's exterior. Alternatively, mix a small amount of soap with water, pour it into the bottle, and shake it for thorough interior cleaning. These handy tips allow you to keep your bottles clean on a daily basis.

Also Read:Tamarind Benefits: 5 Interesting Ways To Add Imli To Your Diet (With Recipes)

A Crucial Note: When cleaning plastic bottles, avoid using very hot water; instead, opt for lukewarm water. Additionally, it's advisable to replace water bottles every 5 to 6 months for hygiene reasons. Give these tips a try and let us know which one proved most effective for you.

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Vietnamese Coffee And Longevity: A Toast To Health On International Coffee Day

Vietnamese coffee, renowned for its unique aroma and distinctive flavour, has earned itself a special place among coffee aficionados. Exploring the nexus between Vietnamese coffee and longevity, one uncovers a harmonious blend of tradition, taste, and potential health benefits. Coffee, indeed, has assumed a significant role in the lives of many, and the world is captivated by the diverse coffee traditions and flavours found in different countries. Vietnamese coffee, with its captivating history and unique attributes, offers a particularly intriguing experience. Notably, it distinguishes itself using Robusta beans, known for their higher caffeine content and a more bitter profile compared to the milder Arabica beans. The signature pairing of Robusta coffee with condensed milk is emblematic of Vietnamese coffee culture.
Also Read: Here's How To Brew The Perfect Cup And Choose Best Coffee Type At Cafes

The introduction of coffee to Vietnam, courtesy of a French priest, and the subsequent substitution of milk with condensed milk in the coffee-making process played pivotal roles in shaping Vietnamese food culture. It is fascinating how this simple ingredient swap led to the emergence of a distinct Vietnamese coffee style. Vietnam's status as the largest producer of Robusta coffee and the world's second-largest coffee producer underscores the profound influence of coffee on the country's economy. The central highlands of Vietnam, particularly the Dalat region, are the primary coffee cultivation zones where robusta beans thrive, tailored to suit the Vietnamese coffee style. The delightful flavour notes like mocha and vanilla are likely infused into the beans during the roasting process, adding to the complexity of Vietnamese coffee's taste profile.
Also Read: Coffee Isn't Just A Pick-Me-Up: Learn About Its Amazing Health Benefits

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Also Read: Savour Coffee At The New Work-Friendly Cafe: Before British Raj Coffee

For travellers, stumbling upon unique coffee destinations is always a thrill. Moreover, Vietnamese coffee boasts an array of potential health benefits, making it not just a treat for the palate but also a contributor to overall well-being. Packed with antioxidants, Vietnamese coffee aids in shielding cells from oxidative damage, potentially lowering the risk of age-related ailments. Its caffeine content can enhance mental alertness and concentration, ultimately leading to improved cognitive function.

Also Read: Spiced Coffee Recipe

Additionally, savouring Vietnamese coffee in a social setting can have positive impacts on mental and emotional health, fostering social connections and a sense of community. While these health perks hold promise, it's essential to savour Vietnamese coffee in moderation, considering individual sensitivities and health conditions, to fully reap its potential advantages.

Vietnamese coffee stands as a testament to the harmonious blend of tradition
and innovation. It has not only become an integral part of Vietnam's cultural and economic
identity but also offers a dynamic and evolving coffee culture that caters to diverse tastes. With
recent discoveries of potential health benefits, it is not just a flavorful indulgence but also a
contributor to overall well-being. As Vietnamese coffee continues to enchant coffee lovers
worldwide, it exemplifies how a simple beverage can transcend its roots, becoming a symbol of
culture, a source of connection, and a delightful journey through taste and tradition.

Also Read: 13 Best Coffee-Based Recipes | Easy Coffee Recipes

About the author: Vaibhav Bhargava is a chef at CHÔ - Vietnamese Kitchen & Bar.

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Friday 29 September 2023

Huge Archaeological Discovery Made Within Egyptian Pyramid

Scientists have unearthed previously unknown rooms in the pyramid of Sahure in Giza, Egypt.

The dig was led by Mohamed Khaled, an Egyptologist at Julius-Maximilians-Universität of Würzburg (JMU) in Germany. His team unearthed a number of chambers (or “magazines”) which likely stored “funerary furniture.” They promise to give new insight to the pyramid itself, as well as to the pharaoh Sahure himself, who ruled around 2500 B.C., during the Fifth Dynasty.

According to his report on the findings, Khaled’s mission was to safeguard the pyramid’s integrity. In 2019, he and his team set about stabilizing the structure from within, going from room to room. During this process, they came upon the chambers which had been inaccessible to previous explorers. 

Of course, that was a great moment,” Khaled told Men’s Journal. “We were jumping from happiness [because] we have achieved something that no one [had] done before.” His team and the construction workers had an impromptu party to celebrate.

During a similar mission in 1836, John Perring had seen indications of passageways which he suspected led to storage rooms, but they were inaccessible due to debris and general decay. Khaled and his researchers used 3D laser scanning to intricately map the inside and outside of the pyramid, giving them a slight edge. Thanks to their efforts, John Perring’s hypothesis has finally been proven true. “We were able to do this thanks to our technology and the good team,” Khaled said.

Describing their discovery, the Egyptologist told us: “The rooms are magazines for the funerary furniture of King Sahure. Unfortunately, we did not find anything inside, but one can imagine that King Sahura had more treasures than King Tutankhamun. The state under Sahura's reign had a very strong economic situation.”

Khaled says the rooms were used as storage for "funerary furniture."

Mohamed Khaled / Julius-Maximilians-Universität of Würzburg

Eight chambers have been excavated so far. Most of them have suffered severe deterioration over the years, but parts of the original walls and some of the floor can still be seen. In order to ensure the pyramid didn’t collapse at some point Khaled and his team replaced the damaged walls with new retaining walls.

Once the restoration is complete, Khaled and his team hope to open it up to visitors, so that everyone can explore King Sahure’s secret rooms.

Mohamed Khaled examines the passageways within the pyramid.

Mohamed Khaled / Julius-Maximilians-Universität of Würzburg

from Men's Journal

Ex-Nickelodeon Star Explains Why She's Joined 'Playboy' Platform

Former child star Madisyn Shipman is perhaps best known for playing Kenzie Bell in the Nickelodeon series Game Shakers. The comedy, which aired for three seasons from 2015 to 2019, was about two seventh graders who start a multimillion-dollar gaming company. 

But these days Shipman is shedding her clean teen image in favor for her own money-making scheme. The 20-year-old has joined the Playboy digital creator platform, similar to the OnlyFans business model, where she's earned herself financial freedom and has been able to self-fund her music career.

The publisher launched the platform, initially called Centerfold, in 2021, after shuttering the print magazine in 2020. Prior to that, Playboy had experimented with going nudity-free in 2015, but brought back the risqué content just two years later in 2017. The company now says it has already paid out millions of dollars to creators who are encouraged to "express themselves, their creativity and their sexualities unapologetically."

The digital hub allows fans to connect with creators for exclusive access to photos, video calls and other messaging features. But as Shipman explains, nudity is fully optional.

"I always said, especially to my fans, that I was never going to join a paid creator platform because I didn’t want to show my body," she told Fox News in an exclusive interview. "That was the biggest thing. That’s not how my goals align. So I made this clear to Playboy, and they said, ‘You don’t have to do that.’ That’s the great thing about Playboy. If you want to show everything, you’re more than welcome to, but you don’t have to."

"My fans love it," she continued. "And it just goes to show you that you don’t have to show your body to make money and to make this a lucrative thing for you. I’m now able to fully self-fund my music career, which is wonderful. I have my own house. I’m fully taken care of. I’ve got so much financial freedom and I truly wouldn’t be in this position if it wasn’t for Playboy."

Shipman says it's been an "honor" to be a part of Playboy, and that she recently was given the opportunity to spend four days in the Bahamas for a photo shoot with some of the platform's other models. As far as why she decided to work with the brand, Shipman says it allowed her to break out of her Nickelodeon image.

"I have always felt a sense of repression in terms of my sexuality and showing my body," she explained. "And I think a lot of that is because I grew up on a Nickelodeon show. You’re taught that you can’t wear crop tops… you can’t show too much skin. You’ve got to be presented as a little girl constantly. And whenever that ends… I had a little bit of an identity crisis because I didn’t know who I was."

"Now, I’m reclaiming my power. I’m reclaiming my sexuality," she added. "I’m doing what makes me happy. And I have no issues posing in a bikini or a lingerie set. It’s just me. I think it’s so empowering to be able to pose like that and feel great in my skin. I love my body, so being able to do this in such a respected area and get so much love and support from it is so rewarding."

But Shipman says that while most of her fans are just seeking a connection with her, having grown up watching her on TV, that she has "definitely some odd requests."

"I mean, no shame to anyone involved, but I was never exposed to the fetish world, so that was a shock to my system," she said. "There’s been some weird requests in terms of fetishes and that kind of thing. And I don’t entertain the ones that I’m not comfortable with just because there’s no sense in me stepping out of who I am as a person… And I’m very open and honest about that. I’m like, ‘Look, I totally respect you, but that’s just not who I am. I’m not comfortable with that, but maybe we can work something else out.'"

"Most of my requests are pretty tame," she added. "Many folks just want to hear about my day… Many of them just want to have a conversation.

from Men's Journal

15 Best Skincare Sets for Men in 2023

Men’s Journal aims to feature only the best products and services. We update when possible, but deals expire and prices can change. If you buy something via one of our links, we may earn a commission. Questions? Reach us at

15 Best Skincare Sets for Men in 2023

Buying your skincare products pre-bundled is a great idea—it means getting all the products you need at once, which often work particularly well in tandem and may even cost less when purchased in bulk. In the market for a skincare set designed specifically with men in mind? We’ve got you.

What Should Be in a Skincare Set?

This is fairly individual. One man might be looking for a skincare set with all the products he needs to get started with a healthier grooming routine, while another may be hoping to target signs of aging or find just one or two products to add to his bathroom shelf. Some brands offer quizzes to help you figure out which products will help you meet your goals, and other times you’re completely on your own.

In general, look for skincare sets with products you’re going to use. What’s the point of getting a skincare set with a dozen different items in it if you know most of them will gather dust in your bathroom cabinet? If you’re new to skincare and want to test the waters, look for a kit that contains trial-size products so you can sample your way through a line without fully committing.

You also want to make sure that the products in the skincare set you buy are optimized for your skin's health. A teen won’t need anti-aging products, for example, and someone with dry skin won’t need a kit designed to sop up excess grease.

As for what shouldn’t be in a skincare set? Toxic or harsh ingredients that may cause a reaction. Some of the main culprits are parabens, sulfates, phthalates, and parabens. It’s worth noting that some skincare brands test their products on animals, which is considered animal cruelty. If that’s something that concerns you (and honestly, it should), opt for products that are labeled cruelty-free!

How to Choose the Right Skincare Set

Here are some things to keep in mind in order to settle on the perfect skincare set for you:

  • Your Skin Type. Optimal skin health starts with knowing your skin type, and this particular piece of knowledge should inform your choice when it comes to picking out the right skincare set. Not all products are safe or effective for all skin types, so don’t buy a set without figuring if it’s a good fit for your skin first. If you often feel or look greasy, you may have oily skin. If you notice frequent dry flakes, you probably have dry skin. Skin that generally seems balanced is labeled “normal,” while skin with both dry and oily patches is called “combination.” It’s worth noting if your skin gets irritated easily, as it may be sensitive.
  • Your Goals. Next, ask yourself what you’re trying to get out of your skincare routine. If you’re just looking into a skincare set out of a sense of obligation toward your complexion, a basic kit with everyday products is probably a good idea. Men looking for products to target their dark spots may want to identify brightening skincare sets, and those with frequent breakouts probably need an acne-busting bundle.
  • Your Budget. You can find skincare solutions at all different price ranges. Go into the hunt with a basic budget in mind so you know which brands are right up your alley and which you might have to save for and splurge on in the future.
  • Your Routine. We love the enthusiasm, but if you can barely summon the energy now to scrub body wash in between your toes, do you really think you’ll make the time for a fully fledged skincare routine? Be realistic about what you’re willing to take on. It’s also important to take stock of the products you already use on a daily basis. Are there any that aren’t serving you? Or ones that you feel loyal to and won’t need a duplicate of?
  • Your Scent Preferences. Some skincare products are unscented, while others contain perfume or natural fragrance. Figure out which kind you’d prefer before you buy a whole set!

What Products Make Up a Skincare Routine?

Each man has different skincare needs, but here are some staple products to look for:

  • Face Wash. This right here is the bread and butter of any man’s skincare routine! A face wash is a product you’ll use twice a day every day for a vigorous clean. It works to rid your pores of buildup, dirt, oils, and other impurities that collect there, then often replenishes skin’s moisture and provides added benefits. If you don’t have a face wash already or aren’t happy with the one you use, look for a skincare set that contains a cleanser.
  • Exfoliator. For a little extra help with cleansing (plus getting rid of flakes), there are exfoliators. These face washes can come in scrub form or use chemical exfoliants to help rid the skin’s surface of anything that doesn’t belong. You’ll want to swap this in place of your face wash a couple times a week.
  • Toner. Toner gets rubbed across your skin after cleansing in order to remove the last bits of dirt. It’s especially helpful for men with acne-prone skin, and may even reduce the size of pores.
  • Serum. Serums provide highly concentrated ingredients directly to skin, targeting issues with a more direct and in-depth approach. There are all kinds of serums out there, so you can choose one that makes the most sense for you. Maybe you want a little extra brightening help, additional moisture, or even wrinkle-busting power.
  • Moisturizer. If you were to pare your skincare routine down to just two products, those should be face wash and moisturizer. Your skin’s moisture barrier is absolutely essential for skin health and skin appearance, and moisturizer is there to reinforce it. Even men with oily skin will benefit from a moisturizer—this is a key part of any skincare set!
  • Sun Protection. Not all skincare products offer sun protection, but if you find a set with sunscreen or a moisturizer that contains SPF, go for it! This is especially true if you spend a lot of time outdoors or burn easily. Protecting your skin from the sun also helps delay aging and reduce skin damage, so take this part of your routine seriously.

1. Supply The Skincare Set

Get It.

Supply has got it just right with this best skincare set for men. After all, most men want to keep their skincare routines simple, and this set dials it into the two most important products out there: face wash and moisturizer. That’s because the brand is all about uncomplicated skincare, creating products that are fuss-free but full to the brim with important, helpful ingredients.

In this case, the face wash is built around soothing ingredients like aloe and green tea, with plentiful hydration in the form of sodium hyaluronate and natural extracts. Coconut-derived surfactants get rid of any accumulated dirt, and there are no parabens, sulfates, phthalates, or petroleum jellies to be found. The moisturizer nurtures skin to its fullest expression of health and radiance with aloe, glycerin, squalane, and plant extracts like lentil, guarana, and watermelon for antioxidants and other natural benefits. It truly doesn’t get better than this.

2. Perricone MD Brighter Together Set

Get It.

Men seeking help with hyperpigmentation or those who want to brighten up their complexion should opt for this set from Perricone MD. It contains a serum and a moisturizer, both of which are designed to aid in sun protection and fade discoloration. The brightening complex turns to high concentrations of vitamin C for this effect, plus vitamin E and ferulic acid for smoothness. Meanwhile, the moisturizer provides an extra dose of vitamin C plus SPF to fend off future sun damage.

3. Aesop Balance Classic Skin Care Kit

Get It.

Aesop’s Classic Skin Care Kit is a great way to sample the brand’s best products and come away with a full, if somewhat oversimplified, skincare routine. It all starts with the brand’s In Two Minds cleanser, loaded with witch hazel, sage leaf, and salicylic acid for clean and tight pores. Next comes the toner, using witch hazel again (plus chamomile bud and vitamin B) for soothed and moisturized skin. At long last, the brand’s moisturizer from the same line seals in H2O with jojoba esters and natural oils.

4. Sunday Riley All About Acne

Get It.

Next we have one of the best skincare sets for men battling it out with acne. When used in combination, these products leave pimples no chance, attacking them tirelessly at the source. The first step is a Ceramic Slip Cleanser, loaded up with kaolin clay to draw impurities out from clogged pores while natural oils balance sebum production.

Next, Sunday Riley offers a facial oil that contains salicylic acid (a favorite acne-buster) along with clarifying tea tree and black cumin oil for inflammation reduction. Once you’ve applied the face oil to your skin, it’s time for the brand’s lactic acid treatment. It uses prickly pear extract to regenerate skin without blocking pores, orchid extract for conditioning purposes (oily skin needs moisture, too!), and blue agave (the same ingredient that tequila is made of) for acne treatment.

In the mornings, follow these products with your moisturizer of choice, preferable one that contains SPF. At night, use the cleanser again to get rid of the day’s residue, then follow it with the kit’s retinoid serum, which combats acne with retinol, CoQ10, and algae. If there are any problem blemishes, hit them with the Saturn Sulfur Spot Treatment. It fades spots fast with sulfur, tea tree, and bentonite.

5. Dr. Jart + Cicapair Redness Rescue

Get It.

Dr. Jart + has put together this Redness Rescue Kit for men with irritated skin. With just three products—a calming serum, desensitizing cream, and instant color corrector—you can reduce redness both immediately and over time. Ingredients like holly leaf, sugarcane extract, and turmeric do the trick, soothing skin, reducing sensitivity, and adding hydration.

6. Every Man Jack Skin Revive Bundle

Get It.

Every Man Jack has you covered with this Revive Bundle, designed for tired and dry skin. It provides a pick-me-up thanks to products like a hydrating face wash, gentle face scrub, invigorating coffee-infused lotion, SPF moisturizer, and an eye cream to wake up the skin around your eyes. All of the products in this bundle are fragrance-free, so suitable for men with sensitive skin.

7. Huron SPF Face Kit

Get It.

Huron’s SPF Face Kit would make a great gift for a guy about to head on a beach vacation or start a new job that involves hours under the sun. That’s because it’s built of products that protect skin from sun damage, keeping it youthful and healthy in the face of harmful UV rays. With this purchase you get two face washes, a moisturizer, SPF moisturizer, and eye stick.

8. Brickell Men’s Daily Advanced Face Care Routine

Get It.

Those with normal to oily skin will find this one of the best skincare sets for men. It contains a clarifying gel face wash that is loaded up with aloe vera, coconut cleansers, and geranium for antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power. The accompanying scrub uses jojoba, green tea, and avocado butter to get the job done, and the moisturizer wakes skin up with a combination of green tea, white tea, and rooibos, which provides the additional benefit of wrinkle reduction!

9. Jack Henry Face Kit

Get It.

Jack Henry’s Face Kit has it all, and by “it all” we mean a cleanser, toner, nighttime moisturizer, face oil, and face cream. These products are high end but have simple ingredient lists. For example, the cleanser consists of just seven ingredients, including moisturizing coconut oil, calming aloe vera, and mineral-rich sea kelp.

The PM moisturizer delivers tea tree, avocado oil, and coconut oil to skin overnight, helping it regenerate so you can wake up with a fresher complexion. The face oil delivers serious antioxidants and nutrients to skin with superfood oils like açaí and baobab. Then the face cream instantly transforms skin’s texture, soaking skin in moisture thanks to moringa oil, using tamanu and maize to encourage collagen production (keeping skin taut and plump for longer), nourishing with vanilla oil, and improving elasticity with prickly pear.

10. Hunter Daily Ritual Kit

There’s something to be said for making your skincare a ritual rather than a chore, which is just what Hunter has done with this kit. It contains a body wash, cleansing stick, and moisturizer, all laden with natural goodness that will make you feel special.

The multi-purpose body wash (it also works like hand soap in a pinch) contains bladderwrack to flush away toxins, wakame to reduce pollutants and defy aging, hydrolyzed wheat protein for its superior moisturizing capability, and violet leaf for its cooling and calming properties. For your face, there’s the Charcoal Cleansing Stick, a cleanser that comes in stick form (just rub it on your face and add water) that contains detoxifying magic. The Daily Face Fuel, step two on your face, contains avocado, macadamia, and passionfruit oils for plenty of nurturing fatty acids.

11. Bevel Skin Essentials Bundle

Get It.

Bevel is a brand designed specifically for men of color, and all the brand’s best-selling face products make an appearance in this bundle. Like the face wash that has come to rescue you from dull skin with coconut fruit juice, witch hazel, and stimulating wu zhu yu extract. To make the most of this kit, apply the toner next.

Toner is there to restore balance to your skin’s pH levels and improve your skin’s tone, and this one happens to exfoliate, too. It’s designed to be used pre-shave, using a high concentration of glycolic acid to get rid of dead skin and cut back on ingrown hairs. Then it uses aloe vera to soothe and vitamin B3 to shrink pores. The moisturizing face gel is step three, using vitamin C for free radical protection, apple extract to keep skin youthful, and honey to prevent breakouts.

12. Horace The Complete Face Kit

Get It.

Horace is trying to make it easy with this kit, and they’ll mveet you half way! Once you add the cleanser, moisturizer, face scrub, eye cream, and mask to your collection, the rest is up to you. Use the brand’s cleanser morning and night, purifying pores and balancing sebum production with ingredients like activated charcoal, aloe vera, and irritation-fighting allantoin.

A couple times a week, use the face scrub instead of the cleanser, exfoliating with argan seeds and adding murumuru butter and vitamin E to the mix. When your pores are clear and your skin is ready to absorb, hit it with the brand’s Mattifying Face Moisturizer, which seals in moisture thanks to shea butter, jojoba esters, and plum seed oil.

One time each week, reserve fifteen minutes in your calendar for Horace’s face mask. You’ll apply the formula to your skin and let it sit there for a bit, letting your face absorb the antioxidant benefits of blue everlasting flower, the moisture from shea butter and sunflower oil, and the complex of active ingredients designed to give you a healthy glow. When your eyes look tired, bring out the kit’s eye cream, done up with hyaluronic acid and caffeine to tighten and plump when you need it.

13. The INKEY Intro Routine

Get It.

Great for men who are new to skincare and those new to INKEY alike, the Intro Routine is definitely one of the best skincare sets for men of the year. Step one is the brand’s oat cleansing balm, a cleanser that melts into skin with deeply cleansing oat kernel oil, soothing colloidal oatmeal, and moisturizing sweet almond oil.

Follow that up with the brand’s hyaluronic serum, providing moisture and plumping in spades thanks to a high concentration of the ingredient, plus extra emollients to boot. Use the eye cream to wake up tired eyes with caffeine for increased circulation, a special ingredient to speed up collagen production, and albizia julibrissin bark extract for cellular regeneration. The Omega Water Cream hydrates without clogging pores, and the sunscreen keeps skin free from UV damage.

14. Tiége Hanley Men’s Premium Skin Care Gift Set


Get It.

We love how this best skincare set for men includes a body wash bar—the skin all over your body is just as important as that on your face! This particular body wash takes bar soap to a whole new level with the addition of ingredients like jojoba oil, aloe vera, and vitamin E for healthy, moisturized skin.

The brand’s face wash is an excellent product for daily use, which uses coconut oil, cucumber extract, and willow bark to balance the skin’s pH level, soften, and quench skin’s thirst. The AM moisturizer comes recommended by the Skin Cancer Foundation thanks to the inclusion of SPF 20. It also reinforces your skin’s natural barrier and prevents signs of aging with glycerin, rosemary, and lavender. Since it’s also important to protect your lips from sun damage and keep them silky smooth, this kit contains a lip balm as well. It provides lips with plenty of sun protection, plus keeps them soft with almond oil, jojoba, and tangerine oil.

15. Ilapothecary #DigitalDetox Pouch

It’s almost impossible to avoid screen time these days and your skin pays the price. That’s because blue light has been shown to block the function of melanocytes, leading to discoloration. It also can shrink skin cells and cause premature skin aging. If you or a guy you know spends a lot of time in front of a computer, consider this Digital Detox kit from Ilapothecary.

It contains a facial mist that offers your skin a quick reprieve from the harmful effects of blue light. Just one spray of rose flower water, vitamin B12, and other ingredients provides antioxidant protection and encourages natural healing. Try the day cream that protects with cocoa and shea butter, apricot kernel oil, and other natural ingredients for an even greater blue light shield. 

from Men's Journal

Thursday 28 September 2023

The Best Walking Shoes for Men, According to a Podiatrist

Walking is great for both physical and mental health, but the wrong pair of shoes can ruin a walk before you even step out of the front door. Membership to one’s local walking club isn’t required; from walking the dog to browsing the aisles at the grocery store, most people walk just about every day. And if you walk every day, you should own a comfortable pair of walking shoes or sneakers.

The trouble with finding shoes for walking is that it’s an impossibly broad category. All shoes can be walked in, but which shoes should be walked in? Because every foot is different, there’s no singular shoe that will work for everyone. To help figure out how to determine the best walking shoes for various concerns, we consulted Mark Mendeszoon, D.P.M., a multi-board certified podiatrist, surgeon, and physician spokesperson with the American Podiatric Medical Association.

How to Choose the Best Men's Walking Shoes

For starters, Dr. Mendeszoon recommends wearing running shoes for walking. “I just believe that they are better designed, come in different varieties, colors, and materials, and have better mechanical function than typical walking shoes.” Other options include hiking or trail shoes, which “are appropriate for those who will be outside and who are looking for lateral ankle stability and better traction.”

Dr. Mendeszoon also emphasized the importance of trying the shoes on and getting fitted by an expert. Our picks can be purchased online, but make sure to look for options that can be easily returned or exchanged from retailers like Amazon or Zappos, among others. Also, don’t hesitate to purchase two sizes to find the best between them. When trying on shoes, Dr. Mendeszoon notes that there should be a thumbnail length of room from your longest toe, and the shoes should be wide enough to wiggle your toes without pressure. Since feet swell throughout the day, he recommends trying shoes on in the mid-afternoon or evening when feet are their largest to find the optimal fit.

The way you walk also plays a role when picking the best walking shoe. A neutral shoe is designed for a normal step, but Dr. Mendeszoon notes that “people with flatter feet would benefit from shoes that provide more support, and there are stability and motion control shoes that would be the proper selection for people with these foot types.” Stability shoes, he noted, can also be a good option for pronation.

Even armed with this information, the sheer number of walking shoes available to purchase can be overwhelming, which is why we picked out the best walking shoes for men, based on personal experience, expert input, and customer feedback. 

Men’s Journal aims to feature only the best products and services. We update when possible, but deals expire and prices can change. If you buy something via one of our links, we may earn a commission.

The Best Walking Shoes for Men in 2023

Courtesy of Amazon

Brooks has been in business for over 100 years and it’s known for its cult following among runners. Renowned for comfort and durability, the Brooks brand comes recommended by Dr. Mendeszoon, who cited the brand’s Addiction style as a top option. The shoes are available in both running and walking versions, but the running version is supportive for either activity with soft cushioning designed to adapt to your feet. Thanks to the supportive shape, they’re also a good option for those who pronate.

Size Range: 7 Narrow-16 X-Wide

Colorways: 3

Pros Cons

Good support for pronation 

Limited color options

Available in walking and running styles 

Massive size range

[From $116;]

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If you’re just looking for shoes to wear to walk the dog or run errands, it’s understandable not to want to splurge on a pair of high-end shoes. However, the Asics GT-1000 offers running performance at a modest price. The shoes are designed for neutral or overpronated feet. Plus, they come in a wide range of colors to suit different tastes. Reviewers found these shoes to be a great value and well suited to a variety of settings.

Size Range: 7-15 X-Wide

Colorways: 20

Pros Cons

Affordable price

Some customers say that they run small

Breathable and comfortable for walking, running, or jogging

[From $58;]

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Courtesy of Nike

Nike is known for combining style with performance, and the brand’s Pegasus shoes are a good option for anyone looking for running shoes that don’t look too runner-y. There is a wide range of eye-catching and muted colors to choose from, including shades of white, tan, and gray, as well as more eye-catching colorways like “Hyper Pink” and “Volt.” The shoes have neutral support, medium cushioning, and high responsiveness, making them a good all-around shoe for different kinds of foot shapes.

Size Range: 6-18

Colorways: 14 total, customizable via Nike ID

Pros Cons

Stylish look

Nike sneakers are notorious for running narrow

Range of color options 

Good everyday shoes

[$91 (was $130);]

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Courtesy of Cariuma

Cariuma's Salvas walking sneaker masterfully harmonizes sustainability with classic aesthetics. These vegan kicks feature top-rated leather from a Leather Working Group Gold-rated tannery, natural rubber soles, and 13 different colorways to choose from. A cork and memory foam insole amps up the comfort when walking.

Size Range: 5-13

Colorways: 5

Pros Cons

Comfortable insole

Large logos might be unappealing to some

Eco-friendly design elements


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Courtesy of Allbirds

Allbirds shoes get rave reviews for their superior comfort and machine washability, but this pair is a real gem because of its convenience. The slip-on Tree Dasher Relay is featherlight and flexible enough to pack in a suitcase, and the lace-free design makes it easy to take off at airport security checkpoints. It's also constructed sustainably: The one-piece upper is crafted from leftover yarns and FSC-certified eucalyptus tree fiber, while the cloud-like midsole is made from carbon-negative EVA cushioning foam.

Size Range: 8-14

Colorways: 6

Pros Cons

Comfortable, easy to get on and off

Lack in laces may result in loose fit for some

Machine washable


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Kizik has ushered in a whole new era of walking shoes thanks to the brand’s proprietary hands-free technology. It differs from a regular slip-on shoe because it is, in fact, a lace-up sneaker that is put on simply by stepping into it, and with very minimal effort. That makes it the perfect walking shoe for anyone with physical limitations who might otherwise struggle to get (and keep) their shoes on. There’s ample space in the toe box and virtually no restriction in the width thanks to a mesh upper. Despite what the product page says, order your regular size for the best fit. Keep an eye on this brand moving forward as the next one to become a household name.

Size Range: 4.5-15 Wide

Colorways: 5 (with more at

Pros Cons

All-day comfort and breathability

Not the sharpest-looking

Easy to put on

Stability mid-stride

[From $125;]

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Courtesy of Zappos

It’s always a good idea to plan for inclement weather, but when the forecast turns rainy, you’ll be glad you packed a pair of waterproof walking shoes. Skip the rain boots and opt for a pair that’s versatile enough for nearly any activity: light hiking, city walking tours, you name it. On engineered the Cloud 5 Waterproof for a cushioned, stable ride, and it comes with a no-knot lacing system, so you can wear it like a slip-on (traditional laces are also included).

Size Range: 7-12.5

Colorways: 6

Pros Cons

Water-resistant upper blocks rain and splashes

Not as breathable as other options

Easy to get on and off


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Courtesy of REI

Runners and walkers who pronate (roll their foot inward when they step) can benefit from a stability shoe. The Adrenaline is a great stability walking shoe from the expert-recommended running brand Brooks and is made with moderate cushioning for comfort and support. There are a variety of colors to choose from, though stock is limited in some colors. The Adrenaline line is moderately supportive, while the Addiction line is more cushioned, with “pronation support but with some added stability,” according to Brooks.

Size Range: 7-15 Wide

Colorways: 7

Pros Cons

Good stability option

Limited availability of some colors

Top-rated running shoe brand

[From $110;]

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Courtesy of Amazon

As one of the biggest sportswear brands in the world, Adidas has a dizzying number of offerings in the running category, let alone walking. The Ultraboost is one of the brand’s most popular styles and is famous for its cushioned outsole that’s designed to provide good energy return. As a walking shoe, it’s stylish, lightweight and breathable. The shoe uses Continental rubber for its outsole, providing traction and durability. And since even the most durable walking shoes must be thrown out after a while, Adidas has tried to reduce their environmental impact by constructing the shoes from recycled polyester, including plastic from the ocean.

Size Range: 4-18

Colorways: 57

Pros Cons

Street-ready look

Can be pricey

Plenty of cushioning

Durable Continental rubber sole

[From $100;]

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Courtesy of Hoka

Whether you’re going on a trip or just running around town, this fashion-forward twist on Hoka’s popular Clifton is the trainer to beat. The Clifton L Suede retains the brand’s cherished ultra-plush cushioning and thick footbed while reinventing its appearance with an all-suede upper. Opt for one of the monochromatic colorways to make a style statement in this trendy walking shoe.

Size Range: 4.5-14

Colorways: 3

Pros Cons

Plush cushioning

Suede isn't ideal for wet weather

Stylish suede upper


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Courtesy of Amazon

Originally designed as a performance running shoe, New Balance’s 990 V5 has since been eclipsed by modern styles among runners. But it’s still a great, comfortable shoe for walking. Plus, New Balance’s 990 V5 sneakers have become a surprisingly fashionable shoe thanks to the trend of retro aesthetics. The mesh upper makes these shoes breathable while the comfortable midsole is ideal for a day spent on the go. There are a few colors to choose from, but gray is the most sought-after.

Size Range: 7 Narrow-16 XX-Wide

Colorways: 4

Pros Cons

Stylish retro look


Breathable mesh 

Made in the US

[From $150;]

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Courtesy of Amazon

Reebok’s Floatride Adventure walking shoes are what to throw on to glide from the airport check-in counter to the gate — a potential odyssey if you’re departing from a colossal airport like Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson. Though these sneakers are built for speed, the rugged outsoles are inspired by gravel bikes, so they offer plenty of durability for long days on your feet.

Size Range: 7-12

Colorways: 5

Pros Cons

Outsole is suitable for varied terrain

Mostly bright colors


[From $85;]

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Sandals aren’t suitable for every adventure, but fortunately, Birkenstock's legendary shock-absorbing cork footbed can also be found in a minimalist leather lace-up men's waling shoe. The shoe's flexible, lightweight design accommodates the natural movement of your foot, while the footbed provides excellent arch support and helps improve posture and alignment.

Size Range: 3/3.5-13/13.5

Colorways: 7

Pros Cons

Comfy, supportive footbed

Cork detailing in heel may wear quickly

Sleek leather upper design

[From $142;]

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Hey Dude’s Welsh is a more performance-oriented take on the iconic boat shoe silhouette. At just 4.2 ounces, it’s exceptionally lightweight thanks to the mesh fabric upper that also promotes good airflow and keeps your feet cool and dry. Even if dampness or perspiration occurs, the insole is machine washable, so you can keep these shoes smelling fresh. On the bottom, a full-length studded outsole serves up a dependable grip on docks, city sidewalks, and beyond.

Size Range: 7-14

Colorways: 8

Pros Cons


No support features

[From $65;]

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All the elements that make the New Balance Fresh Foam X an outstanding walking shoe also make it a superb travel sneaker — plus it has an attractive, streamlined aesthetic. A bootie design keeps the shoe snug around your foot and the breathable knit upper bends and stretches where you need it most. The underfoot cushioning, already a superb feature in the previous version of this shoe, was further refined using intricate pressure mapping data. It ensures a comfy ride whether you're heading out for your morning jog or exploring a new city on foot.

Size Range: 7-16

Colorways: 30

Pros Cons

Many colorways to choose from

Not great for cold weather

Thick, well-cushioned midsole

[From $90;]

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Courtesy of REI

Saucony is a running-focused brand, but its sneakers make good options for everyday walking shoes for men. The Ride 16 shoes have neutral support with moderate cushioning, which means they’re plush but not overly pillowy. The rubber outsole and foam midsole provide a cushioned yet responsive step. Plus, there is a wide range of colors to choose from, and the shoes come in full and half sizes.

Size Range: 8-15 Wide

Colorways: 9

Pros Cons

Neutral and moderate cushioning to suit different feet

Bright colors might not be for everyone

Variety of colors


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Courtesy of Amazon

Hoka’s sneakers have an aggressively cushioned sole but a low drop of 4mm, making them one of a few sneakers with high cushioning but a low drop. The brand has become a surprisingly trendy option, even among non-runners, but can keep up with the most sought-after styles. The brand’s Bondi sneakers are thicker and more cushioned than Hoka’s Clifton sneakers, which are lighter in weight and more affordable. Designed for running, these sneakers double as good walking shoes if you find yourself on particularly hard floors or if you prefer extra cushioning.

Size Range: 6 Wide-16.5

Colorways: 23

Pros Cons

Plenty of cushioning


Trendy brand

Bold look might not be for everyone

[From $150;]

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Courtesy of Naot

The Apollo Galaxy sneakers from Israeli shoemaker Naot exemplify indulgence for your feet. This slip-on walking shoe for men and women features a removable cork and latex footbed that cradles your foot for maximum comfort, and the sole is designed to flex easily with the natural movement of your stride. It also earned the Seal of Acceptance from the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA), which means it has been independently vetted and found to promote good foot health.

Size Range: 40 (7)-47 (14)

Colorways: 2

Pros Cons

APMA-certified design

Limited Color Options



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Courtesy of Zappos

Veja’s outdoor-inspired Dekkan is where high-performance footwear meets eco-minded innovation. The sturdy upper is crafted from breathable Alveomesh, a tech fabric spun entirely from repurposed plastic bottles; sugar cane and recycled polyester are used in the insole and midsole. The brand also collaborated with Vibram on a unique outsole formulation that uses Amazonian rubber and rice waste. In other words, you’ll walk farther with a smaller footprint.

Size Range: 5-11.5

Colorways: 5

Pros Cons

Made with sustainable materials

Less cushioning


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from Men's Journal