Friday 1 March 2024

Josh Brolin Drags 'S--tty F--king Movie' He Once Starred In

Josh Brolin has starred in plenty of films throughout his career, from The Goonies and No Country for Old Men to Avengers: Endgame and the newly released Dune: Part Two. When reflecting on his career in a new interview with GQ, however, there's one movie that Brolin would rather forget. 

"I won't ever stop s--tting on Jonah Hex," he stated plainly, "because it was a s--tty f--king movie!" The movie was panned by many upon its release in 2010, and Brolin has made his thoughts about the DC Comics-based Western abundantly clear in the years since then. 

"Oh, Jonah Hex, hated it. Hated it. The experience of making it—that would have been a better movie based on what we did, as opposed to what ended up happening to it, which is going back and reshooting 66 pages in 12 days," he said back in 2016. 

Part of what made the filming experience so miserable for Brolin was his often-fraught relationship with the movie's director Jimmy Hayward. At the time, he claimed that Hayward was out of his depth and lacked the experience necessary to make the movie as great as it could be. But with the hindsight he has now, he's acknowledged in recent years that it wasn't entirely Hayward's fault. 

"It's funny because I've always spoken about it in a way that I think is disrespectful to the director. I don't think it was the director's fault. I think he did his best," Brolin told Yahoo in a Feb. 29 interview. "I think it was a piece of s--t film but for many different reasons, and I'm included in that too. But you know we can't win them all. It happens."

Brolin revealed to GQ that Hayward has recently been battling bone cancer and undergone multiple facial reconstruction surgeries. The director's health struggles taught Brolin that life is too short to hold on to past anger toward others, especially when you never truly know what someone is going through. 

"It reminded me [that] you can't just keep s--tting on somebody," he said. "I don't know what the f--k's going on in his life."

Dune: Part Two is in theaters now. 

from Men's Journal

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