Sunday 31 March 2024

5 Reasons Why Banana Pancakes Should Be Your Kids' Next Breakfast Meal

A beloved breakfast staple, pancakes are loved for their fluffy texture and versatility. You can whip them up normally or in any flavour and top them with the ingredients of your choice. However, a delightful combination of ingredients that is liked by kids and adults alike is banana pancakes. These pancakes boast natural sweetness and nutritional value, making them an excellent alternative to traditional pancakes. With simple ingredients like flour, eggs, milk, and mashed bananas, these pancakes are perfect if your kids are picky eaters. Still not convinced? Read on to know 5 reasons why banana pancakes should be your kids' next breakfast meal.

Also Read: Viral Recipe: Mini Banana Pancakes Are The Tiniest, Tastiest Breakfast Sensations

Banana pancakes are nutritious are tasty.

Banana pancakes are nutritious and tasty.
Photo Credit: iStock

Here are 5 reasons why banana pancakes should be your kids' next breakfast meal:

1. Nutrient-Rich Goodness

Bananas are a powerhouse of essential nutrients like potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and fibre. By making them into tasty pancakes, you won't just add natural sweetness to the dish but also boost its nutritional value.

2. Full Of Energy

Banana pancakes provide a perfect balance of carbohydrates from the flour and natural sugars from the bananas. This combination delivers a steady release of energy and keeps your kids feeling full and energized throughout the morning.

3. Kid-Friendly Flavors

Banana pancakes have a naturally sweet flavour that appeals to even the pickiest eaters. Unlike traditional pancakes, which may require additional sweeteners like maple syrup or honey, banana pancakes are naturally sweetened by the ripe bananas themselves.

Banana pancakes can be made easily.

Banana pancakes can be made easily.
Photo Credit: iStock

4. Easy To Make

Banana pancakes are easy to prepare, making them an ideal breakfast choice for busy mornings or lazy weekends. With simple ingredients - ripe bananas, flour, eggs, and milk - you can make a batch of fluffy pancakes in no time.

5. Versatility In Toppings

Banana pancakes are like a blank canvas for a variety of toppings, allowing your kids to customize their breakfast to their liking. You can provide them with options like sliced strawberries, honey, maple syrup, chocolate chips, or whipped cream!

Also Read: No Eggs, No Problem! Start Your Day With Eggless Banana Pancakes That Taste Delicious

Want an easy recipe for whipping banana pancakes in no time? Click here to know more.

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69 Sex Positions That Reinvent the Classic

The 69 sex position has been the subject of lore for what feels like centuries. It's hardly a new sex position. Two partners give and receive oral sex simultaneously, while positioned head-to-toe, resembling the number 69. 

In pop culture, it usually happens between a vulva- and penis-owner, but 69 doesn't discriminate based on body parts or sexuality. Absolutely anyone with any body can partner up.

Admittedly, 69 sex position gets mixed reviews. Giving and receiving oral sex at the same time isn’t the easiest thing in the world and not everyone loves it. And that's OK; not every sex position works for everyone. But 69 can still be fun and pleasurable, if both partners are up for the adventure of trying something new (like Amazon sex position).

The key to perfecting 69 sex position is finding a style that works for everyone involved so both partners find it physically comfortable, pleasurable, and exciting. Thankfully, there are plenty of variations, modifications, and add-ons to enhance the experience, from utilizing sex swings to cock rings to sex toys for men and sex toys for women.

Here are 10 variations on 69 sex position you should try. First, let's start with the OG.

What Is 69 Sex Position?

Traditional 69 sex position positions partners directly on top of one another for simultaneous stimulation.

Illustrations by Katie Buckleitner

Why It's Great

Since both partners are lined up head-to-toe, the bottom partner is able to give the top partner oral while simultaneously receiving. 

How to Do It

  1. Typically, the taller, larger of the two partners lies down on their back. 
  2. The top partner lies on top of the other, positioned head-to-toe, with their mouth lined up with their partner's genitals. They should bend their knees and brace their weight.

Standing 69 

Standing 69 takes a fair amount of acrobatic strength, but it's a thrilling head rush for the inverted partner.

Illustrations by Katie Buckleitner

Why It's Great

This 69 sex position is all about novelty and theatrics.

How to Do It

  1. In this deeply athletic position, the standing partner holds their partner upside-down, with the inverted partner’s hips directly in front of their face.
  2. Both partners wrap their arms around each other's torsos for support. 
  3. The inverted partner can rest their knees on the standing partner's shoulders for balance and support.

Pro Tip

Only do this position if the standing partner is strong enough to hold the inverted partner safely. This is a difficult 69 sex position to pull off, so consider standing against a wall to support the standing partner and place pillows on the ground for a soft, safe dismount.

Sideways 69

Sideways 69 is among the most comfortable 69 sex positions, letting both partners relax.

Illustrations by Katie Buckleitner

Why It's Great

This position is a more comfortable choice for anyone who doesn’t love the face-sitting aspect of the classic. It’s the ultimate lazy version of 69: You get all the thrill, without all the effort.

How to Do It

  1. Both partners lie on their sides, positioned head to feet, with their mouths aligned with each other's genitals. 
  2. Open your top legs like clamshells to give better access to the penis and/or clitoris. 

Pro Tip

Grabbing a pillow for both partner’s heads can be a huge game-changer for comfort. Additionally, both partners can gently rock their hips back and forth to get some extra stimulation.

Sex Swing 69

Take the classic sex position to new heights with a sex swing.

Illustrations by Katie Buckleitner

Why It's Great

If you’re the adventurous type, this one’s for you. 

How to Do It

  1. One partner lies on their back on the sex swing, with their head between the standing partner’s legs. 
  2. The standing partner bends forward at the waist to access their partner’s penis or vulva on the swing.

Pro Tip

Be sure you have high-quality gear for this move. You want a swing with a seat conducive to one partner lying flat. Adam and Eve Fetish Fantasy Spinning Swing and the brand's Extreme Swing are solid choices. If you want even more options, check out the best sex swings.

Mouth-Free 69 With Toys

Mouth-free 69 is an alternative to 69 sex position if you want foreplay without the oral sex.

Illustrations by Katie Buckleitner

Why It's Great

Clit vibrators and penis strokers are excellent sex toys to use during foreplay or the main event. You can always play with toys, then go to town on each other after with oral or penetrative sex.

How to Do It

  1. Assume a sideways 69 position setup. 
  2. Use your partner's favorite sex toy on them. 
  3. If it vibrates, start on the lowest settings first, then ramp things up. You can also play with edging.

Pro Tip

Choosing the right gear is crucial to maximize this position. We love We-Vibe Tango and Maude Vibe Personal Massager, as they offer pinpoint clitoral stimulation. You can also try a clit-sucking vibrator like Lelo Sona 2. It's amazing in this 69 sex position because the toy does all the work for you. For penis strokers, Lovehoney Head Master Vibrating Blow Job Stroker is unbeatable.

69 Sex Position With Pillow or Wedge

Enhance 69 sex position with a pillow or wedge.

Illustrations by Katie Buckleitner

Why It's Great

Having the taller person’s hips lifted can slide everything into place, without any neck-straining.

How to Do It

  1. If your body parts aren’t quite lining up, use a positioning pillow to get mouths and groins where they need to be. 
  2. The taller partner lies on their back with a pillow or wedge under their hips, while the shorter partner straddles their face like traditional 69. 

Pro Tip

A designated sex pillow can really change the game for this position. Liberator Wedge and Dame Pillo Wedge are specially designed to give your hips the lift you need.

69 Sex Position With Toys

Alternating oral sex with sex toys during 69 sex position is a great way to enhance the classic.

Illustrations by Katie Buckleitner

Why It's Great

Up the stimulation using toys and 69 gets way more enjoyable. This may sound more complicated than it is in practice. It really boils down to enhancing stimulation for more pleasure. Vibration and mouth action go a long way. Don’t be afraid to experiment.

How to Do It

  1. Both partner's assume traditional 69 sex position.
  2. The penis-owner can use a vibrator against the vulva-owner's clitoris. Or, they can use a G-spot wand, if internal stimulation is preferred.
  3. The vulva-owner can use their mouth in tandem with a masturbation sleeve on the penis-owner. 

Pro Tip

Since this is all about experimenting, you want a variety of toys with reasonable budgets. For clitoral toys, try Skyn Caress, Bami Mini Vibe, or B Swish Classic Curve. For G-spot wands, try PlusOne Dual MassagerPlusOne Personal Massager, or Unbound Stellar Glass Dildo. For masturbation sleeves, spring for Fleshlight Quickshot Vantage, Archwave Ghost Male Stroker, or one-time-use Tenga Eggs. All toys are under $50.

More 69 Sex Positions We Love

Seated 69

Illustrations by Katie Buckleitner

How to Do It
  1. One partner sits down on an armchair or couch, back firmly pressed against the back. 
  2. The other partner is inverted, using the sitting partner's shoulders and the back headrest of the couch or chair to support their weight. 
Pro Tip

Be sure the chair you’re using has a solid back to support your weight. Otherwise, this position can require too much core strength to be enjoyable. Like standing 69, this position is ideal for inverted partners who are smaller in size, as it can be hard to hold their entire weight while going to town on their body.

The Freestander

Illustrations by Katie Buckleitner

Why It's Great

This is a fun position to experiment with power play and deep throating. Try putting a blindfold on the partner lying down; just be sure to lay ground rules so everything is consensual and comfortable.

How to Do It
  1. One partner lies face-up on a bed with their head by the end. 
  2. The other partner stands before them. If the bed isn't tall enough to properly align the mouth and genitals, the standing partner can bend their knees and place their hands on the bed for support.   
  3. The standing partner can rock their hips or the lying down partner can grip the standing partner’s glutes to control the movement.
Pro Tip

Place a pillow under the lying partner’s head. This can help with head positioning without straining their neck. 

Squatting 69

Illustrations by Katie Buckleitner

How to Do It
  1. Rather than lying in the regular 69 position, the bottom partner sits upright on any flat surface, hands behind them or to the side for support.
  2. The top partner squats over the bottom partner, placing their hands on the floor, feet wide on either side of their partner's hips. Depending on personal anatomy, the top partner can keep legs bent or straighten them out so heads are aligned with genitals. 
Pro Tip

Keep in mind this position requires strength and flexibility, especially for the top partner's low back and legs. Bending at the knees can make sustaining this position for a longer period easier. Incorporate toys like a G-spot wand, like the stainless-steel Njoy Pure Wand.

Lazy Girl 69

Illustrations by Katie Buckleitner Laxy

Why It's Great

Sometimes you need a lazy sex position that satisfies your needs without feeling strenuous.

How to Do It
  1. The bottom partner lies down on their back, knees bent. 
  2. The vulva-owner lies face-up on top of their partner, with their butt on their chest, legs splayed to allow access to the clitoris. 
Pro Tip

Place a pillow under the bottom partner's head to ease any neck strain.

12 Ways to Enhance 69 Sex Position

1. Relax

Make sure both of you are comfortable in the position before beginning. Keep things light and fun. Don't put the emphasis on climaxing; instead, relish in the intimacy and how it can enhance pleasure whether as foreplay or the main event.

2. Incorporate Foreplay

Foreplay helps to relax both partners but also, due to the intricacies of 69, you become limited in pleasing other parts of the body once you’re in position. So, start by nibbling ears, licking nipples, sensually rubbing, and even teasing with a vibrator to heighten the pleasure for when you ultimately move to 69.

Related: How to Use Anal Beads Alone or With a Partner

3. Be Patient

“Getting the hang of this position might take some time,” says Melissa Cook, AASECT-certified sex therapist about the coordination 69 takes. Be respectful of the adjustments your partner needs to make it the most comfortable experience.

4. Know Your Angles

Since body types and heights vary, it’s easy for bodies to be misaligned. Make the necessary adjustments to ensure your neck isn’t strained, which can result in an uncomfortable experience all around.

Supporting props like pillows can make 69 sex position more comfortable, says Cook. Add one under the bottom partner’s hips or position them under the top partner’s arms. 

5. Change Your Positioning

“In general, most women prefer to receive oral sex while lying down, but with 69 the typical position is for the vulva-owner to be lying on top of the man,” says Johnson. Switch things up and lie on top of her, albeit slightly off to the side so your full weight isn’t on her. Or, lie side-by-side to switch up the position and make it immediately more comfortable, says Cook.

Related: The Best Prostate Massagers Can Improve Your Sex Life. These Are the Best to Try

6. Alternate Who Receives

Since vulva-owners find it difficult to concentrate on their orgasm while performing oral sex. Johnson suggests starting with a focus on the vulva-owner, so they don't feel pressure to pleasure the penis-owner simultaneously. 

7. Get Your Hands Involved

Yes, this position widely focuses on cunnilingus, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use your hands for added pleasure. Vulva-owners can tug on their partner's testicles or rub the shaft of their penis; penis-owners can finger their partner; and both can enjoy anal and nipple play.

8. Use a Cock Ring

A cock ring constricts the blood vessels to the penis for a fuller, longer erection and more intense orgasm. Wear one during 69 for multi-levels of stimulation and to take some pressure off your partner.  

9. Use a Vibrator

Since some vulva-owners find it difficult to orgasm solely from oral sex, using a bullet vibrator or wand in tandem with oral stimulation makes the experience more enjoyable, says Cook.

Related: The Best Nipple Clamps of 2024 for Maximum Pleasure

10. Use an Anal Plug or Beads

The 69 sex position keeps pleasure focused on the vulva and penis, but using an anal plug helps to make it a more full-body orgasm.

If plugs aren’t your thing, try anal beads which are softer and come in various sizes and materials for stimulating the prostate.  

11. Lube Up

While there is a lot of saliva exchanged in this position, adding lube to the scenario can make it more fun and casual – especially if you lather up the whole body so when you slide against each other it’s an added level of sensation, almost like an erotic body massage.

12. Try a New Location

Cook also suggests changing up the location. Sure, the bedroom is the most comfortable, but it's also the most routine. Do it on the couch, in the guest bedroom, on the stairs, or the kitchen floor...

Related: 15 Missionary Sex Positions That Are Anything but Boring

Why You Should Trust Me

I have been in the sexuality space as an educator, writer, and therapist for over a decade. When it comes to the topic of sexual health and wellness, there’s not much I haven’t written about and researched.

I’m a COSRT-registered, certified sex and relationship psychotherapist, specializing in Gender Sexuality and Relationship Diversity (GSRD). I’m also an accredited GSRD therapist with Pink Therapy. I currently work for The Therapy Yard, a psychosexual and relationships clinic in London, England.

On top of my clinic work, I’m also an author. My first book, All The F*cking Mistakes, is all about embracing your sexy self and living your very best life.

My work regularly appears in many publications including Cosmo, Glamour, Men's Health, and Refinery29

from Men's Journal

The Macallan's Ultra-Rare New Whisky Is the Distillery's Most Innovative Release Yet

The Macallan has released its latest five-figure bottling, The Macallan Horizon, in partnership with iconic British automaker Bentley. The new offering blends together the companies' best characteristics: luxury and quality.

The Macallan is no stranger to expensive Scotch. In January, the brand released a bottle priced at $89,000. Back in October, it unveiled the $14,000 Fine & Rare 1997. And just over two years ago, it launched the 81-Year-Old The Reach for $125,000. So rolling out a whisky priced at $50,000 is nothing new for the single malt empire based in Speyside, Scotland. Yet The Macallan Horizon remains unique, even in a sea of expensive Scotch.

Much of the hullabaloo surrounding The Horizon comes from the unusual bottle itself, which lies horizontally within a sculpture. A copper and wood frame (made from recycled stills and whisky barrels, respectively) is lined with low-carbon leather, twisting around the glass bottle, which is locked in place by an aluminum ribbon—a nod to the material used in the sculptural foundation and bodywork of a Bentley car.

Related: The 15 Best Scotch Whiskies of 2024

The whisky itself was crafted by The Macallan master whisky maker Kirsteen Campbell, who was inspired by a trip to Bentley Motors in Crewe, England. She crafted the single malt’s flavor profile through a combination of six first-fill sherry-seasoned oak casks.

The whisky offers aromas of oak, plums, dates, and dark cherries, alongside notes of leather and herbs that lead to sweet cinnamon and nutmeg with a hint of cloves.​ The rich palate delivers dark treacle notes with toffee, crystalized ginger, and charred pineapple, leading to sweet vanilla and fudge flavors that develop alongside whispers of brazil nuts and warming oak spice.​ The finish is long and complex with rich oak found throughout.

The Macallan Horizon doesn’t come with an age statement. Still, the price tag remains eye-popping, just like that sculpture. Bottled at 46.6 percent ABV, the limited-edition release is available for a suggested retail price of $50,000.

The Macallan Horizon

Courtesy of The Macallan

Learn More

Related: We've Tasted Hundreds of Whiskeys. These Are the Best in the World

from Men's Journal

Study Confirms Exactly What You've Been Thinking About Modern Song Lyrics

If your parents don't vibe with today's music and lament the loss of creative lyrics, it turns out they might be on to something. A new study published in the Scientific Reports journal examined song lyrics over the past 40 years and found some interesting trends across time and genre. 

Researchers in Austria and Germany looked at 12,000 English-language songs across the genres of rock, country, pop, rap, and R&B from 1980 to 2020. The scientists acknowledged that "lyrics can be considered a form of literary work" and broke down just how they've evolved over time. 

"In essence, we find that lyrics have become simpler over time regarding multiple aspects of lyrics: vocabulary richness, readability, complexity, and the number of repeated lines," the scientists wrote. One genre that seemingly bucked the trend was rap, which saw an increase in the number of words with three or more syllables since 1980. 

That's not the only trend they noticed; the emotional weight of these songs also has shifted. "Our results also confirm previous research that found that lyrics have become more negative on the one hand, and more personal on the other," the team wrote. 

They also found that fans of certain genres prefer lyrics from certain eras more than others. "Our experimental outcomes show that listeners’ interest in lyrics varies across musical genres and is related to the songs’ release year. Notably, rock listeners enjoy lyrics from older songs, while country fans prefer lyrics from new songs," they pointed out. 

Related: Study Finds Listening to Irish Music Has Surprising Effect on Taste of Guinness

As for the trend toward simpler lyrics, the authors surmised that it could be related to changes in music consumption. This includes more people passively listening to songs as background music rather than actively engaging with the material. Overall, the field could use more research, and the team is hopeful that they're able to inspire more studies in the future "to further study and monitor cultural artifacts and shifts in society." 

The study, to paraphrase Bon Jovi, seemingly gave newer music a bad name. 

from Men's Journal

5 Pro Tips To Make Perfectly Soft Suji Appe Every Single Time

Soft and fluffy - that's exactly how we like our appe! This South Indian classic dish is popularly enjoyed for breakfast and paired with sambar or coconut chutney. Its love is not just restricted to South India but extends to other parts of the country and abroad as well. Many people are often seen trying their hands at making it at home. Some can ace it in one go, while others find it challenging to achieve that soft texture. Your appe may lack flavour, or it may turn out too hard. If you too face this problem, keep reading, as we'll be sharing pro tips about how to make them perfectly in your kitchen. With these tips, your appe will turn out super soft every single time!
Also Read: How To Make Soft Appams - Easy Tips To Follow

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Indian Cooking Tips: Here Are 5 Tips To Make Soft Suji Appe At Home:

1. Use good quality suji

The quality of the suji is of top priority when making these appe. Since it's the key ingredient in the dish, there's no way you can compromise on this. This doesn't mean you have to buy expensive suji, but just ensure it's fresh and of decent quality. If you use suji that has been lying around in your kitchen for a long time, you naturally won't get the best results.

2. Don't go overboard with the water

To make these appe, suji is mixed along with onions, chillies, salt, and water to prepare a batter. Sure, you need water to combine everything but don't go overboard with it. Many of us usually end up adding extra and this can alter the consistency of the batter. Your appe batter should not be too thin or too thick; it should be of medium consistency.

3. Add baking soda

While preparing the batter, consider adding a pinch of baking soda to it. This wonder ingredient helps aerate the batter, thus ensuring your appe turns out super soft and fluffy. Baking soda releases carbon dioxide into the batter, and this is why it aerates. This trick works like a charm every time, and you've got to try it out yourself to see the incredible results.

4. Allow the batter to ferment

Another thing to keep in mind is that you should always allow the batter to ferment. This step is quite crucial, as it gives the ingredients in the batter enough time to work their magic. Fermenting helps improve the texture and flavor of the batter, and this is something we certainly want while preparing suji appe. It may require a bit of patience, but trust us, the wait is worth it.
Also Read: How To Make Kerala-Style Sweet Banana Appams At Home (Easy Recipe Inside)

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5. Cook on the right flame

Lastly, you also need to be mindful of the flame on which you cook the appe. Appe is typically cooked in an appe pan on a low-medium flame. If you cook them on high heat, there is a high chance they will overcook or become too hard. Remember to always keep the flame on medium and also cover the pan to ensure the steam doesn't escape.

With our easy tips and tricks, you'll be able to make suji appe perfectly every single time. To get you started, here's an easy recipe for you.

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Saturday 30 March 2024

How To Keep Your Bread Fresh Longer: Insider Tips Revealed

Vegetable sandwiches, poha, or an alternative to fluffy pavs, bread plays an important role in Indian cuisine. Its versatility makes it perfect as an accompaniment to any dish. Whether it's the softness of white bread, the nuttiness of brown bread, the wholesome goodness of multigrain bread, or the freshness of homemade bread, each variety must be enjoyed at its freshest. However, in a country where temperatures fluctuate on an extreme level, keeping bread from staling can be a challenge. However, as hardcore bread lovers, we won't let your favourite loaves of bread suffer a sad fate. Read on to learn how to store bread so that it doesn't stale!

Also Read: Breaking Down Brown Bread: Is Your Healthy Choice Actually a Hidden Culprit?

White bread is the most commonly found food item in Indian households.

White bread is the most commonly found food item in Indian households.
Photo Credit: iStock

Market-Bought White Bread:

With its pillowy softness and delicate texture, white bread is a household favourite across India. However, if you are someone who has to throw away white bread frequently because it goes stale, then your storage techniques might need a check. Here's how you can keep your white bread fresh for longer than usual.

1. Avoid Refrigeration

While refrigeration may seem like an appropriate way to maintain the freshness of white bread, it quickens staling.

2. Bread Box

Invest in a bread box with proper ventilation. It can do wonders in maintaining the texture and taste of white bread in a cool, dry place in your pantry.

3. Freezing

If you don't plan to consume the bread within the first few days of its manufacturing, consider freezing it. Wrap the entire loaf in aluminium foil or plastic wrap and place it in the freezer. Thaw only when you need to use it.

Brown bread should be refrigerated to keep its moisture intact.

Brown bread should be refrigerated to keep its moisture intact.
Photo Credit: iStock

Market-Bought Brown Bread:

Brown bread, known for its nutty flavour and signature light brown colour, has become a popular choice amongst people watching their calories or weight management. Here's how you can keep it fresh for longer:

1. Refrigeration

Unlike white bread, brown bread benefits from refrigeration. Store it in the refrigerator in its original packaging to prevent moisture loss.

2. Slice As Needed

To minimize exposure to moisture and air, slice the bread only when needed to retain its freshness for a longer period.

3. Freezing

Just like white bread, you can freeze the brown bread and thaw it only as and when required.

Just like brown bread, multigrain bread should be refrigerated.

Just like brown bread, multigrain bread should be refrigerated.
Photo Credit: iStock

Market-Bought Multigrain Bread:

Packed with the goodness of grains, multigrain bread can be used in a variety of sandwiches to add a wholesome dimension to meals. Here's how you can keep it for longer:

1. Refrigeration

Just like brown bread, multigrain bread benefits from refrigeration. Store it in its original packaging or an airtight container to prevent it from drying out.

2. Wrap In Cloth

If you want to avoid refrigeration, you can wrap the bread in a clean cloth and place it in a bread box. This can help regulate moisture levels and prevent the bread from becoming too dry.

3. Consume Fast

Multigrain bread tends to stale faster than white and brown breads so it's best to consume it as soon as possible.

Homemade bread should be consumed in 2-3 days.

Homemade bread should be consumed in 2-3 days.
Photo Credit: iStock

Homemade Bread:

If you love baking bread at home, then you must want to know how to keep it fresh for as long as possible. Here is how you store it:

1. Cool Completely

Allow your homemade bread to cool completely before storing it. Warm bread can become soggy due to condensation if stored in a sealed container.

2. Wrap Properly

Once cooled, wrap it properly in plastic wrap or aluminium foil to seal its freshness. Store it in an airtight container.

3. Freeze

Homemade bread can be stored at room temperature for 2-3 days. If you don't consume it by then, try freezing it.

Also Read: 5 Types Of Breads And Their Health Benefits

Which is your favourite kind of bread? Let us know in the comments below!

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Cardhu's New Scotch Whisky Is Rare, Delicious, and Surprisingly Affordable

This year, Speyside Scotch maker Cardhu commemorates its 200th anniversary. To celebrate its history and founders, the distillery has unveiled a limited-edition expression: Cardhu 200th Anniversary Wine Cask Edition Scotch Whisky. A 12-year-old single malt aged in former wine casks, a first for the brand, the bottle memorializes how the distillery defied traditions and pushed boundaries.

Though started by whisky smuggler John Cumming, his wife Helen and daughter-in-law Elizabeth Cumming were mainly responsible for the distillery. As the story goes, in the age of illicit distilling, the distillery’s location atop a hill allowed Hellen to see police coming. She would then throw flour on herself, tell the police she was baking, and offer them tea. While the police drank their tea, she would fly a red flag outside to warn nearby distilleries. The 200th anniversary bottle's packaging depicts Helen Cumming waving the red flag. The bright red and golds of the box and bottle mimic the deep color of the wine-cask whisky.

The Cardhu 12 Years 200th Anniversary Edition nods to the distillery's long history of innovation.

Courtesy of Cardhu

On the nose, the Scotch offers aromas of fresh berries and blackcurrants along with warm baked apples and icing, chocolate, and toffee. The palate features more berries along with cinnamon, Demerara sugar, and dark chocolate, followed by oak spice and vanilla. The finish is long and warm.

“Cardhu has a history of pioneering women at its forefront, something unheard of when the distillery began 200 years ago,” says Roselyn Burnett, Cardhu Distillery brand home manager. “It took innovation and courage to go against the grain in the way the Cumming family did, and with this in our heritage it was only right we did something bold to celebrate such an anniversary."

While Cardhu isn’t seen on this side of the pond as much as other Diageo brands like Lagavulin or Talisker, the brand offers a flavor that many recognize—because it happens to be an important addition to beloved Johnnie Walker blends. 

“As a perfect example of the Speyside style of whisky, it was exciting to work with our blending and distilling experts to create an adapted iteration of what people expect from our distillery, while perfecting the liquid to ensure it retains those classic notes which people look for from Cardhu,” Burnett says.

The Cardhu 200th Anniversary whisky is priced at £58 (about $63) and can be purchased at the distillery or from various retailers across the globe.

Related: The 15 Best Scotch Whiskies of 2024

from Men's Journal

Study Finds Just How Much Work Stress Is Impacting Breakups and Divorces

Anyone who has ever held a particularly stressful position likely knows all too well the toll that it can take on your mental health. However, a new study found that, quite overwhelmingly, employees are finding work stress is spilling over into their personal lives and even impacting relationships.

The findings were part of the sixth annual workplace mental health trends report published by the meditation and mindfulness app Headspace. The company partnered with Dimensional Research to survey over 2,000 employees in the United States and U.K., as well as over 200 CEOs and 245 Human Resources leaders, to ask about their experiences with mental health and employee benefits.

Of those surveyed, nearly half of employees (47 percent) and two-thirds of CEOs (66 percent) said that the majority of the stress they experience comes from work, not their personal lives.

However, this stress is leading to an abnormally high rate of breakups and divorces, with 71 percent of respondents reporting that work stress caused a personal relationship to end. Another 39 percent say their ability to care for their family or children’s mental health had been negatively impacted; while 37 percent say that the stress contributed to serious mental health issues, such as substance abuse or suicidal thoughts.

More than three-quarters of respondents likewise say that work stress has had a negatively impact their physical health. And 75 percent have attributed weight gain to the stress they've experience.

But the findings weren't all doom and gloom. Work was also found to have a positive effect on employee wellbeing, with 53 percent saying their job helps them find a community of people with similar lived experiences and 48 percent reporting that work improves their confidence or all-around sense of self. "These positive impacts can drive deeper engagement at work and foster healthier workplace environments," the study writes.

If you or someone you know is in emotional distress or considering suicide, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

from Men's Journal

Friday 29 March 2024

Jason Biggs Recalls How He Hid His Alcoholism From Wife Before Getting Sober

Jason Biggs recently revealed to his wife, Jenny Mollen, how he hid his alcohol addiction from her. The American Pie star made the admissions during an appearance on the most recent episode of Mollen’s podcast, All the Fails.

“I’m going to therapy and ‘working on things,’ but meanwhile I’m leaving therapy, having just had a good session, and I’m going to the liquor store and buying a fifth of vodka, drinking it, and then driving home,” Biggs recounted to his astonished wife.

“I was married to this guy?” Mollen asked. “That’s just so weird to me,” she continued. “These are the things that, like, shock me. How did I not notice?”

Biggs said he “knew how to get wasted enough to where I took myself out of the life equation, took myself out of the present, didn’t have to connect in a way that made me feel things.”

The actor continued: “It was all science. I had it figured out to a T, but not get too drunk where I couldn’t have a conversation with you.”

Biggs went on to explain that, during his addiction, he was replacing bottles in the couple’s home bar “all the time.”

The star has admitted in the past that he had an “obsession with booze and drugs.” He first tried to get sober in 2012. However, he struggled with his substance abuse until 2017, when he was able to sober up for good.

Biggs commemorated his one-year sobriety anniversary in a 2018 Instagram post.

“After some fits and starts, I’ve managed to put together one year of sobriety,” Biggs wrote at the time. “I’m as proud of it as anything in my life. If you’re struggling, know there’s help. Don’t be ashamed. We can do this.”

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KFC Introduces New Menu Item to Rival McDonald’s and Burger King

KFC is introducing a new item to rival competitors McDonald’s and Burger King. It’s also introducing three brand-new sauces—and bringing back two fan-favorites—to go with the dish.

Beginning April 1, you can pick up an order of Saucy Nuggets at any KFC location in the United States. KFC announced the new dish on Thursday. Following hot on the heels of its chicken nuggets, which debuted in 2022, the chain is one-upping itself with this dressed-up spinoff.

KFC’s all-white-meat Saucy Nuggets come “dripping in one of five delicious sauce flavors, including three brand-new sauces and the return of two fan favorites that have inspired petitions advocating for their return,” the company said.

The new flavors include Honey Sriracha, which is made “using a blend of red chili peppers, garlic, and honey.” KFC is also debuting a Korean BBQ dip, which it described as “a sweet and savory umami sauce with soy sauce, garlic, sugar and sesame.” There’s also the Sticky Chicky Sweet 'n Sour Sauce, “a balanced combination of sweet and tangy flavors including pineapple, garlic, vinegar and chili.”

The returning sauces are the chain’s Nashville Hot, a spicier, extra smoky option first introduced in 2016; as well as the Georgia Gold, a honey-mustard-style barbecue sauce that first hit menus in 2017.

An order of 10 Saucy Nuggets will typically cost $5.99 for 10 pieces, but KFC is giving eagle-eyed fans a chance to try them for free. If you spend $10 or more in the KFC app or on the chain’s website, you’ll receive an order of Saucy Nuggets drenched in your choice of dressing for free. The deal will be available starting April 1 and will last for a limited time. KFC did not specify an end date for the promotion at this time.

The news comes just a few days after McDonald’s reintroduced their fan-favorite Spicy Chicken McNuggets to menus for a limited time.


from Men's Journal

Thursday 28 March 2024

Patagonia's March Sale Has Up to 50% Off Bestselling Jackets, Fleeces, Backpacks, and More—Here's What We're Getting

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March has been host to several unexpected mega sales, including Amazon's first-ever Big Spring Sale and Huckberry's double discount sale. Now, it's Patagonia's turn, having just gone live with its March sale in time for spring with up to 50% off—or more, if you know where to look—some of its bestselling jackets, fleece, backpacks, and more with prices as low as $19.

A quick glance at Patagonia's men's sale section will reveal a plethora of men's shorts, including swim trunks, running shorts, and some built for the trail. Over 50 of Patagonia's iconic fleece jackets, vests, and sweaters can also be found on sale. Several Patagonia backpacks are also half off, along with other useful camping, running, and cycling gear. After Men's Journal had a chance to shop through the entirety of Patagonia's March sale, these are the four things we're trying to grab before they sell out. 

Patagonia Lightweight Synchilla Snap-T Fleece Pullover in Nickel/Passage Blue, $69, (was $139) at Patagonia

Courtesy of Patagonia

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A perfect layer for spring, Patagonia's Lightweight Synchilla Snap-T Fleece Pullover is a simple sweater jacket that fits into any brisk-weather situation, be it a trip to Zion with your buddies or dropping the kids off at school in the morning. It's made with recycled polyester fleece and features a single chest snap pocket, elasticized bindings on the hem and cuffs, and a snap placket to vent heat as needed. It's available in sizes 2XS through 3XL and is on sale in eight exciting colors.

What Shoppers Are Saying: "I gifted two Synchillas to my sons. They love the color combinations and basically live in them. One went skiing for four days and used the Synchilla as his outer layer instead of a ski jacket for the whole trip."

Also Check Out:

Patagonia Hydropeak Boardshorts in Santa Cruz/Nouveau Green, $37, (was $75) at Patagonia

Courtesy of Patagonia

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The next couple of months will be flush with new swim trunks for men, but Patagonia's March sale has them ripe for the picking for under $40. The brand's Hydropeak Boardshorts have the four-way stretch, quick-drying capabilities, and out-of-the-water versatility that most guys look for in hybrid pairs from Hurley, Rvca, and Billabong. There's also a stash pocket on the back. They're available in waist sizes 28 to 44 with options for an 18- or 21-inch outseam. Choose from over 10 colors on sale.

What Shoppers Are Saying: "These are probably my sixth or seventh pair of Patagonia board shorts, and they're probably the best pair I've ever owned. The fit is perfect, and I appreciate Patagonia offering some shorts that stop above the knees."

Also Check Out:

Patagonia Fieldsmith Lid Pack 28L in Pitch Blue, $54, (was $109) at Patagonia

Courtesy of Patagonia

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Patagonia backpacks are well-known for being some of the toughest without sacrificing style, which is why they're used for anything from work and school to hiking and travel. The Fieldsmith Lid Pack hosts 28 liters of storage space in its main compartment with an additional sleeve for a 15-inch laptop and multiple front zip pockets. It's made from recycled polyester and has a durable water-repellent (DWR) coating on the outside so random spring showers won't be a concern. Choose from three sporty colors.

What Shoppers Are Saying: "I live in Seattle. I bought this pack to replace an older one. I love the ability to slip my laptop, lunch, and extra rain gear in my bag for work with the ability to fit a full pair of waders and backup layers when I take off to fly fish for the weekend. The material is durable and waterproof, protecting my gear in a variety of applications."

Also Check Out:

Patagonia Melton Wool Trucker Jacket in Ink Black, $214, (was $429) at Patagonia

Courtesy of Patagonia

Get It

The Melton Wool Trucker Jacket is one of the hardest products you'll find during Patagonia's March sale. This tank of a jacket is made from 100% recycled wool double weave, noting two separate layers that have been sewn together for extra durability and warmth. This jacket has two side hand pockets, two buttoned chest pockets, and a full button-up placket to go along with its pointed collar. It'll be a little warm for the spring/summer transition, but it's a statement-making piece for next fall that will last for years, eventually becoming a coveted heirloom. Find it in sizes XS through 2XL and in three great neutral colors.

What Shoppers Are Saying: "This jacket is one of my favorite Patagonia items to come out in recent years. The wool is super soft and thick, to the point that it's basically blanket-weight material. It could probably be worn with short sleeves for most because it's on the softer side, but it is nice that the neck and cuffs are lined for those sure skin contact areas. Fit is spot on, maybe even a little roomy."

Also Check Out:

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Pierce Brosnan Reacts to Aaron Taylor-Johnson James Bond Rumors

Rumors continue to swirl around Aaron Taylor-Johnson's potential casting as James Bond in the next 007 movie. If he is indeed the next Bond, the Bullet Train star will be the seventh actor to portray the famed character since the film series first kicked off more than 60 years ago, carrying on the legacy of stars like Sean Connery, Pierce Brosnan, and Daniel Craig. 

Brosnan himself weighed in on Taylor-Johnson possibly playing Bond in a recent appearance on RTÉ Radio 1's The Ray D'Arcy Show. Brosnan played Bond in four films from 1995 through 2002, including iconic installments like GoldenEye and Tomorrow Never Dies

"I read the news about his possibilities of being a Bond, so I would definitely tip my hat to the fellow," Brosnan said honestly. "I think the man has the chops and the talent and the charisma to play Bond, very much so."

Brosnan went on to reminisce on getting to work with Taylor-Johnson years ago. In 2009, Taylor-Johnson starred in The Greatest, one of the first projects launched by Brosnan's fledgling Irish DreamTime production company. That experience assured Brosnan today that Taylor-Johnson would be able to seamlessly step into Bond's shoes

"One of the first movies we made, one of the earliest movies, was The Greatest. And he was the greatest in it," Brosnan confessed. 

Related: Photos: All James Bond Actors, Through the Years

Brosnan isn't the only former Bond to have Taylor-Johnson's back. In an interview with TMZ, George Lazenby, who played the spy in 1969's On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, said he can handle the stunts and will do the character justice. 

Taylor-Johnson, for his part, has remained tight-lipped about his potential casting. The next Bond film, the 26th in the series, has yet to be officially announced anyway. 

from Men's Journal

Wednesday 27 March 2024

Caitlin Clark Receives 'Historic' Multimillion-Dollar Offer, But Not From the WNBA

Caitlin Clark has become one of the biggest names in college basketball history during her tenure at the University of Iowa. Now approaching graduation and preparing for the upcoming WNBA draft, Clark will have different options to choose from in the coming months. Rapper and actor Ice Cube has offered her a lucrative path after leaving school. 

On March 27, Ice Cube confirmed on social media that Big3, the basketball league he founded in 2017, has offered Clark a $5 million contract to play in the league. He "intended the offer to remain private" as Clark plays in the women's March Madness tournament but went ahead and acknowledged that a deal was on the table. 

"I won't deny what's now already out there: Big3 made a historic offer to Caitlin Clark. Why wouldn't we? Caitlin is a generational athlete who can achieve tremendous success in the Big3," the former N.W.A. rapper said.

He went on to describe just how big of a move it could be not just for Clark, but for women in basketball as a whole. 

"The skeptics laughed when we made Nancy Lieberman the first female coach of a men's pro team, and she won the championship in her first year. Then Lisa Leslie won it all in year two," he said. "With our offer, Caitlin Clark can make history and break down even more barriers for women athletes."

Clark, who has broken records during her college career, is expected to be the Indiana Fever's number-one pick at the WNBA draft on April 15. The WNBA's regular season begins in May, with playoffs starting in September, while the Big3 season runs from mid-June to mid-August. According to CNN, the offer is for up to 10 games, including eight regular season games and two playoff games. Whether she would be able to participate in both remains a question.

When explaining why Clark received the offer, Ice Cube noted that many WNBA athletes, such as Brittney Griner, have to play for teams in other parts in the world in the offseason just to earn money. 

"America’s women athletes should not be forced to spend their offseasons playing in often dismal and dubious foreign countries just to make ends meet," the rapper said. "And they should have more than just one professional option in the U.S. at a time when American pro sports leagues are being infiltrated by autocratic, anti-women regimes such as Qatar. Our pathbreaking offer to Caitlin Clark demonstrates that Big3 now offers another choice for athletes." 

Just how Clark structures her professional career post-graduation remains to be seen. 

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