Tuesday 27 February 2024

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Physical Therapist Girlfriend Explain How to Care for Aging Knees

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s girlfriend, physical therapist Heather Milligan, appeared in a new video alongside the actor to offer some tips on continuing to exercise through knee and joint pains.

“Heather Milligan is not only my girlfriend, but she’s also a great, if not the best, physical therapist in the world,” Schwarzenegger said has he kicked off the video. “That’s actually how we met. She fixed my shoulder.”

Asked by Schwarzenegger what people suffering knee issues should do for exercise if the pain precludes them from doing squats, lunges, or even walking up steep inclines, Milligan advised that you should “break down” your exercises and complete them bit by bit. You should ask yourself, “Do I have the motion to do those exercises, and have I warmed up appropriately?”

It’s important to remember that everyone at all levels of physical fitness warm up before the exercise, which can significantly reduce pain in aching joints.

“Movement itself is the best medication for your joints,” Milligan explained. “When you move with low resistance, just the motion of moving the fluid around in your joints, that’s where all the nutrients are that feeds the cartilage in your joints. It’s like motor oil for your joints.”

Milligan continued: “Your own body’s receptors sensing that motion helps decrease the pain signals from the nervous system.”

After completing a warm-up, one should assess their current mobility and strength levels. If you don’t think you can complete the recommended workout without further pain, Milligan recommends adjusting the exercises to develop strength in your lunges and squats.

Milligan goes on to demonstrate, along with Schwarzenegger and another gym member, a number of exercises suited for those with knee pain. She continually reiterates that one must distribute muscle usage equally across their quads, hamstrings, and glutes in order to both alleviate their current pain and prevent any future flare ups. Milligan explains that the exercises are meant to strengthen legs for athletic purposes, but also for everyday comfort purposes.

Milligan certainly knows what she speaks. She’s one of the most prolific physical therapists in the world, having worked with players in the NFL, NBA, and UFC. She treated Conor McGregor when the fighter broke his shin bone in 2021.

“She knows how to take care of joints,” Schwarzenegger raved. “I’ve been having knee problems my whole life.”

You can watch Milligan and Schwarzenegger’s full demonstration (and pick up a few exercise tips) below.

from Men's Journal https://ift.tt/y30wl16

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