Thursday 15 June 2023

Diet For Diabetics: 5 Low-GI Monsoon Fruits That May Regulate Blood Sugar

Monsoon is a time of overcast skies, pleasant breeze and refreshing showers. It's also a time when one gets to see the beauty of nature in full bloom. The season brings with it a dazzling range of seasonal fruits and vegetables that are enriched with essential vitamins and minerals required by the body for staying healthy. For those with erratic blood sugar levels as well, monsoon is a season of bounty and of exploiting the seasonal gifts in the form of healthy fruits. There are plenty of monsoon fruits which when consumed as a part of a healthy diet coupled with some amount of physical activity, may help diabetics regulate blood sugar in their bodies and keep the levels under check. Diabetics must carefully select fruits to be included in their daily diet, from the low end of the Glycaemic Index spectrum.

The Glycaemic Index of a food is a measure of how quickly it is absorbed in the body, resulting in rise in blood sugar levels. The GI rating is done on a scale from 1 to 100 and lower GI a fruit or any other food has, the better it is for those with diabetes. Foods that raise blood glucose levels quickly are high- they are rated 70 or more; foods that raise blood glucose levels moderately are medium- they are rated 56 to 69; and foods that raise blood glucose levels sugar slowly are low- they are rated 55 or less. Fortunately, there are number of low GI fruits available to us during monsoons and these fruits have a GI of 55 and under, which is considered a healthy GI range for diabetics. Here are some of them. 

Also Read: Diabetes Diet: 5 Whole Grain Desi Flat Bread Recipes For Diabetics

Monsoon Fruits For Diabetics

1. Pears

This fibre-rich fruit is said to be beneficial in managing weight also and therefore it might help diabetics indirectly, as obesity is a risk factor for diabetes. However, directly as well pears are good for diabetics as they have a low GI of under 40.

2. Peaches

This fuzzy fruit is a delight to bite into for its juicy pulp and unique flavour. Peaches are said to be healthy for diabetics as they have a low GI of around 42. They are also low in calories and may help manage weight in diabetics.


Peaches are said to be healthy for diabetics as they have a low GI of around 42.​

3. Plums

Plums are one of the most-loved monsoon fruits and they are also said to be healthy for consumption for those with high blood sugar. Fresh plums have a GI score of around 40 and they are rich in a number of beneficial vitamins and minerals.


Monsoon fruits for diabetics: Plums have a low GI

4. Apples

This is a fruit that can be consumed all year round as it doesn't have any season. Apples are naturally sweet and as such can be used by diabetics to fulfil their sweet cravings. They are healthy with a GI score of 39.

5. Cherries

Cherries are extensively used in baking and cooking during summers and monsoons. These tiny packages of good health are also said to be safe for diabetics to consume as they are rich in potassium, antioxidants and have a very low GI score of just 20.

All the GI scores mentioned above are as per the data by American Diabetes Association (ADA).

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