Friday 26 January 2024

Jeremy Renner Says He’s Being 'Tested’ by Accident Recovery

Jeremy Renner spoke to People about being “tested” by his recovery a year after his horrifying snow plow accident, in which he broke more than 30 bones. Renner is appearing in a Super Bowl campaign for plant-based milk company Silk. Last week, he released Love and Titanium, an album of songs inspired by his recovery.

Speaking about returning to work after his accident, and executing a highly physical performance in his Silk campaign, Renner noted, “I’m happy to have to be tested.”

He said that, before his accident, he wasn’t as physically adventurous as he is now. “I never would’ve tried or attempted any of these types of moves,” Renner said of the commercial, which finds him “dancing around like James Brown on a countertop. I did everything, and it felt good and didn’t hurt too much the next day,” he reported of the shoot.

However, it’s been far from smooth sailing. The two-time Oscar nominee admitted he still struggles with his recuperation. “To be honest, there’s a lot of hesitancy, and it’s baby steps for me in this deal.”

Renner is appearing in the Silk campaign alongside his daughter, Ava. He sees the opportunity as “a beacon of hope” both in their relationship and his wellness journey. “I still don’t believe it, that it’s even really transpired,” he marveled.

“There’s some sort of milestones that give me confidence, and this is probably another one of them,” Renner continued. “It’s a beacon of hope for me and for my daughter as well, and this is a new part of our journey together in recovery and in life.” 

from Men's Journal

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