Wednesday 8 May 2024

Everyone Had the Same Reaction to Apple's Destructive New iPad Ad

Apple product refreshes have come to be an annual event, and its announcement of the new iPad Pro with an M4 chip was meant to be a massive moment as it's the thinnest tech product Apple has ever released. But the new tablet's reveal was overshadowed by the ad that introduced the product. 

CEO Tim Cook shared the one-minute clip on X and insisted fans "Just imagine all the things it’ll be used to create." To drive the point home, the ad shows variety of things used for creative output like musical instruments, paint cans, and professional cameras being destroyed by a hydraulic press. The ad ends with the press lifting up and revealing the new iPad, implying that all of the tangible objects once used to create things are all available on the tablet. 

While the message was meant to emphasize the new iPad's many features and uses, it instead upset many X users who felt it was unnecessary to destroy valuable objects and hinting that they're all obsolete now. 

"I can't relate to this video at all. It lacks any respect for creative equipment and mocks the creators," one person wrote."

"I'm a creator, a traditional artist, a Macintosh user of many years, yet I never even understand why would I need an iPad, and this destruction is extremely distasteful and would never convince me otherwise," another said. 

"Crushing symbols of human creativity and cultural achievements to appeal to pro creators. Nice. Maybe for the next Apple Watch Pro you should crush sports equipment, show a robot running faster than a man, then turn to the camera and say, 'God is dead and we have killed him,'" another user chimed in. 

"I’m not sure ‘wanton destruction of all the good and beautiful things in this world’ was really the vibe you were trying for," one person said plainly. 

"Unintentionally perfect metaphor for how we are destroying beauty for profit. Bravo," one person applauded. 

Others noted that the late Steve Jobs would not have been a fan of the ad. 

"Jobs would never have approved this. It conveys contempt for tools and the arts. Don't doubt it's unintentional but it's in bad taste," one person said. 

"What a horrible, cruel and dystopian advertisement for your derivative product. Jobs would have deplored this," another jeered. 

Some people pointed out the ad's stark contrast with Apple's famous 1984 Super Bowl commercial

"Apple's new 'Crush' ad (let's call it '2024') is a visual and metaphorical bookend to the 1984 ad. 1984: Monochome, conformist, industrial world exploded by colorful, vibrant human. 2024: Colorful, vibrant humanity is crushed by monochrome, conformist industrial press," one user said. 

"The symmetry with Apple’s 1984 ad is remarkable. In '1984,' a dissident throws a hammer through a TV screen, symbolizing humanity’s power to conquer technology. In this ad, a hydraulic press crushes beloved cultural artifacts, symbolizing technology’s power to conquer humanity," another person added. 

If you're interested in trying out the thin new iPad Pro, you can place your order now and begin shopping in Apple stores May 15. 

from Men's Journal

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