Thursday 23 July 2020

Morning Routine and Zenergy Healing

Morning Routine and Zenergy Healing

If you want different results , change your thoughts, actions and HABITS. When you change those things, you change. One of the BEST ways to create new habits is to start with a morning and evening routine.  I NOW have these  routines that I do every single day. These routines have become my foundation!  When I do them, the results are consistent. Routines and habits can be short, or long, that part doesn’t matter as much as the consistency of them.

Here is how my morning routine goes:

  1. Wake up and heat up my Zenergy Healing Mat 
  2. Brush my teeth, wash my face
  3. Drink a FULL glass of water (You were sleeping for HOURS! Rehydrate and use this as an opportunity to get some of that daily water in!
  4. Take my supplements. I set them at my night stand so they are already there! For a list of what I take for supplements download my free supplement guide HERE
  5. Put my workout clothes on and head over to my Zenergy Mat! From the MAT I then:
  6. Spent a few minutes on my gratitude journal. I am currently using a gratitude app called Grateful
  7. Next I head over to the I AM app and spend 5-10 minutes reading affirmation
  8. Next, Motivation… I scroll through my favorite quotes and read some new ones
  9. THEN I am ready for my daily reading. Right now I am currently reading A Course In Miracles.

The above routine? LATELY I have been spending an hour and 1/2 on it! But I have for SURE also done the morning routine in less that 10 minutes! Seriously! I spend a minute on each if I am in a rush! I enjoy what my routine does for my day SO MUCH that I have gotten up earlier and earlier just to start it and spend more time doing it!

Here is a recent video I shared about my morning routine:

Now WHY the Zenergy Healing Mat? Well about a month ago I met the founder (Michelle) and clicked with her. I loved her vision, her mission AND her mat! I laid on it once and HAD to have it!  I added laying on a Zenergy Healing May to my morning and evening routine that very next day. I love them so much that I have three sizes of them so I can share with my husband and daughter! We ALL love it!

As I mentioned, I personally know the founder. She’s wicked knowledgeable, all heart and creates this mat with so much love! She offered my friends a discount for using coupon natalie10.

Learn more about Zenergy Healing Mat below or by going HERE


I personally know the founder. She’s wicked knowledgeable, all heart and creates this mat with so much love! She offered my friends a discount for using coupon natalie10.

You can learn more on her INSTAGRAM PAGE or on her WEBSITE


Natalie Jill

from Natalie Jill Fitness

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