Friday 22 November 2019

Snowboarding Pays Tribute to Jake Burton: The Community Remembers

Riders, photographers, and industry members have taken to social media to pay their respects to one of the most influential people to ever strap in, Burton founder Jake Burton.

We will keep updating this post as more and more continue to post their memories and more.


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The first time I stepped on a snowboard in 1982 it was a Burton and most likely shaped by Jake himself. The first time I rode a chairlift was 1987 in Vermont and most likely Jake was behind making that happen in one way or another. The last few years I had gotten to know Jake personally through his wife @donnacarpenter who is on the board of @protectourwinters . We hit it off right away and always had the best conversations. I am so grateful I got to know Jake personally and see his stoke and passion for snowboarding first hand. I know I am not alone when I say his work changed my life. It is sad to see him go, but it was a life well lived. Thoughts and prayers to his family. Tomorrow afternoon the @jonessnowboards staff will celebrate his life by going snowboarding. If you are in the area come join the celebration at Alpine Meadows, 2pm. #rideonjake @jakeburton77

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Jake at home 2015 // Rest easy my dude and thank you for all your generosity, positivity and progression you brought not just to the sub culture but to so many lives around the world. You opened the door and created the one thing that brought so many of us together which created the first community I had ever been apart of, at age 6, which is now a fam and has brought incredible people into my life. Without your creation and circle my life would have taken a drastic turn. Not only did you continue to push and create but you made things like the CHILL program happen, getting under privileged youth on the snow and into the mountains. You are a true hero. Your vision and energy was next to none and I know we will keep it going from first chair to after dusk. My heart goes out to Donna, George, Taylor and Timmy . To the father of snowboarding- rest easy ⚡🏂👤❄🖤🌹

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My heart goes out to Donna and the entire Burton family on Jake’s passing. He’s the father of snowboarding, an incredible man and I’m honored to call him my friend… Words cannot capture how grateful I am to Jake. He’s been such an instrumental figure in my life and career. He believed in me at a very early age, and put so much of himself along with the Burton brand behind me. Jake supported me in every way possible. We shared a lot of incredible moments, but one moment at the last winter Olympics meant the world to me … Jake embraced me and told me how proud he was of me and my career, and I’ll never forget that. I will do what I can to help carry his legacy forward. Jake helped pave the way for snowboarders across the world to pursue their dreams, and his impact on snowboarding will live on in all of us. Ride on Jake 🙏🏻❤#snowboarding

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Thank You @jakeburton77 For Everything You Have Done ❤

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Today is a sad day. Snowboarding has lost it’s true founding father, @jakeburton77. I know I speak for so many people when I say how much gratitude we have for what he did for the sport. I am also so personally grateful for having been part of the @burtonsnowboards family for 15 years of my life. As a kid I never imagined I’d actually become a pro snowboarder, let alone become a pro for Burton. What a place to be. Thank you Jake and @donnacarpenter for the opportunities you gave us all. I even met my beautiful wife thanks to @burtonsnowboards. My thoughts are with Donna and his family today and as life moves forward. The sport’s world has lost one of its most authentic figures. Ride on Jake. I hope there’s perfect pow where you are now.

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My condolences go out to Donna and Jake’s family today. As I remember Jake today, the first emotions that rush thru me are gratitude and respect. This picture is up at Tuckerman’s Ravine in New Hampshire it was 1987. I am sure JG was lurking around the corner or already at the top of Lunch Rocks. I remember being a bit freaked out when Jake and Tom Sims would get into heated debates at the Nationals back in the 80’s. That East Coast / West Coast rivalry in those early years was so healthy. I appreciate Jake’s dedication and vision to get snowboarding on the ski areas for the first time. Going to court to fight for Craig Kelly, who does that? As an entrepreneur, that guy took so many beat downs with the growth and change in the snowboarding industry over the years. Jake- thanks for never going public when that was the craze. I can’t imagine all the careers that started at Burton Snowboards for people. Thank you. Thank you for believing in me as a photographer and giving me the opportunity to shoot with Noah Brandon and Jason Ford when they first signed on with Burton and time with Jeff Brushie, Andy Coghlan and so many other special people. Thanks for all the amazing catalog shoots that got me around the world multiple times. I remember that time when you busted your leg in Valle Nevado and we had to run around the hotel to collect cash to pay for a heli-flight for you to get to a hospital in Santiago. John Colonna shared some great stories with me at Baldface last year. The positive impact you had on others is your living legacy. @burtonsnowboards #legend #jakeburton #tuckermansravine #RIP @jakeburton77 #fuckcancer #rideonjake

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I’ll never forget the first time I got to hang out with Jake. I was 11 or 12 and in the car with him and Taylor. It was around opening day at Stowe and it was a misty, rainy night. Jake drove Taylor and I to get nachos that were ready-to-bake. Jake insisted on playing hip hop and I never had met an adult at that time who liked music other than classic rock. Then he said words I will never forget with the excitement of a kid. As he looked at the temperature gauge in the car he said something along the lines of, “It’s 39 degrees out, once it hits 38 degrees snow starts to form so we might get a powder day soon” and I could see how much even that one degree difference meant to him. For me it proved you didn’t need it to be below freezing to snow and I didn’t need to live constrained by common lore, science was the powder hound I never knew. From that moment on the Carpenters treated me as family and kept me close to and stoked on snowboarding. Eventually I went on to ride for Burton for a bit, who provided opportunities for myself and many that wouldn’t have been there otherwise. I am forever grateful for that time of life. This is the last time I got to spend time with Jake a few years ago right before they released Step-On bindings. With the same expression as the potential of snow forming, I could tell he truly believed and loved this product he helped develop and create. It’s no wonder why he influenced so many of us, because he was truly a believer. With a heavy heart I hope that Jake and my friend Sam get to share some turns now as today marks for me a celebration of influential people in my life. One day we will all ride together again and in the mean time you’re always going to be here with us in our hearts and souls. Jake and Sam Forever. Thank you for this memory @statusproject ❤

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I started surfing the earth when I was 6 years old. My first board was a Burton and the rest is history… I feel so fortunate to have known Jake and the Carpenter family. He is a true legend and pioneer. It’s heartbreaking 💔 to lose such special people, and I’m sending positive energy & thoughts to his family and friends… I’m also more motivated than ever to help continue his legacy @burtonsnowboards and carry the torch 🔥 with others to get people standing sideways, surfing the earth, making friends and cultivating experiences that shape people’s lives! Just as he did mine… Thank you Jake, truly… along with @donnacarpenter and the Burton snowboards family you have shaped my entire life for the better and I’m beyond thankful. #rideonjake Ride In Peace 🏂 ☮

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This man and his ideas have impacted us all forever. We take you with us when we play in the mountains. Rest easy Jake.

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Don’t know where I’d be in life if you had not took me under your wing when you did. You gave me the encouragement and support I needed in such a crucial time in my life as you’ve done for so many others. You helped me see the world and nurtured my creative spirit. You made me feel so proud the past few times we connected, I’m so thankful I used those moments to tell you how much you meant to me while you were here. I looked up to you like a father figure and will be forever grateful for all you’ve done for snowboarding and the unmeasurable impact you made on my life. I will never forget the day you took me to Stowe, just me and you solo shred mission, you showed me all your secret pow stashes, I got to ride behind you, It was a dream. We listened to Tupac on the way home in the truck. The dad I never had. Love you Jake. Your influence is forever.

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Thank you Jake. Forever grateful. ❤

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FOR JAKE: For Jake Burton Carpenter, 1954-2019. ❄ I only met Jake Burton one time. 2001. I was with Jeff Baker and Dave England in our rental car, pulling into a Stratton parking lot, and we couldn’t find “The Green Room” to meet up with our buddies. I saw a lone guy walking with his board, and pulled alongside him and asked, “Excuse me, sir, we’re looking for The Green Room?” And the guy walks up to my window, takes off his goggles and starts giving us directions. And it’s Jake, and just as he looks away to tell us where to go, I quickly look back at Jeff and Dave and say, “Right to the top, fellas, right to the top.” And we said thanks and made our way to the joint. The FIRST person we talked to in Vermont was THE Jake Burton. The Vermont hero. The snowboarding hero. So fucking cool. I’ll never forget that awesome, little moment. ❄ I saw my first Burton ad in 1986. Didn’t get my first 151 Backhill until 1987. That board changed my whole life. And I have to thank Jake Burton for that. A hero of mine when I was a rat kid, and a hero to millions. He built the sport. And the gear. And the lifestyle. And the fun of shredding with your buddies down ANY HILL, anywhere in the world. ❄ Thank you, Jake. ❄ #jakeburton #jakeburton #jakeburton #jakeburton #jakeburton #jakeburton #jakeburton #jakeburton #jakeburton #jakeburton #jakeburton #jakeburton #jakeburton #jakeburton #jakeburton #jakeburton #jakeburton #jakeburton #jakeburton #jakeburton #jakeburton #jakeburton #jakeburton #jakeburton

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from Men's Journal

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