Tuesday 28 February 2023

Why Are Sprouts Good For Immunity? Key Benefits Explained

Sprouts are one of the OG superfoods. Long before the term "superfood" was even coined, sprouts were recognised for their many health benefits. Sprouting takes place when seeds germinate after being soaked. We begin to see whitish root-like fibres start to grow out of them as a result. The most commonly consumed sprouts are bean and lentil sprouts. Most of us tend to consume a mix of sprouts together, thus taking advantage of the minerals of each component. Black beans, soybeans, millets, buckwheat, moong beans, lentils, barley, quinoa, chickpeas - all of these can be consumed as sprouts too. Adding sprouts to your daily diet is one of the best ways to strengthen your immune system. Here's why:

Benefits of Sprouts for Immunity:

Your immune system requires a consistent intake of a wide variety of nutrients. Sprouts help in this regard because they not only contain these nutrients themselves but also aid in the proper digestion of other foods. Sprouts contribute to the holistic protection and functioning of the body as a whole. It helps balance your system in order to strengthen it against illness. Here are some of the other reasons why sprouts are good for your immune system:

  • When grains are soaked, there is a decrease in their tannin and phytic acid content. Thus, sprouts allow better nutrient absorption into the body. 
  • The sprouting process itself enhances the vitamins and minerals present in the un-sprouted plants. As a result, sprouts are rich in magnesium, phosphorus, manganese and vitamin K.
  • Studies have shown that the process of germination also increases the content of fibre, protein and most importantly - antioxidants - in sprouts. Antioxidants like copper, iron and zinc [which are all found in sprouts] are known to improve the body's defence against diseases and bacteria.
  • These minerals also help regulate the count of red blood cells in the body. These cells are believed to influence the response of your immune system.
  • Sprouts are loaded with vitamin C, which is essential for a healthy immune system. Vitamin C is said to protect you from a range of infections and viruses that may attack your body.

Also Read: 13 Best Sprouts Recipes: From Salads To Jalfrezi And More


Sprouts are full of various nutrients. Image Credit: iStock

Other Health Benefits of Sprouts:

Helps Manage Cholesterol:

The omega-3 fatty acids in sprouts make them ideal for those who want to increase their intake of good cholesterol.

Good for your eyes:

Sprouts contain Vitamin A, and consuming them is believed to improve your eyesight over time. 

May aid in weight loss:

Being high in fibre, sprouts keep you filled for longer. They are also low in calories, which is also why they should be added to your weight-loss diet,

Relieves stomach problems:

Their fibre content makes sprouts a food item that is great for your gut. They are also said to reduce acidity by stabilising the pH level in your stomach. 

Great for your hair:

Sprouts can help fight against dandruff and premature greying of your hair. They also stimulate the healthy growth of hair, by supplying the scalp with crucial nutrients. 

(Also Read : How To Make The Yummy Handi Corn Sabzi At Home)

Sprouts can be eaten raw or added to a variety of vegetable, salad and soup preparations. Include sprouts in your diet today!

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9 Genius Ways To Keep Your Kitchen Clean

Are you ready to upgrade your kitchen game? We all know that the kitchen is the heart of every home, but let's face it, it can be a real pain to keep it clean and organised while juggling our daily routines. From misplaced spices to dirty counters, these little mishaps can quickly turn into big headaches. But fear not! We've got some clever hacks that will revolutionise the way you manage your kitchen. Say goodbye to kitchen chaos and hello to easy, breezy meal prep. Let's dive in and make your kitchen the envy of your friends and family.

(Also Read: Kitchen Tips: Desi Kitchen Hacks To Make Cooking Easier And Fun)

Here're 9 Tips To Keep Your Kitchen Clean:  

Looking to keep your kitchen clean and organised? Check out these fun and easy hacks to help make the task a breeze!

Clean as you go

No one wants to be stuck with a mountain of dishes after cooking. By washing utensils, pots and pans as you use them, you'll avoid clutter and keep your workspace neat and tidy.

Use a garbage bowl

Keep a bowl on your counter for food scraps and garbage. This not only makes it easier to toss everything away at once but also helps keep your counters clean.

Organise your pantry and cabinets

Avoid rummaging through cluttered cabinets by organising them. Use shelf-liners, dividers and labels to keep everything in its place, and save yourself some precious time.

(Also Read: Kitchen Tips: 4 Must-Have Kitchen Organising Items At Home)


Organising kitchen cabinets will help you maintain them. 
Photo Credit: iStock

Use a splatter guard

Cooking can get messy, but using a splatter guard while frying or sauteing will keep your stove, countertops and walls clean and save you time on post-cooking cleanup.

Clean your oven regularly

Leftover food build-up can lead to unpleasant odours and even attract pests. So, keep your oven clean to ensure it's always ready for use.

Keep the sink clean

Wipe down your sink after each use and deep clean it once a week to keep bacteria and odours at bay.

(Also Read: Cooking Tips: 11 Tips And Tricks To Make Everyday Cooking Easy And Hassle-Free)

Use a cutting board

Avoid making a mess on your countertop and keep it clean by using a cutting board while chopping or mincing ingredients.

Don't forget the small appliances

Keep your small appliances like blenders and toasters clean by wiping them down after each use. This will not only keep them hygienic but also extend their lifespan.

Hire a professional

When all else fails, hire a professional cleaning service to deep clean your kitchen once or twice a year. Let someone else do the hard work for you and enjoy your sparkling clean kitchen.

Follow these quick and easy tricks and make life in kitchen smooth and fuss-free! 

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Diabetes Diet: 7 Interesting Ways To Add Methi To Your Diet

What is a desi meal without spices and flavours? Fortunately, we have plenty of masalas (spices) to explore. The versatile usage of spices in Indian cuisine makes it stand out on the global food platform. But what makes it unique is the rich nutrient profile. An Indian kitchen is a pandora's box of spices and all of them have several health-benefiting properties. One such versatile spice that rules an Indian kitchen is methi (or fenugreek). It is super aromatic and has a bitter-sweet taste. You can use it to add tadka to dal, sabzi and more. You can also add methi greens to your daily meal. That's not all. Methi has been a part of traditional medical practice since time immemorial. It has a low glycemic index and enriches you with antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties.

Also Read: How To Make Kasuri Methi (Dried Fenugreek Leaves) At Home To Enjoy Year-Round


Photo Credit: iStock

Methi For Diabetes: How Methi Helps Manage Blood Sugar Levels In The Body:

Methi makes a perfect home remedy for the ones suffering from diabetes. It contains an adequate amount of fibre that helps slow down the digestion process, further regulating the absorption of carbohydrates and sugar. According to Dr Anju Sood, a Bangalore-based nutritionist, "Methi may help tackle insulin resistance, making it more responsive and sensitive. It may also regulate blood sugar levels and is hence, used commonly by diabetics." A study, published in the International Journal For Vitamin and Nutrition Research, further weighs in, a daily dose of 10 grams of methi seeds, soaked in hot water, may help control type-2 diabetes.

5 Major Health Benefits Of Methi:

1. Improves digestion:

As mentioned earlier, methi is enriched with fibre. This helps regulate digestion and prevent constipation. This further promotes overall gut health.

2. Reduces inflammation:

Methi contains anti-inflammatory compounds, which may help reduce inflammation in the body and alleviate pain and discomfort. It also helps cool down our body.

3. Boosts immune system:

Methi is rich in antioxidants, anti-viral properties and other essential nutrients. These factors may help boost the immune system and protect you against seasonal diseases.

4. Improves heart health:

It may help improve heart health by reducing cholesterol levels in the body. This prevents the formation of blood clots and reduces the risk of heart disease.

5. Enhances milk production in lactating mothers:

Methi has been traditionally used to promote milk production in breastfeeding mothers. As per a study, published in the journal Pediatrics, 25 new mothers were given three cups of methi tea every day for two weeks. The researchers found that there was an increase in milk volume in the very first week.

Considering all the benefits, we curated an interesting list of ways to add methi to your everyday diet. You may have methi both in form of seeds and leaves. Take a look.

Also Read: Methi Jowar Roti Can Replace Regular Roti In Your Winter Diabetes Diet; Recipe Inside


Photo Credit: iStock

7 Interesting Ways To Add Methi To Your Daily Diet:

Methi seeds powder:

Roast the fenugreek seeds and grind them to a fine powder. Add this powder to your morning smoothie or sprinkle it on your breakfast cereal.

Methi tea:

Boil fenugreek seeds in water and add some ginger and lemon to make a healthy and refreshing tea. Methi tea is a great way to start your day and can help regulate blood sugar levels. Click here for the methi tea recipe.

Methi water:

You can add this detox drink to your morning ritual. Soak a teaspoon of methi seeds in a glass of water overnight. Strain it the next morning and drink up.

Also Read: Diabetes Diet: 5 Easy Methi Snacks To Manage Blood Sugar Levels


Photo Credit: iStock

Methi paratha:

Methi paratha is a healthy and delicious breakfast option for all. Mix chopped methi leaves with wheat flour, salt, and water to make a dough. Roll out the dough and cook the paratha on a tawa or griddle. Click here for the recipe.

Methi dal:

Add methi leaves to your dal to increase its nutritional value. Methi dal is a healthy and filling dish that is perfect for lunch or dinner. You also add a tadka of methi seeds to your regular dal recipe. This will also help enhance the flavour of your meal. Click here for the methi dal recipe.

Methi raita:

Mix chopped methi leaves with yogurt to make a healthy and tasty raita. You can also add some spices like cumin and coriander to enhance the flavour. Click here for the methi raita recipe.

Methi chutney:

Grind methi leaves, coconut, and some spices to make a flavorful chutney. This chutney can be used as a dip or a spread for sandwiches. You can also roast methi seeds and grind them and use them as masala in your regular chutney recipe. This will add a layer of flavour to the condiment.

Now that you have these interesting ideas handy, make use of each of these recipes and include methi in your everyday diet. But make sure to consult an expert to determine the appropriate amount of methi to include in your daily diet.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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1 Kilo Gulab Jamun For Rs 14! Sweet Shop Menu From The 1980s Goes Viral

When we dream of the "good old days," we often think about how uncomplicated life used to be. We find ourselves wishing to go back to a simpler time - perhaps when we did not have to worry about money, careers and relationships. Yesterday, a video on Twitter showing two schoolboys playfully sharing a single tiffin made people reminisce about happier times. Today, another post is making netizens nostalgic, but for a different reason. A photo posted on the Facebook page 'Gagret Hulchal' shows the menu card of a sweet shop from 4 decades ago. The prices - which seem shockingly low compared to today's standards - are garnering all sorts of reactions online.
(Also Read: IAS Officer Shares Birthday Party Snacks From The '80s and '90s, Makes Internet Nostalgic)
The photo seems to be the price list for sweets and snacks sold by Lovely Sweet House on 17, Hardyal Road Jalandhar Cantonment. The photo has been captioned, "Year 1980 - Famous Lovely Sweet Price List." According to it, the price of sweets like motichur laddoo, rasgulla, gulab jamun, kheer mohan, etc. was in the range of Rs. 10 to Rs. 14 per kg. Today, we often do not get one piece of the mithai for that much. For slightly premium types of mithai, like chocolate barfi and pista barfi, the price is shown as Rs. 18 and Rs. 20 per kg - but never more than that. Check out the original post here:

As you can see, snacks like samosa, kachori and paneer pakora cost less than 1 rupee in those days. Today, the same snacks cost anywhere between Rs.10 to Rs. 100. Netizens were naturally fascinated by this menu. Given that prices of goods seem to be rising nearly every day, some people felt nostalgic about a time when mithai was (apparently) not so costly! Others have pointed out that the prices seem high for that time period as we need to adjust the value of the currency accordingly. Others have argued that the date may be sometime after 1980. After all, the paper of the menu looks discoloured with age. But there is no mention of the exact year on it. Here are some of the reactions of Facebook users:
"Those wonderful days will never come back."
"During that time, milk price was only 0.50/- Nowadays milk price is too high, right?"
"Very costly. The price is much higher than the current price."
"Those were the sweetest days"
"I like the sweets in this shop... Really missing it"
"We enjoyed so much the 18Rs gulab jamun."
"It's too costly considering the money value of the 1980s, samosa and jalebi used to cost 15 paise."
"One of the finest sweet shops in Punjab. I used to visit there regularly during my stay in Jalandhar way back in 1996-2000"
"I need a time machine, desperately."

Also Watch: This Funny Menu Of A Restaurant Is Perfect For All Confused Visitors

The post has received 28K likes and 1.6K comments so far. What do you think of these mithai prices? Let us know in the comments

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This Variety Of Bread May Help Reduce Belly Fat, Says Study (Recipe Inside)

Bread is one of the staple foods in every kitchen. Whether you have it as toast, whip up sandwiches or bread pakoras or use it in the making of bread cutlets or pudding, there's so much you can do with bread. In the recent past, bread has gained a somewhat notorious reputation. A lot of health advice online suggests that consuming bread may not be the best idea, especially if you are trying to lose weight. However, a new study has found that a specific variety of bread may actually contribute to a reduction in visceral fat or belly fat. Believe it or not, whole-grain wheat bread may be linked to a reduction in visceral fat obesity.

How Can Whole Wheat Bread Reduce Belly Fat? Study Reveals

A study was published in Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, a popular medical journal. Researchers from Tokyo, Japan carried out a randomized controlled trial to investigate the effect of the consumption of bread. "It was investigated whether a diet in which refined wheat bread (RW diet) was substituted by whole grain wheat bread (WW diet) would reduce visceral fat obesity in Japanese subjects," stated the abstract of the study.

(Also Read: Instant Atta Bread On Stove! Make Healthy Brown Bread Without Yeast And Oven In Just 30 Min)


White bread versus whole wheat bread was the focus of the study. Photo: iStock

The researchers studied 50 subjects with Body Mass Index over the normal 23.5kg per metre square range. One group of subjects was asked to consume refined wheat bread or white bread, while others had to take whole-grain wheat bread. After 12 weeks, the scholars found that visceral fat or belly fat had reduced significantly in the whole wheat bread group. Thus, the consumption of whole wheat bread could be helpful for those watching their weight. "WW diet led to significant and safe reductions in VFA in subjects with BMI greater than or equal to 23 kg/m2. WW diet may contribute to preventing visceral fat obesity," read the study.

How To Make Whole Wheat Bread At Home | Whole Wheat Bread Recipes

So, if you love eating bread - swap it out with the whole grain wheat version instead of the refined flour version for a healthier you! You can even make your own whole wheat bread at home rather than purchasing from the market. Although it would take a little extra effort, it would surely be much healthier and would not have any added preservatives or chemicals. Click here for a recipe for homemade whole-wheat bread.

(Also Read: 5 Types Of Breads And Their Health Benefits)


Make your own whole-wheat bread at home. Photo: iStock

Once you have made whole wheat bread at home, you can create a variety of dishes with it. This whole wheat spinach sandwich is one such recipe that is loaded with good health and has excellent taste too. Click here for the spinach sandwich recipe.

In case you are bored of whole wheat bread and want to make something different, we have a ragi wheat bread recipe for you too. With the goodness of finger millet, this wholesome bread makes for an excellent addition to your diet. Find the full recipe of ragi wheat bread here.

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Monday 27 February 2023

Kriti Sanon Spills The Beans On Her Favourite Mumbai Street Food And More

It's never a dull moment to go through Kriti Sanon's yummy food diaries. Despite her packed schedule, the actress makes time to take her taste buds on a joyride. Well, are you curious to know more about Kriti's foodie choices? The actress recently hosted an “AMA session” on her Instagram handle. During that, she shared various aspects of her personal life including her food preferences and her go-to dish. Kriti posted a question, “While I shoot, let's chat! Ask me anything but keep it interesting.” After reading this, fans kept asking a variety of questions and Kriti answered them all with precision.

However, amidst all this what caught our attention was her latest gastronomic adventure. One of the followers asked her to choose between pani puri or vada pav. Answering this question, Kriti posted a video on Instagram Stories stating that she would always choose pani puri, if given a choice of this sort. She mentioned, “Always pani puri! Actually, I call it gol gappe and I have started calling it pani puri now since I have been staying in Mumbai. Now, I am craving pani puri. So, I am going to have it today.” Take a look:

(Also Read: Kriti Sanon's Yummy Breakfast Is The Power-Packed Fuel We Need)


Kriti Sanon answers the million dollar question - pani puri or vada pav. Photo: Instagram

Not just this, after the AMA session concluded, Kriti made sure that she relishes mouth-watering pani puri. In the video she dropped, the actress can be seen sitting with a bowl of spicy and tangy water. There's another bowlful of sweet water. Accompanying this is deep-fried puris and a delectable aloo mixture. Kriti Sanon makes a pani puri for herself, brings it closer to the camera and does “Cheers,” before finally gulping it down. With a tinge of humour, she stated, “Was lovely chatting with you all! I blame these calories on you guys!”


(Also Read: Kriti Sanon's Go-To Comfort Food Is Something You'll Relate To)

Not just pani puri, Kriti Sanon shared more updates about her foodie side. When someone asked, “Do you prefer your coffee strong?” Kriti answered, “Not very strong but medium. My coffee shouldn't be very light but it's not very bitter either.”

In another food-related question, someone asked, “Your favourite food during shooting.” Kriti shared a video saying, “Sometimes, when we are shooting, we have food from Muthuswamy, that is this amazing catering of outstanding South Indian food which I absolutely love. We have it mostly during brand shoots and all. Although I didn't have it today, it's something I always look forward to.”


Don't you think Kriti Sanon's foodie choices are pretty relatable? Tell us what you think in the comments.

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Tired Of French Fries? 5 Fresh And Unique Ideas For Potato Snacks

Potatoes: The heavenly ingredient that can be fashioned into everything from indulgent French fries to nutritious soups. Most of us cannot help but love this vegetable - which is often so tasty that we feel it should not be called one! Fries are an eternal favourite all around the globe. By now, the world has invented a thousand different topping combinations to make loaded fries, cheesy fries, french fry salads, and more. But why limit yourself to french fries? Today, we invite you to explore the full potential of potatoes and discover other delicious snacks that you can easily make at home.
(Also Read: Make Crisp And Longer French Fries Easily At Your Home With This Simple Trick)

Here Are 5 Quick Ideas To Get You Started:

1. Crispy Bubble Potatoes


Bubble potatoes are crispy treats that take chips to a whole new level. Photo Credit: Instagram: mache.cooksperiment

If you're someone who likes wafer-thin potato chips, you should really taste bubble potatoes. These mini pockets of goodness are crisp on the outside and filled with air inside, making them light and easy to binge on. What's more, they take only 20 minutes to make! You require just three ingredients to make this snack: potatoes, corn flour and egg whites. Click here for the full recipe.

2. Potato Rings


Rings can be made of potatoes too, not just onions! Photo Credit: Pixabay

We have all heard of onion rings, but have you tried potato rings? This snack is a great choice if you have some leftover mashed potatoes. You will also need rava (semolina), butter and some seasoning. To make potato rings, you have to first add butter, oregano, chilli flakes and salt to a pan. Later add water and allow it to boil before adding the semolina. Later, combine the mashed potatoes with this mixture to form a dough. Make ring shapes and deep fry until golden! Click here for the full recipe.
(Also Read: Have Leftover Mashed Potatoes? Here Are 5 Fun Dishes You Can Make With Them)

3. Sweet Potato Wedges


Sweet potato wedges are a healthier alternative to the classic kind. Photo Credit: Unsplash

You could opt for sweet potato wedges if you're seeking a healthier snack. Rich in fibre, protein and potassium, sweet potatoes can aid in diabetes, weight management and stomach issues. Sweet potato wedges do not need to be deep fried - thus making them even better for your health. But they still remain as tasty as classic wedges! All you need to do is wash and dry sweet potatoes, cut them into wedges and season them with olive oil and spices. Bake or air-fry them until golden brown. Click here for the full recipe.
(Also Read: Cooking Tips: Easy Baked Potato Wedges Recipe For Mid-Day Hunger Pangs)

4. Potato Cheese Shots


Cheesy potato shots combined two all-time favourite ingredients to make the perfect party snack. Photo Credit: iStock

You may have the habit of adding cheese on top of your fries, but what happens when you stuff it inside potato balls? These potato cheese shots are the stuff of dreams: they are lightly crisp, golden nuggets that ooze with cheese and seasoning when bitten into. They always seem to disappear from the plate too soon! This snack is another great choice for when you have leftover mashed potatoes. You have to mix the mashed potatoes with herbs and spices of your choice. Make a thick mixture that is not too sticky or too dry. Press mini cheese cubes into small balls of this mixture. Coat with cornflour, breadcrumbs and egg before deep frying. Click here for the full recipe.

5. Aloo Lollipops

Chicken lollipops are one of the most beloved starters for non-vegetarians. This vegetarian version relies on the power of potatoes to give a similar hint of spice and crispiness. To make aloo lollipops, you have to simply mix grated potatoes with chopped onions, chillies, and capsicum. Next, add spices like cumin powder, red chilli powder, chilli flakes, oregano and salt to taste. Use corn flour to thicken the mixture and combine thoroughly. Make big balls of the mixture, skewer them with an ice cream stick and shape them into ovals. Coat with bread crumbs on all sides and fry till golden. Click here for the full recipe.
These snacks are the perfect to binge on, anytime of the day or week. Thank goodness for potatoes!
(Also Read: How To Boil Potatoes Perfectly - 5 Easy Ways)

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Macaroni Salad For Weekend Binge - 5 Quick Tips To Remember

Finally, weekend is here, meaning, it's to shut down your laptop and give yourself a break from all your professional commitments. Weekend is about unwinding. Some like to go out and meet friends, some enjoy sitting back at home and just do nothing. Then there are people who host house parties and impress the guests with their cooking skills. If you are like us, then cooking is therapeutic for you too. Chopping the vegetables evenly, adding right amount of spices and creating new dishes in the kitchen gives you a certain amount of satisfaction. Right? Hence, we are in constant search for recipes that can easily be replicated in the kitchen. This weekend, we thought of going all classic with a traditional macaroni salad recipe.

Also read: 5 Unique Macaroni Pasta Recipes That Are Ideal For Weekend Indulgence


About Macaroni Salad: History And Origin Of Macaroni Salad: 

Macaroni salad is a type of pasta salad made with cooked elbow macaroni. It is typically mixed with mayonnaise and a variety of other ingredients such as chopped vegetables (celery, onion, and bell pepper and more), hard-boiled eggs, pickles, and sometimes meat or seafood (such as ham, tuna, or shrimp). It is then seasoned with salt, pepper, and other herbs and spices to taste. Macaroni salad is commonly served as a side dish at picnics, barbecues, and other casual gatherings.

Macaroni Salad is much different than the classic Macaroni pasta. While macaroni pasta has Italian origin, macaroni salad is strictly American. According to the website Taste Atlas, there are multiple theories regarding the origin of macaroni salad. Some sources say that the earliest recipe for macaroni salad was published in 1962. The dish then gained popularity in the early 1980s "as a part of the Nouvelle Cuisine approach". Other sources further say that the origins of macaroni salad can be traced back to the United States in the early 20th century, reads the report by Taste Atlas.

Today, we find multiple variations of macaroni salad, with different regions and cultures adding their own unique twists to it. For instance, in Hawaii, macaroni salad is often served as a side dish with lunch and is made with a dressing that includes vinegar and (sometimes) sugar. In Philippines, they have a version of macaroni salad called 'Filipino-style macaroni salad'. It includes condensed milk and cheese in the recipe. Here, we bring you the classic macaroni salad recipe that can be enjoyed as a starter at any house party. Take a look. 

Also read: 15 Best Salad Recipes | Easy Salad Recipes | Healthy Recipes


How To Make Classic Macaroni Salad: 

Start with boiling macaroni in a large pot. Drain the macaroni and rinse under cold water. Then, in a large bowl, combine macaroni, egg and vegetables. In a separate bowl, prepare a sauce with mayonnaise, white vinegar, Dijon mustard, sugar, salt and black pepper. Now, pour it on the macaroni and toss well. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap, refrigerate and allow the flavours to meld together. Finally, your macaroni salad is ready to be served. Click here for the detailed recipe. 

Tips To Remember While Preparing Classic Macaroni Salad: 

1. Don't overcook or undercook the pasta:

The texture of the macaroni is crucial to prepare a perfect salad. Overcooking the pasta can result in a mushy texture, while undercooking can result in hard and chewy pasta. Cook the pasta al dente according to the package instructions and rinse it under cold water to stop the cooking process.

2. Don't use too much dressing:

Using too much dressing can overpower the flavours of the salad and make it soggy. Start with a small amount of dressing, and gradually add more until you achieve the desired consistency.

3. Season the salad properly:

Seasoning is an essential step in making any salad. Macaroni salad needs salt, pepper, and other seasonings to enhance the flavour of the dish.

4. Add enough vegetables:

Vegetables such as celery, onion, bell pepper, and carrots give texture and flavour to the salad. Make sure to chop the vegetables into small pieces, so that they are evenly distributed throughout the salad.

5. Refrigerate the salad before serving:

Macaroni salad tastes best when served chilled. Allow the salad to chill in the refrigerator for at least an hour or two, before serving. This will allow the flavours to meld together and create a delicious and refreshing salad. 
So, what are you waiting for? Prepare the dish today and enjoy an indulgent weekend with friends and family.

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Karisma Kapoor's Sunday Lunch With Family Was No Short Of An Indulgent Affair

If there is one time of the week that we look forward to the most, it is the weekend. Weekends provide an opportunity for rest and relaxation, as well as time to pursue hobbies, explore new places, or engage in other leisure activities. It can also be a great time to connect with family and friends. And what better way to spend your weekend than to enjoy a delicious and extravagant meal with your loved ones? Actress Karisma Kapoor did exactly this as she enjoyed a lavish Sunday lunch with her family. The food spread looked every bit delicious and has certainly left us drooling!

Also read: Kareena Kapoor Shares Foodie Throwback, This Was Sis Karisma's Epic Reply

Karisma Kapoor took to Instagram Stories to share a glimpse of her Sunday lunch meal. In the photo, we could see a table full of mouth-watering Chinese delicacies. We could spot noodles, fried rice, stir-fried vegetables, a non-vegetarian gravy dish and what seemed to be dim sums. "Can we have some more food on the table," Karisma captioned the story. Take a look at the picture she shared:


Looks delicious, right? If you want to enjoy a delicious feast like Karisma Kapoor, we have just what you need. Here are some of our best Chinese recipes that you can try at home. Click here for the recipes.

Also read: Karisma Kapoor Is All Hearts For This Yummy Baked Treat - See Pic

Well, this is not the first time that we've seen Karisma share a glimpse from her foodie indulgences. If you follow her on Instagram, then you would know that she is a big-time foodie and enjoys exploring different foods and cuisines. Recently, she hosted a yummy Sindhi lunch for her friend and family. In the photo, we could see Sindhi dal, pakoras and papad. "Sunday lunch," wrote Karisma Kapoor in the caption of the story. Read more about it here.

What do you think of Karisma Kapoor's foodie diaries? Do let us know in the comments below. 

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What To Do After Eating Oily Food - 10 Ways To Recover From The Effects

Don't we all love decadent chana bhatura or rich butter chicken with garlic naan, followed by a hot ghee-soaked gajar halwa or piping hot gulab jamun to finish?! Sounds delicious, right? But the problem starts when you register all that oil you have consumed. What to do after eating oily food? How to recover from its effects? Well, the answers to these questions are very simple and easy to follow. To help the body digest and assimilate, all you need to plan your next meals (read: light on the stomach) to revive your system. Yes, it's that easy and simple - just makeup with good food. Along with this, below are 10 easy ways to recover from the effects of oily foods. Normal symptoms after eating oily food are gas, bloating and indigestion.


Fried food is great for indulgence, but can cause severe effects later. 

Here Are 10 Easy Ways To Recover After Eating Oily Food:

1. Warm water

Water or hydration is the best way to recover from any eating misstep but after an oily binge, I recommend warm water because it helps speed up digestion and make it easier for the system to handle the heavy food. Warm water also cleanses the oily feeling.

2. Green tea

Green Tea is another good drink after a binge. In addition to warm water, the flavonoid-rich drink adds antioxidants that will help balance the oxidative load (which happens because of the oily food) on our digestive system.

(Also Read: )


Oily foods can be countered with healthy decoctions such as green tea. 

3. Ajwain or Saunf Water

Add a teaspoon of ajwain or saunf to a litre of water and warm it. Sip it over the time. Both these spices are known for their digestive restoration abilities. They will help you digest and protect against the symptoms of gas, bloating, and indigestion. Ginger in warm water also helps in digestion - it deals with gas by helping the gut muscles relax.

4. Probiotic-Rich Foods

Have a big bowl of dahi with some bhuna jeera to soothe the overworked digestion and nourish the gut with probiotics. The probiotics Lactobacillus bacteria will prevent gas and will also support proper bowel movement.

(Also Read: )


Yogurt is a probiotic that helps in production of healthy bacteria in the gut.

5. Have A Fibre-Rich Whole-Grain Breakfast Next Day

Whole grains have a very positive effect on removing excess cholesterol. Eating dalia or oats for breakfast will help recover some of the damage, and the fibre will also act as the sweeper cleaning the gut. Whole grains also support early satiety and a slow and steady energy release for a longer period of time. This will help keep you energised and your portion sizes on the track.

6. Have Seasonal Fruits And vegetables The Next Day.

These provide fibre, vitamins and minerals and help revive a sluggish overburdened digestion. Fruits are like solid rehydration tool kits. They provide fluid and all the necessary vitamins and minerals to keep the body hydrated. Have 2-3 servings.

(Also Read: )


Include plenty of fruits in the diet after eating excessive oily food. 

7. Nuts And Seeds

Another good way of giving protection to your body the next day is consuming a small handful of dried nuts and seeds. Have some almonds, walnut and chia seeds as an in-between meal snack.

8. Keep The Next Meal Light And Easy

Khichdi, chapati and moong dal or a simple dal chawal and dahi chawal. A combination of carbs and easy to digest proteins are just what your body needs.


Curd rice or Dahi Chawal is a great meal which is light and easy to digest.

9. Don't sleep immediately after the meal.

Wait for a couple of hours to let the food digest. Sleep means a slowdown in the digestive process and you don't want to let all that oily food sit in the gut and ferment.

10. Walk for at least 30-40 minutes.

Exercise helps stimulate metabolism and helps digestion too. You do not need a brisk walk, just a gentle stroll will do.

Don't berate yourselves, we are humans and allowed to go off the track. Just keep it for special occasions as overindulgence will catch up with your health.

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy!

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. NDTV is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information on this article. All information is provided on an as-is basis. The information, facts or opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of NDTV and NDTV does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.

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Sunday 26 February 2023

Aahana Kumra Enjoys A Healthy And Nutritious “Floating” Breakfast

Most of us just love waking up to some delicious food in the morning. From omelettes and toasts to butter-laden parathas and a glass of fruit juice, there are plenty of breakfast options one can enjoy. Relishing good food in the early hours makes our day and helps fill our energy bars for the tasks ahead. It is often said that your breakfast meal should consist of different foods that provide you with all the required macronutrients and essential minerals. And, actress Aahana Kumra seems to be duly following this. In her latest Instagram post, Aahana Kumra showed how much she loves indulging in some tasty food in the morning. She posted a photo happily posing with her breakfast, which “came floating in a tray” while enjoying a dip in the pool.

What was in the breakfast? Well, it had everything to be called a complete and healthy meal. We could see a croissant, a couple of cupcakes, juices, and some fresh fruits including apples, grapes, pears, and dragon fruit. Aahana also took care of her protein intake and included some almonds, a bowl of quinoa, avocados and some custard to please her tastebuds.  

Indeed, morning is Aahana Kumra's “favourite time of the day” and breakfast is her “favourite meal of the day!!” Take a look at her post here:

(Also Read: Viral Video Of Biryani Floating Away In Hyderabad Have Biryani Lovers Speechless)

Anyone would turn green with envy watching Aahana eat a scrumptious and healthy breakfast. So, here are some healthy breakfast recipes for you.

1. Banana peanut butter oatmeal bowl

Peanut butter and banana is a combination made in heaven and this bowl has plenty of that. Making the meal healthier are some chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, and oats. So, what else would you want for breakfast? Recipe here.

2. Pina Colada smoothie bowl

Pina colada in a bowl? Yes, you heard it right. This is a nutritious bowl consisting of everything from coconuts and oats to pineapple and low-fat yoghurt. It is easy to make and definitely delicious. View the recipe here.

3. Chocolate acai bowl

If you want to kick start the day with something drool-worthy then this chocolate acai bowl can be a great choice. It has crunchy nuts, fresh berries, cocoa, and granola. And, it doesn't take much time to prepare this. Recipe here.

4. Oats upma

This oats upma is for those who prefer something desi in the morning. Upma can be made using different ingredients with oats being one of them. So, don't think much and prepare this lovely oats upma bowl. Click here for the recipe.  

5. Oat apple crumble

Oat apple crumble allows you to keep your breakfast light and delicious at the same time. It doesn't have any flour and just has healthy apples and oats along with the flavours of nutmeg and cinnamon. Recipe here.

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Ginger For Immunity: 6 Ways To Eat More Ginger Every Day

Immunity is one of our key concerns, especially during the time of weather change. As the temperature changes significantly, our immune health can be compromised leading to chest infection, sore throat, cold, cough and flu-like diseases. Luckily, immunity can be boosted naturally with the help of simple ingredients found in our kitchen! Take ginger for instance - it can be an effective ingredient to keep infections at bay. It has been known for its healing properties since times immemorial, and there are so many ways we can add it to our diet for maximum benefits.  

Is Ginger Good For Immunity? 

According to the book 'Healing Foods' by DK, "The volatile oils found in ginger have anti-inflammatory properties similar to those of  NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), which makes it an excellent remedy for flu, headaches and menstrual pains. It can also lower medication intake in osteoarthritis." Celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar also stated in her recent video, "It has many bioactive molecules, and they play a range of roles. It has high antioxidant value, and acts as an analgesic, provides pain relief." 

(Also Read: 9 Incredible Uses And Health Benefits Of Ginger - From Digestion To Flu And Cold)

How To Consume Ginger For Immunity 

There are so many different ways that ginger can be added to the diet. Some are the ones we already knew or have been using since quite some time. Others are a little offbeat and can be tried to increase our ginger intake and load up on immunity.  

1. Add It To Soups Or Tea 

Ginger has a powerful flavour and can amp up practically every dish, from tea to soup and more. Use ginger extract or ginger juice and add it to your usual masala tea recipe. You will see the difference in the flavour and your healthy. Click here for a ginger-cinnamon tea recipe you can make. You can also make a rich soup to soothe your throat. Find the recipe for carrot ginger-soup here.  

(Also Read: Here Are 7 Health Benefits Of Drinking Ginger Tea)


Carrot ginger soup is an excellent way to consume nutritious ginger. Image Credit: iStock

2. Use It To Flavour Gravies 

This is a hack that we all are well-aware of. A sliver of ginger or a dash of ginger paste can make all the difference to the gravy's taste and also add up to its health quotient. There are also recipes like Paneer Adraki or Mutton Ginger wherein ginger is the star ingredient and the primary flavouring agent. Click here for mutton ginger recipe.  

3. Drink It Up 

The flavours of ginger pair well with all kinds of drinks, juices and coolers. Prepare a litchi-ginger cooler with this miracle herb, click here for the recipe. You could also prepare a detox juice with ginger, lemon juice and orange juice mixed together. If you like to keep your drinks fizzy, here's how you can make ginger ale at home. Click here for the recipe.  

4. As A Garnish On Salads Or Chaat 

While coriander leaves or cream are commonly used to garnish dishes, where did the humble ginger disappear? Thinly sliced ginger can make an excellent garnish for your gravies or dry vegetable preparations while also enhancing the immunity-boosting properties. You can even add raw, chopped ginger to chaats such as bhelpuri, jhalmuri, sprouts and more.  

5. Add It To Dips 

Ginger is a powerful ingredient, whether you use it in the form of dry ginger powder or the raw form. You can prepare ginger chutney, pickled ginger or even a sweet and sour ginger dip with this versatile condiment. Click here for the sweet and sour ginger dip recipe.  

6. Flavour Desserts 

A number of traditional winter desserts in India add dry ginger powder to them to enhance the immunity quotient. This includes recipes like panjiri, laddoo, chikki and more. You can also make ginger the showstopper in desserts such as ginger cookies. Click here for ginger cookies recipe.  


Flavour your cookies with ginger to enjoy taste and health. Image Credit: iStock

Do not go overboard in consuming ginger and keep its quantity in moderation while making these dishes. Remember, excess of anything is not recommended. Always consult a qualified nutritionist or dietitian before making any major changes to your diet. Stay healthy, stay safe! 

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5 Foods That Are Natural Antioxidants For Your Skin

Healthy glowing skin is not only for beauty but also for staying healthy. Skin, in the medical realm, is considered to be an organ. It acts as a protective layer, enveloping our body and preventing entry of organisms that cause infections. Maintaining skin health is essential beyond beauty. It maintains our body temperature and fluid balance by controlling moisture loss. Our skin has sensors that feel pain which alert our body to danger. The skin also protects against the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays. Skin health is also a mirror to overall health. Diseases, nutritional deficiencies, ageing all affect the skin quality.

Also read: Skin Diet: These Vitamin A-Rich Foods May Promote Clear And Healthy Skin

Washing our skin with hot water, exposing it to the sun, having a unhealthy lifestyle, stress, sleep deprivation, dehydration, also takes away its glow and adds wrinkles. Eating a diet rich in skin nutrients like Vitamin A, E & C, minerals such as zinc selenium and copper and poly phenol rich vegetables and fruits that act as antioxidants improve overall health and skin too.

citrus 620

Here're 5 Foods That Are Natural Antioxidants For Your Skin:

1. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is the most important ingredient for production of collagen - a protein that maintains skin structure. It is also a strong antioxidant that protects against ageing and cell damage.

Sources: Citrus fruits, guava, broccoli, bell peppers, papaya.

Use: Other than eating, oranges can be added to face scrubs and the juice can be used as a mask. Papaya pulp makes for a good face pack.

2. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is another strong antioxidant that reduces inflammation. It is essential for a number of body functions.

Sources: Almonds, sunflower seeds, sunflower and safflower oils, peanuts.

Use: Make a powder of almonds and sunflower seeds, you can add this to your fruits, breakfast cereal or yogurt. It also makes for a good face pack. 

3. Lycopene

Lycopene is a compound found in good quantities in red and pink fruits and vegetables. It has strong antioxidant properties that have shown to protect against heart diseases, cancers and against sun damage for the skin.

Sources: Tomatoes, apricots, papaya, grapes, peaches, watermelon, cranberries.

Use: Tomato pulp is a good mask and exfoliator. Apply some after a day in the sun.

4. Retinol

Retinol is associated with reduction of wrinkles, signs of photo ageing, it helps with collagen production.

Sources: Milk, cheese, yoghurt, fortified food.

Use: Raw milk has been a favourite traditional face pack or face wash. Now we know why. Both milk and yoghurt can be used for face wash, face packs.

5. Curcumin

 Curcumin is found in haldi and is a strong antioxidant. It is capable of controlling inflammation at the cellular level. It helps with skin lightening and adds a glow. It has been used as a beauty aid for centuries, now we know why.

Sources: Haldi

Uses: It can be used as a pack with milk, or added to besan for a scrub.

6. Resveratrol

A plant polyphenol, it has been researched extensively for it antioxidant capacity in preventing heart diseases. It is associated with lower skin inflammation, lightening and brightening of the skin.

Sources : Grapes, blue berries.

Use: The pulp for a quick skin revival. It can be added to any scrub base too.

While these foods may be added to your daily skin care routine and are good replacements to cosmetics, you must understand that health is inside out. Have a variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables, hydrate well, sleep enough.

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Malaika Arora Enjoys Scrumptious Biryani For Lunch, And We Want Some Too

Biryani is one of the most loved dishes in India. This flavourful rice dish can be made with a variety of ingredients, depending on the region and style of preparation. The best part about biryani is that it not only makes for a wholesome meal but also provides a treat to the taste buds. Its rich and aromatic flavours make it quite hard to resist indulging in it. And it seems like actress Malaika Arora would agree with us on this. Recently, she shared a picture of her Sunday lunch meal that featured a bowl of scrumptious biryani and it has left us craving for some too! 

Also read: Malaika Arora Enjoys Mighty Spread Of Home-Cooked Food, Courtesy This Friend

Malaika took to Instagram Stories to share a glimpse of her yummy meal. In the photo, we could see a bowl of mouth-watering biryani. "Sundays=Biryani," Malaika captioned the story. She also added a heart emoji along with it. Check out her full story here:


Malaika Arora's gastronomic adventures are always interesting. If you follow her on Instagram, then you would know that she's a big-time foodie and doesn't miss a chance to keep her 17.3 million followers updated with what she's indulging in. Earlier, the actress shared a photo of her Sunday night dinner which included a plateful of truffle pasta, a toast with what looked like burrata cheese, cherry tomatoes, and some rocket leaves. Truffle pasta for the win," Malaika captioned the post on Instagram Stories. You can read all about it here.

Also read: Malaika Arora Cooks A Classic Masala Rice Dish. Guess What It Is

If you're craving some biryani after looking at Malaika's Instagram story, just like us, fret not. Here are some of our best biryani recipes that you can make and enjoy at home. Biryani tastes best when served with some raita or salan. Click here for the recipes.

What do you think about Malaika Arora's foodie adventures? Do let us know in the comments section  below. 


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How To Make Chana Tikka Masala - A Perfect Recipe For A Wholesome Dinner

Indian food offers a unique blend of flavours, spices, and aromas. Each region has its own distinct style and dishes, ranging from the vegetarian cuisine of South India to the rich meat-based dishes of North India. And one such popular dish is tikka masala. This dish is a variation of chicken tikka, and is known for its rich, creamy and flavourful sauce. However, if you're a vegetarian and don't want to miss out on these incredible flavours, you're at the right place. Here we bring you an interesting recipe that you'll absolutely love. It is called chana tikka masala. 

Also read: How To Make Mushroom Tikka Masala

Chana tikka masala is a vegetarian version of the popular chicken tikka masala dish. In this recipe, roasted chickpeas are cooked in a delectable tikka masala gravy. The gravy for chana tikka masala is similar to the gravy for chicken tikka masala, with a tomato base and a blend of spices. It tastes best when served with rice or naan, and garnished with fresh coriander leaves. Make this delicious curry for a wholesome dinner meal and enjoy! Without further ado, let's learn how to make it.


Also read: How To Make Paneer Tikka Masala: A Yummy, Smoky Paneer Recipe To Try This Week

Chana Tikka Masala Recipe: How To Make Chana Tikka Masala

To begin with, add chana (chickpea), haldi, red chilli powder, salt, lemon juice and vegetable oil in a bowl. Toss well to coat the chickpeas evenly with all the masalas. In a pan, heat some oil and add the marinated chana. Roast them for 4-5 minutes or until they look slightly charred.

Now, we need to prepare the tikka masala sauce. For this, add oil, onion, tomatoes, cashew nuts, ginger, garlic, and all the spices in a separate pan. Roast them until they become soft. Once done, allow the sauce to cool. Transfer to a mixer grinder to form a smooth paste. (You can also add some water at this stage).

Now, add the paste to the pan again and let it come to a boil. Add the roasted chana and mix well. Cook for 1-2 minutes and add fresh coriander leaves. Serve hot! Chana tikka masala is ready!

For the complete recipe of chana tikka masala, click here.

So, what are you waiting for? Try out this delicious recipe at home and let us know you liked its taste in the comments below. If you're looking for more tikka masala recipes, click here. 

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Priyanka Chopra's Latest Sweet Indulgence Has Us Drooling (Pic Inside)

Priyanka Chopra Jonas never fails to impress us. Be it with her acting skills, bold fashion statements, philanthropic activities or singing prowess, the desi girl is a role model and source of inspiration for many around the globe. She has more than 85.3 million followers on Instagram and keeps them updated with glimpses of her personal life. From her family time with her husband Nick Jonas and daughter Malti Marie to busy days on movie sets - we get to see it all! But what we enjoy the most are her foodie adventures. 

Also read: Priyanka Chopra Shares Her Daughter Malti's Love For This Street Food

Priyanka is a passionate foodie and doesn't shy away from indulging in her favourite food every now and then. Recently, the actress was seen relishing a delicious sweet treat and needles to say, it has left us drooling! Priyanka took to Instagram Stories to share a glimpse of her sweet indulgence. In the photo, we can see a huge serving of chocolate and vanilla-flavoured ice cream topped with sugar sprinkles. She also added the song 'The Cuppycake Song' (by Amy Castle) in the story. Take a look:


Looks delicious, right? If you too are craving some desserts after looking at Priyanka Chopra's Instagram story, we have a surprise for you! Here we bring you some of our best dessert recipes that you can try at home. Click here for the recipes. 

Also read: Priyanka Chopra's Coffee Post Is All Things Relatable, Here's Why

Well, this is not the first time that we've seen Priyanka relish sweet delights. Earlier in November, she shared a picture of her delectable ice cream on Instagram Stories. The credit for getting her the sweet delight goes to her beloved husband Nick Jonas. It appeared to be a wholesome vanilla ice cream topped with chunks of strawberry. "Thanks, hubby. Best start to the weekend Nick Jonas," read the caption in the story. Read more about it here.

What do you think of Priyanka Chopra's foodie adventures? Do let us know in the comments section below.


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Saturday 25 February 2023

How To Make Butter Noodles: A 10-Minute Recipe To Amp Up Your Weekend

How do you like to define your Sunday? To us, it's all about relaxation. After a long, tiring week, we like to take the day off, doing nothing and relaxing to the fullest. So much so that we don't even like to spend long hours in the kitchen. And why do we need to do that when there are so many recipes that can be prepared in minutes?! That's right. Internet is loaded with recipes that are quick, fuss-free and need no elaborate grocery shopping. All you need to do is scan through your pantry, pick the ingredients of your choice and create something new. This weekend, let's pick up some leftover butter and cheese from the refrigerator and prepare cheesy, gooey noodles. It's called the butter noodles.

Also read: Instant Noodle Recipes: Easy Instant Noodle Recipes For Beginners Trying To Ace The Cooking Game

Those who are super active on social media must have heard of butter noodles before. Sometime back, the recipe went viral on social media with the hashtag #butternoodlesrecipe. It was prepared as a substitute for white sauce pasta (alfredo pasta).  


How to make butter noodles:  

Ingredients to make butter noodles:  

It is possibly the easiest recipe one can think of. It is simple, fuss-free and needs a handful of ingredients for preparation. All you need are noodles, butter, parmesan cheese, black pepper and salt (if needed).  

Step-by-step method to make butter noodles:   

Step 1. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add the egg noodles and cook according to the package instructions until they are al dente. Drain the noodles and set aside.  

Step 2. In a large skillet over medium heat, melt the butter until it foams and turns light brown in colour. Add the cooked egg noodles to the skillet and toss them with the butter until they are coated evenly.  

Step 3. Add the grated parmesan cheese to the skillet and continue to toss the noodles until the cheese is melted and the noodles are well coated.  

Step 4. Season the buttered noodles with salt and pepper to taste. Serve hot with the side of garlic bread. Click here for the detailed recipe.  

How to upgrade butter noodles:  

The cheesy butter noodles spells indulgence. But, if you want to make your weekend binge a bit more exotic, here's all you need to do:  

  • Add flavoured butter instead of regular one for enhanced aroma.  
  • Add vegetables of your choice for extra crunch.  
  • Butter toss prawns and add to the noodles to make it an exotic bowl.  
  • The ones who avoid prawns can go for bacon strips.   
  • If you are a fan of herbs, chop some fresh parsley and sprinkle before serving.  

So, what are you waiting for? Prepare the dish today and make your Sunday a cheesy affair!  


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What To Eat At Indore's Chappan Market Aka 56 Dukan - A Complete Guide

Indore has gained a wonderful reputation among tourists and visitors, and the reasons are multifarious. Whether it's the stunning Maratha architecture, the colourful graffiti-filled street facades or simply all the greenery around - there's more than one reason to add this city to your bucket list. And of course, foodies will vouch for the city's amazing street food. The moment you land at Devi Ahilyabai Holkar airport, you will realise that food is deeply ingrained in the city's ethos. There is an entire night market dedicated to street food called Sarafa Bazaar. But before you head there, Indore's Chappan market or 56 Dukan is a great place to start exploring the delicious food being served.   

Also read: Madhya Pradesh Food: 11 Best Recipes | Popular Madhya Pradesh Recipes

The street food of Indore has an identity of its own which is a mixture of influences from the Northern and Western parts of the country. You'll find everything possible here - right from pizzas and sandwiches to Indori poha and the famous jalebi. In September 2021, both Sarafa Bazaar and 56 Dukan received awards from FSSAI for being 'Clean Street Food' hubs in Indore. So what should you eat upon visiting the famous Chappan market in Indore? Here's what you need to know.  


What Is 56 Dukan Or Chappan Market? All About Indore's Famous Street Food Hub  

56 Dukan or Chappan Market is one of the most famous street food hubs of Indore. It is located in the New Palasia area of the city. It was awarded the 'Clean Street Food Hub' tag in 2021. The name of Chappan market comes from the 'Chappan bhog' that is traditionally prepared on the occasion of Janamashtami to celebrate the birth of Lord Krishna. Thus, true to its name, the market has exactly 56 shops as part of the street food hub. Chhapan market stays open on all seven days from 7:30am to 11:30pm. So, you can plan to visit accordingly.  

A Complete Guide To Chappan Market | Famous Street Food From Indore's 56 Dukan  

You will find plenty of street food options in Chappan market, from cheese-filled sandwiches to thick and fruity shakes. We have shortlisted some of the best places in this street food hub that you simply have to visit. So, empty your stomach, bring a good appetite and enjoy a feast!  

Also read: 15 Best Street Food Recipes | Delicious Street Food Recipes

street food

Here Are 6 Places To Visit In Indore's Chappan Market Aka 56 Dukan:  

1. Young Tarang  

Quick service, excellent street food at affordable prices is what makes Young Tarang one of the most famous choices of Chhapan market in Indore. You can choose from their delicious chaat items, or the wonderful sabudana khichdi or even some interesting varieties of dosas.  

2. Johny Hot Dogs  

Yes, you read that right! Hot dogs are extremely popular among Indore residents. The vegetarian hot dog is an excellent choice, and they also have chicken and mutton options for non-vegetarians. You can also try Indore's famous dish Egg benjo here.  

3. Vijay Chaat House  

A limited menu with focussed attention on Indore's favourite treats is what Vijay Chaat House is famous for. Whether you try the classic poha jalebi, kachoris or khopra patties - trust us, you will not be disappointed.   

4. Ramesh Masala Dosa  

Indore's street food vendors have taken the dosa and transformed it to the next level! You can choose from a wide variety of dosas with toppings like cheese, masala, schezwan sauce or even corn. Trust us, you will not regret it.   

5. Sam's Momos  

In the mood for something different? Sam's Momos is the place to be. From delicious paneer momos to rolls, shawarma and more - there is so much variety that you'll be spoilt for choice.   

6. Om Namkeen  

Indore is best known for its delicious namkeens, and Om Namkeen is the place to be for this. Although it is not exclusive to 56 Dukan, this outlet is a must-visit for the wide array of namkeens it has to offer.

So, try out these amazing places in Indore's Chappan Dukan and tell us what you liked in the comments!  

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Watch: Ashish Vidyarthi Tries Rasgulla Chai For The First Time And Shares His Review

Tea time is a special ritual in India. It is a time when family and friends come together and catch up on each other's lives. And since tea is extremely versatile, people love experimenting with this concoction. It can be customised with a wide range of flavours, such as cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and more. However, a few months ago, a video of a street vendor making rasgulla chai went viral on the internet. As bizarre as this may sound, this rasgulla chai hails from Kolkata. Recently, actor Ashish Vidyarthi was seen trying this unique type of chai for the first time. 

Also read: Rasgulla Chai Is The Latest Bizarre Combination That Has Left The Internet Divided

Ashish Vidyarthi took to Instagram to share his review about the chai. In the video, we can see a man preparing rasgulla chai at a store in Kolkata. We can see him adding crushed ginger into the boiling tea. He then pours it over a piece of rasgulla in a clay cup. The rasgulla gets completely soaked in the tea and Vidyarthi is seen relishing the combination. He says, "Wow. This is unique." He also says, "Chumuka Chomok, it's tasty."  He further adds that this is similar to bread dipped in tea. "Rasgulla chai kabhi kiya kya try?" read the caption of the video. Take a look:

Also read: Ashish Vidyarthi's Foodie Adventures In Mumbai Has Left Us Drooling

Since being shared, the video has garnered over 343K views, 35.1K likes and several comments. While the actor quite liked this rasgulla chai, internet users were not quite impressed with it. Check out some of the reactions below:

"Kabhi suna nahi rasgulla chai ke barey (Never heard of rasgulla chai)."

"Bhai chai ek relaxation ha. Isko kharab mat karo (Brother tea is a relaxation. Don't spoil it)."

"Sir, don't take sweets too much."

"Maaaaf kardo (forgive me) please."

"Duniya ka ant nazdik hai (The end of the world is near)."

What do you think of this rasgulla chai? Would you try it? Do let us know in the comments section below.


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