Saturday 14 March 2020

There Is Always A Positive Spin

There Is Always A Positive Spin

Before we knew that the coronavirus and social distancing was a critical thing, I tore my bicep at the distal. Last Tuesday I had emergency surgery and MY world as I personally knew it changed.

There Is Always A Positive SpinI learned that for 10 weeks I’d be in a cast locked at a 90 degree angle with a lot of pain (nerves were moved) and that I would be rehabbing for 6 month to a year.

No workouts (fine) but also no driving, no typing, no writing, no speaking and traveling. No washing my own hair, cooking for myself or independence.I cleared my calendar super fast (had a four hour notice before learning surgery was happening and having to check in to the hospital).

Anxiety, fear, even depression kicked in.

What turned this around for me? Gratitude. Finding the good in it all. Surrendering. Accepting the truth of the matter not my beliefs around it. Focussing on what I COULD do and what I COULD create.

Healing, the lessons, the PROS. There is always a a way to make lemonade out of lemons… I share this now because with the coronavirus being a serious scary thing- and lock downs and social isolation being very real I know many of you are now depressed, anxious, worried and scared.

I encourage YOU to make a list as I did as to what you CAN do now (with both of your arms and hands lol- I’m doing this with one..)

MY LIST, that I created has served me daily in my (lots of spare time at home) My actual list:

I now have more time to:
Have deep conversations and fun with my family
Stretch my legs
Listen to and record Podcast
Chat on FaceTime with friends I have lost touch with
Practice mindfulness
Sit in my Massage chair
Sleep more
Read more
Practice eating slower
Practice asking for support
Learn to write with my left hand
Practice self hypnosis for recovery and pain management
Take on new 1 on 1 coaching clients and focus on THEIR business and vision
More time to be of service and help others
Snuggle with FLOPS
Organize things (mindfully with one hand)
Get more involved with my daughters school work (hello mandatory home schooling)
Catch up on documentaries

I get it-change, discomfort and set backs SUCK. But we are all BLESSED with the lessons and knowledge to come.


Natalie Jill

The post There Is Always A Positive Spin appeared first on Natalie Jill Fitness.

from Natalie Jill Fitness

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