Monday 16 March 2020

Adventure Inspiration to Weather the COVID-19 Pandemic

It’s no overstatement to call these times crazy. The panic is real, spread across the world as the coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to appear relentlessly in city after city. Health officials are urging all people (regardless of symptoms) to remain indoors and to limit exposure with others as much as possible. It’s ironic that the best way for us to unify in the face of this global health threat is via self-isolation and social distancing.

This unlikely method to prevent the virus spreading means avoiding crowded public spaces, ceasing physical contact with others, and simply hunkering down in your home and waiting this out. And unfortunately, this sedentary reality means no travel.

The only thing to do is look ahead: to when life returns to normal. Once these precautions are lifted, we’ll be free to head back outside, abroad, over oceans and borders to enjoy the staggering beauty and limitless freedom that only travel can deliver.

So while you’re not able to travel now, you can certainly start dreaming and planning. We’ve rounded up a handful of Men’s Journal‘s best adventure travel pieces to keep your wanderlust for adventure sparked during dark times. Don’t lose your itch to explore the world, just put a pin in it temporarily while we all get through this together.

from Men's Journal

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