Friday 3 January 2020

Full Moon Night Skiing in the Austrian Alps

Ski touring the Austrian Alps is no walk in the park. Ascents can be grueling, weather inclement, and conditions far from accommodating — and that’s just when the sun is up, with daylight on your side.

In 2019, backcountry skiers Max Kroneck and Jochen Mesle decided to take filming an Austrian ski tour to another level: using only the natural light of a full moon to guide their way (and to light their shots). The crew spent nine nights filming epic face shots, searing turns, and sending it off big-mountain kickers using no artificial lights of any kind. The result is truly breathtaking as viewers get to experience some world-class backcountry lines in a whole new, ahem, light.

“Some of you might have been on a full moon ski tour before. It’s a really special vibe which is hard to describe when you haven’t experienced it by yourself,” said Mesle in the description of the film. “With this movie we wanted to capture that feeling of being out there skiing in a clear full moon night. There is not much that distracts you from the pure beauty of the mountains.”

The crew explained in the description of the film that skiing under these conditions alone is no easy task, not to mention trying to capture it on film. However, while the challenges were imminent, the end product was well worth the effort. The six-minute film has received numerous 2019 accolades, winning an Audience Award at Filmfest St. Anton, plus finalist selections at Banff Mountain Film Festival and in the Awe Category at Roam Awards for its 90-second trailer.

Needless to say, the footage is nothing short of whimsical. Kick up your feet for a few minutes and wallow in the glistening magic of the Austrian backcountry under gorgeous lunar illumination.

from Men's Journal

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