Thursday 30 January 2020

A Road Trip Through New Mexico’s Odd and Enchanting Landmarks

Sitting shotgun in my friend’s truck as we barreled down the highway, the first sign welcoming us to the Land of Enchantment crested the horizon. It’s a bold slogan for a state, but if one thing’s for sure, New Mexico is certainly aware of its own allure.

We road tripped from Denver to Salt Lake City by way of New Mexico. Without much of a plan, we set out to visit some of New Mexico’s most famed features (Carlsbad Caverns, White Sands) as well as its lesser known roadside oddities.

As we traversed the state through juniper-dotted deserts and mud-brick towns, we found a quiet, beautiful, unexpected adventure that could only be described one way: enchanting.

Here, our favorite stops discovered along the way.

from Men's Journal

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