Sunday 20 August 2023

Protein-Rich Sindhi Sprouts And Jowar Doda For Weight Loss And Diabetes Diet. Try The Recipe Today!

Sindhi cuisine brims with some mind-blowing dishes that take your taste buds on a joyride. In the cuisine lies a true gem that marries nutrition and taste effortlessly - the doda roti. The flatbread is an amalgamation of gluten-free millets and other wholesome ingredients that not only tantalise the taste buds but also offer a health-conscious embrace for those seeking weight loss and diabetes management. While Sindhi doda can be made in different ways to suit different palates, we bring to you a protein-rich doda recipe that can be a part of your healthy weight loss or diabetes diet or even PCOD diet. The recipe has been shared by Kanak Gurnani who calls herself a 'Food Enthusiast'. The recipe video on her Instagram handle shows an easy way to make this nutrient-rich roti.  
Also Read: High Protein Diet: 5 Interesting Ways To Add Jowar (Sorghum) To Your Diet


About Sindhi Sprouts And Jowar Doda: 

Imagine a medley of vibrant sprouts, revered for their protein-packed punch and bounty of essential nutrients. Sprouts are low in calories yet rich in fibre, a duo that aids in curbing cravings and promoting healthy digestion - both vital for shedding those extra pounds. Accompanying this is the humble garlic, the fiery green chilli, the crisp onion, and the fragrant ginger. These flavourful ingredients lend depth to the dish while bestowing a host of health benefits. 

The Secret Stars: Jowar And Sesame Seeds 

Jowar flour is a gluten-free wonder that not only caters to dietary restrictions but also champions weight loss efforts. Jowar, also known as sorghum, is a complex carbohydrate that releases energy gradually, keeping hunger pangs at bay and supporting stable blood sugar levels.
Adding a delightful crunch to this dish are the sesame seeds, tiny but potent sources of healthy fats, protein, and essential minerals. These seeds bring an element of texture and a nutritional boost, elevating the dish to new heights of nourishment. 
Also Read: Jowar Masala Roti: A Healthy Alternative To Your Regular Rotis

How To Make Sindhi Sprouts And Jowar Roti: 

Blend sprouts, onions, garlic, ginger and green chilli to make a paste. Combine with jowar flour spices and other ingredients. You can also add methi leaves. Knead to make dough. Then take a palm-sized ball from the dough and flatten it with your hands on greased parchment paper. Keep patting till it forms a bigger round roti. Flip the parchment paper along with the roti on a hot pan, remove the paper and cook from the other side too, with ghee. Your doda is ready. 

Pair the roti with raita, plain curd, chutney or any dish of your choice. You'll get great taste and lots of  nutrition in one plate.  

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