Wednesday 3 November 2021

Best Testosterone Booster Supplements of 2021

It is evident that as men age, they produce less testosterone naturally, which later affects aspects such as sexual drive, muscle growth, body fat distribution, and fertility. However, what if we told you there is hope in increasing these testosterone levels? Testosterone is a sex hormone that plays an important role in any man’s life. 

If you are looking to enhance your testosterone levels, we have conducted a list of some of the best testosterone boosters there are on the market. With careful analysis on these supplements, we have gathered enough information to make sure you make the right decision. 

Top 5 Testosterone Boosters:

  1. TestoPrime Strongest T-Booster 
  2. TestoGen – Natural Testosterone Booster
  3. Prime Male – Best for Libido
  4. Testo-Max – Legal Alternative For Sustanon
  5. TestRx –  Best for Males Over 40

Best Testosterone Booster Supplements:

1. TestoPrime – Strongest T-Booster

Blue Ribbon Group Testo Prime

TestoPrime turned out to be the most efficient and cost-effective T-booster that sits well with men of every kind of health condition.

Manufactured by Wolfson brands (UK) Limited, TestoPrime is among the best all-natural, standalone testosterone boosters suitable for men in their 30s and 40s.

As a men’s health and wellness brand for over a decade, TestoPrime has been on a mission to “unlock and revitalize existing testosterone” among men of all ages. The product contains no additives or fillers and uses only natural ingredients that your body recognizes as compounds that help boost natural testosterone.

Made from FDA-approved ingredients at GMP-certified facilities, this high-quality diet supplement is designed with a well-researched formula to achieve the best weight loss and muscle build-up at the earliest.

⇒ Visit the Official Website of TestoPrime

Pros of TestoPrime:

  • Safe, natural, and clinically tested formula; proven effective on human test subjects
  • Manufactured at FDA-approved facilities in the US & the UK
  • Proven body-sculpting and fat-reducing benefits
  • Increases libido, fertility, and stamina, besides overall physical and mental strength and energy
  • No prescriptions needed
  • 100% satisfaction with a lifetime guarantee
  • e-Guides with every purchase
  • Fast & free shipping

Cons of TestoPrime:

  • Gulping down four capsules at one go (or even one after the other) can be difficult for some; better dosing would have been to distribute the dosage over the entire day.

Ingredients of TestoPrime:

  • D-Aspartic Acid: (2000mg) Triggers and maintains testosterone release by the body, ensures higher free testosterone.
  • Panax Ginseng (8000mg): Also known as Korean Red Ginseng; improves sex drive, physical and mental performances, and sleep.
  • Ashwagandha (668mg of KSM 66®): Apart from being a natural T-booster and libido and fertility enhancer, it also suppresses stress hormones (cortisol), improves muscle mass and strength, and reduces inflammation caused by workouts.
  • Fenugreek (800mg): A natural body heat-booster; helps burn fat and increase libido and fertility, especially more discernible among aging men.
  • Green Tea Extract (4,000mgl 70% catechins): Green tea can increase sperm count and improve sexual health, besides liver and kidney health.
  • Pomegranate Extract (360mg; 40% Ellagic Acid): Increases immunity, strength, and energy, besides salivary testosterone levels and mood.
  • Vitamin D: Enhances bone density and keeps joints and skeletal structure strong and vibrant; supports muscle growth and builds immunity, and boosts testosterone production.
  • Zinc (40mg): Maintains a healthy sperm count and quality.
  • Vitamin B6 (5.6mg): Promotes testosterone production.
  • Vitamin B5 (8mg): Enhances sexual health and sperm quality, besides improving sleep quality, increasing energy levels, lowering stress levels, and regulating metabolic activities.
  • Garlic Extract (1,200mg): Raises testicular testosterone levels.
  • Black Pepper Extract (95% Piperine): Black pepper increases the potency of the other ingredients and also increases body heat, helping it burn fat faster.

⇒ Click Here to Learn More about the Ingredients of TestoPrime

How does it Work?

  • Boost testosterone levels: Unlike steroids, D-Aspartic Acid and the other natural ingredients naturally increase T-levels.  
  • Prevent testosterone breakdown: Garlic, Ashwagandha, and Zinc help prevent free testosterone from getting metabolized into estrogen or progesterone, allowing higher levels of free testosterone to remain in the system.
  • Reduce physical stress: Ashwagandha prevents cortisol levels from rising in the body, thus keeping your body as stress-free and fat-free as possible. Yes, stress causes indigestion and increased fat deposition!
  • Burn fat and convert it into energy: The combined effects of its natural ingredients support a healthy and consistent flood of free testosterone, enforcing the fat burning and muscle building processes.
  • Helps build endurance: Its ingredients increase overall oxygen intake by a person. This increases the nitric oxide levels in the body, thereby offering longer-lasting energy and stamina.
  • Increases muscle strength and stamina: TestoPrime’s ingredients induce better blood flow. This helps provide more fresh oxygen to your muscles, thereby giving you more energy, stamina, and strength.
  • Boost libido: Some of the components (see ingredients) promote better and healthier sex life, performance, and stamina, besides increasing the urges.
  • Overall wellbeing: TestoPrime has included several ingredients to maintain and improve your overall health, besides boosting your T-levels. This helps support your body’s overall need for energy, stamina, strength, and immunity.

TestoPrime Dosage:

TestoPrime recommends a daily dose of four capsules before breakfast daily.

The pack contains 120 capsules, enough for 4 weeks, within which you should see visible changes. Couple your regular diet with these supplements and drink lots of water for the best results.

Why Trust This Brand?

TestoPrime is one of the best quality, most highly reviewed, and highly effective testosterone boosters sold at standard market prices. The brand is clear about its ingredients, formulation, and lab results.

Besides, this product has been clinically tested on human test subjects and contains 100% natural ingredients sourced from around the world, where they are available in their highest quality.

The effects are significantly higher than other similar products in this segment. It helps build muscles, support bone health, burn excess fat, and increase libido, stamina, strength, and energy levels in the most natural way possible.

Yet, you don’t need to wait forever to see the effects. The effects are usually quite obvious within a month. With a maximum of 3 – 6 months, you should be able to notice a whole new person staring back at you from the mirror.

Unlike most other T-boosters, TestoPrime doesn’t cut corners with its quality or hide its ingredients under the garb of “proprietary blend”. That is why you can use these daily supplements and achieve maximum results in the shortest time without experiencing any side effects.

So, if you’re trying to get bulkier muscles, higher energy, more stamina, and maximize your sexual potential, without steroids or expensive testosterone replacement therapy sessions, you should try this natural, clinically tested formula.

If you don’t notice any visible change in your physical fitness even after 4 weeks have passed, you can return the product anytime – literally, any time. The company offers an iron-clad, no-questions-asked 100% lifetime guarantee.

⇒ Click Here to Get the Best Discount on TestoPrime

2. TestoGen – Natural Testosterone Booster

Blue Ribbon Group Testo Gen

TestoGen is yet another industry leader, thanks to its strongest combination of all-natural ingredients.

Manufactured by Muscle Club Limited, TestoGen being one of the strongest testosterone booster, is used by bodybuilders, athletes, and typical office-goers alike, aiding in boosting sex drive, building lean muscle mass, reducing body fat, and increasing overall stamina and energy.

TestoGen’s proprietary blend of 11 ingredients, including vitamins, minerals, and botanical extracts, makes it a wholesome dietary supplement for people struggling to see the difference even after spending hours at the gym.

⇒ Visit the Official Website of TestoGen

Pros of TestoGen:

  • Powerful, proven, and effective, with natural ingredients
  • No side effects
  • Boost lean muscle build-up, increase stamina and focus, decrease body fat, and improve libido, mood, and confidence
  • Has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions
  • Bunch of unique ingredients
  • Standard dosage and prices
  • Free & fast worldwide shipping
  • Excellent world-class customer support
  • Free guide with every purchase
  • Save on bulk purchases
  • 100-day money-back guarantee

Cons of TestoGen:

Ingredients of TestoGen:

  • D-Aspartic Acid (2352 mg)
  • Magnesium (200 mg): Assists testosterone production and improves sleep patterns and duration.
  • Vitamin D3 (50 mcg): Supports muscle growth and function, reinforces bone health, and builds immunity, besides boosting testosterone production.
  • Bioperine (5 mg; 95% Piperine)
  • Vitamin K1 (20 mcg): Supports and maintains bone density and muscle health, besides boosting testosterone levels.
  • Zinc (10 mg)
  • Vitamin B6 (20 mg)
  • Boron (8 mg): Enhances free testosterone levels.
  • Nettle Leaf Extract (40 mg): Increases free testosterone level; inhibits enzymes that metabolize testosterone.
  • Fenugreek Extract (40 mg)
  • Korean Red Ginseng Extract (40 mg)

⇒ Click Here to Learn More about the Ingredients of TestoGen

How does it Work?

  • Boost testosterone levels: Unlike steroids, T-boosters like TestoGen contain D-Aspartic Acid, Boron, Magnesium, Vitamin B6, and Zinc to boost testosterone levels naturally.
  • Prevent testosterone metabolism: Some of its ingredients, like Nettle Leaf Extract, prevent certain enzymes from transforming stored testosterone into estrogen, thereby promoting higher availability of free testosterone levels in the body.
  • Boost libido and overall stamina: Certain ingredients specifically target testosterone to raise a man’s libido, improve his performance in bed, and boost his overall stamina.
  • Support active lifestyle: Besides increasing body heat to induce weight loss, certain components, like Vitamin K1 and Vitamin D3, help enhance the effects of the other ingredients. These aid in building muscles, reducing fat, and reviving energy and strength lost during workouts.

TestoGen Dosage:

TestoGen’s dosage comprises taking 4 capsules with breakfast or within 30 minutes before breakfast for best results. But don’t forget to increase your water consumption while on these supplements.

Like most other T-boosters, one pack contains enough capsules for a month.

Why Trust This Brand?

Apart from its efficacy and strong doses of ingredients, it has proven to be highly effective among a lot of people with different kinds of body types.

These supplements, like the TestoPrime, are lab tested and pose no health risk.

Besides, the brand also offers excellent customer support and worldwide shipping.

⇒ Click Here to Get the Best Discount on TestoGen

3. Prime Male – Best for Libido

Blue Ribbon Group Prime Male

Prime Male is among the most innovative Testosterone boosters, formulated by the company’s own with the help of 12, including some unique, all-natural ingredients to help middle-aged and aging men maintain their vigor and vitality into their old ages.

Manufactured by UK-based company Propura Limited, Prime Male is among the safest all-natural dietary T-boosting supplements in the market.

Unlike other supplements, this testosterone booster is mainly suited for men above the age of 40. Even bodybuilders could step away from anabolic steroids and use these instead.

Besides helping you lose body fat, boost your testosterone levels, libido, and energy levels, Prime Male also improves blood pressure, metabolism, bone development, and muscle strength.

⇒ Visit the Official Website of Prime Male

Pros of Prime Male:

  • Enhanced absorption of ingredients
  • Non-caffeinated
  • Safe for aging individuals
  • Ships to most countries
  • 90-day money-back guarantee
  • Effective in building stamina, strength, and libido

Cons of Prime Male:

  • Purchasable only on their official website
  • Some individuals may find it difficult to keep up the dosing schedule

Ingredients of Prime Male:

  • D-Aspartic Acid Calcium Chelate (1600mg)
  • Bioperine (10mg)
  • Korean Red Ginseng Extract (120mg)
  • Boron (5mg)
  • Vitamin K2 (45mcg)
  • Zinc (30mg)
  • Vitamin D3 (5000IU)
  • Vitamin B6 (7.5mg)
  • Nettle Root (also known as nettle leaf; 160mg): Improves prostate health.
  • Magnesium Citrate (100mg)
  • Mucuna Pruriens Extract (300mg): Mucuna Pruriens is a natural source of levodopa or L-Dopa, which is an amino acid and a precursor of dopamine (a neurotransmitter that boosts testosterone levels).
  • Luteolin (60mg): Luteolin, an aromatase inhibitor, prevents testosterone from breaking down into estrogen, which contaminates the free testosterone in the bloodstream.

⇒ Click Here to Learn More about the Ingredients of Prime Male

How does it Work?

  • Natural T-boosting ingredients: Naturally promotes testosterone levels.
  • Overall wellbeing: Some of the ingredients are meant to support the effects of the key ingredients and improve the user’s strength, stamina, immunity, and overall health.
  • Prevent testosterone breakdown: Ingredients like Nettle Leaf Extract and Luteolin can safely and effectively prevent testosterone breakdown and increase free testosterone levels in the bloodstream.
  • Prevent female hormone activity: Unlike other supplements, Prime Male’s unique formulation offers Luteolin and Mucuna Pruriens. These components reduce estrogen and progesterone levels in the body as well as prevent prolactin activity that causes “man boobs”.
  • Boost stamina & sex drive: Red ginseng boosts libido, sexual performance, as well as overall stamina and energy.
  • Best For Aged/Aging: Prime Male is best suited for the older generation who need youthful vibrant and vigor than anyone else. Apart from being a testosterone booster, it also improves the overall health of individuals.

Prime Male Dosage:

Prime Male has a convenient dosing system. Take 1 tablet 4 times a day at different times throughout the day. But the doses should be taken only when the sun is up, such as 8 am, 11 am, 2 pm, and 5 pm.

Like any other T-booster, it’s best to take these along with some food and increase fluid intake while being on these supplements. The supplements are also available in the standard one container per month package, i.e., it contains 120 capsules.

Why Trust This Brand?

As mentioned earlier, Prime Male is one of the safest products in this segment, even for aging individuals. It naturally balances hormone levels in users, stopping aging in its tracks – in every way.

Its effects aren’t focused on increasing testosterone levels alone. It aids in increasing libido, building stamina, improving immunity, supporting joints, and pumping up lean muscles, besides lowering body fat, blood pressure issues, and heart health problems. It has also been noticed to help improve prostate and skin health.

⇒ Click Here to Get the Best Discount on Prime Male

4. Testo-Max – Legal Alternative For Sustanon

Blue Ribbon Group Testo Max

Testo-Max is not only legal but is also a safer choice over anabolic steroids. It is completely natural – like all the other products in this guide.

Manufactured by Cyprus-based fitness brand, Crazy Bulk, Testo-Max contains a blend of 11 essential nutrients.

Like most other supplements in this list, Testo-Max also helps build lean muscles, pushes the body to recover quickly after an intense workout, enhances libido, promotes testosterone production, and improves muscle gain and stamina. Besides, it helps you quickly revive your energy levels after a workout.

It has been formulated from potent doses of all the testosterone-boosting compounds we have already spoken of, such as D-aspartic acid, magnesium, zinc, boron, vitamins D, B6, K1, among other ingredients.

Owing to its standard and natural ingredients, you could also couple this booster with any other boosting supplement to get better and faster results.

⇒ Visit the Official Website of Testo-Max

Pros of Testo-Max:

  • Safe, legal, natural, and highly effective
  • Standard dosage
  • Heavy discounts on third-party e-stores
  • Free worldwide delivery
  • Standard pricing
  • Good for boosting stamina, libido, and muscle building
  • Increases overall recovery rate after workouts
  • 60-day money-back guarantee

Cons of Testo-Max:

  • Available for purchase on their official website alone
  •  Shorter money-back guarantee that the earlier products in our list

Ingredients of Testo-Max:

  • Magnesium (200mg)
  • Vitamin B6 (20mg)
  • Zinc (10mg)
  • Vitamin D3 (50mcg)
  • Vitamin K1 (20mcg)
  • D-Aspartic Acid (2352mg)
  • Nettle Extract (40mg)
  • Fenugreek Extract (40mg)
  • Red Ginseng Extract (40mg)
  • Boron (8mg)
  • Bioperine (5mg)

⇒ Click Here to Learn More about the Ingredients of Testo-Max

How does it Work?

  • Boost luteinizing hormone production: D-Aspartic Acid, Magnesium, Vitamin B6, and Zinc help induce the release of LH hormone that naturally triggers testosterone release in the body.
  • Raise free testosterone levels: Fenugreek, nettle extract, and boron boost levels of free testosterone levels in the system.
  • Enhance immunity: Nutrients like Zinc, Vitamin K1, and Vitamin D3 improve immunity. Besides, Boron helps regulate processes like cognition, moods, muscle formation, and bone-building, while Bioperine, Vitamin K1, and Vitamin D3 boost other ingredients’ effects and help in their easy absorption.
  • Boost energy and stamina: Besides increasing body heat, Fenugreek, along with other natural nutrients, also boosts stamina and energy.

Testo-Max Dosage:

The recommended dosage is 4 capsules 20 minutes before breakfast.

Each container of Testo-Max contains enough doses for a month.

Why Trust This Brand?

Besides being natural, safe, and lab-tested, Testo-Max is a tried-and-tested formulation that has been around for a long time. A popular product among bodybuilders and athletes, this supplement is known for its high efficiency.

Besides, the brand ships worldwide and has excellent customer care as well as good consumer-centric policies.

⇒ Click Here to Get the Best Discount on Testo-Max

5. TestRx – Best for Males Over 40

Blue Ribbon Group Test RX

Our final product is also a natural alternative to steroids. It contains zinc magnesium aspartate (ZMA) and a bunch of numerous natural ingredients to boost muscle building and toning, strengthening bone and joints, and increasing stamina and energy.

But most importantly, it’s the best T-booster for increasing sex drive.

Manufactured by Leading Edge Health, a Cyprus-based company, this product was carefully tested on football players for over 7 weeks before releasing it in the market. Besides, TestRx also provides one of the best customer services.

However, there are other libido enhancer in the market

⇒ Visit the Official Website of TestRx

Pros of TestRx:

  • Best product for boosting your libido
  • Also effective for building lean muscle mass, bone strength, and stamina
  • 67-day return policy
  • 24/7 customer service
  • Made in the US
  • Available at multiple stores across the US

Cons of TestRx:

  • Free shipping can’t be availed of with every order
  • Not the best set of ingredients, though all-natural
  • The money-back-guarantee covers a shorter period.

Ingredients of TestRx:

  • Zinc Monomethionine (10mg)
  • D-Aspartic Acid (2300mg)

(Zinc Monomethionine + Aspartic Acid make up ZMA)

  • Vitamin K2 (20mcg)
  • Vitamin D3 (1,140IU/28.5mcg)
  • Vitamin B6 (5mg)
  • Fenugreek Seed Extract (300mg)
  • Magnesium (200mg)

⇒ Click Here to Learn More about the Ingredients of TestRx

How does it Work?

  • ZMA boosts muscle growth and helps in the release of Luteinizing hormone (LH).
  • D-Aspartic Acid triggers growth hormone secretion, thereby promoting muscle and bone buildup.
  • Vitamin K regulates overall health, besides maintaining hormone levels, moods, heart, and blood vessels, and bone tissue development.
  • Vitamin B6 helps improve cellular and enzymatic processes, such as metabolism.
  • Fenugreek raises free testosterone levels in the blood.

TestRx Dosage:

TestRx advises consumers to take 4 capsules a day, all of them together before or with breakfast.

Each bottle of TestRx contains 120 capsules, the same as all the other T-boosters in this list.

Why Trust This Brand?

Although it doesn’t give you a money-back guarantee after 67 days, purchasing 3 containers together gets you free shipping.

You could also buy 2 packs for a smaller discount, and then increase the number of containers in the next purchase to avail of the free shipping or a discount of $10 per extra container.

As for its effects, these supplements have also been around for a long time. They have been proven to be effective and safe.

It’s also one of the best and natural alternatives for bodybuilders and athletes who have been on steroids, as these contain nutrients, like vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that are vital for building bone strength and lean muscle mass.

Besides, these supplements also help quicker recovery after workouts, boost stamina during workouts, and retain your energy levels afterward. It also improves your sex life substantially.

And if you have any queries, you can always reach out to the company’s customer support team 24×7.

⇒ Click Here to Get the Best Discount on TestRx

How We Pick Testosterone Booster Brands That Work?

According to Observer, Adding a testosterone booster to your daily routine is an excellent choice. Especially for the men reaching their early 30s. Although there are numerous companies that make testosterone enhancers, few of them contain quality ingredients, and fewer still have all-natural ingredients. Nonetheless, some reliable brands do exist.

We’ve thoroughly verified each brand of product to ensure they contain only natural and lab-verified ingredients that are both effective and safe.

Here’s what we did to verify each product:

  • Researched the most popular and reputed brands in the market.
  • Pored over customer reviews and ratings to assess their effectiveness and safety.
  • Checked their websites and relevant documents to verify their commitments and adherence to the health parameters.
  • Interviewed consumers for their feedback and surveyed public forums and social media platforms to assess their overall performance, quality, effectiveness, safety, and other parameters.
  • Studied the ingredients of each product, among other aspects, to ensure these were all-natural, effective, and available in potent amounts to make a difference!

Although our main objective was to test the products ourselves, we couldn’t be sure about them until we had checked out what everyone else was saying – something that you, too, should do before buying any product!

  • Finally, we tested 10 T-boosters to check for their efficacy, potency, safety parameters, and overall performance.

Features We Considered Choosing The Best Supplements To Boost Testosterone:

  • Product Ingredients: We only considered products that had natural ingredients in potent enough volumes to make a difference.
  • Benefits: We weighed each of their benefits (and potential side effects) to ensure these were indeed the best in the market.
  • Dosage: The efficiency and affordability of a product are somewhat determined by its daily dosages. This includes the number of pills required, the frequency of dosing, the time needed for effects to show, as well as the duration of each pill’s effectiveness.
  • Customer-Centric Policies: Certain company policies matter for customer loyalty, such as shipping, return, and refund policies, as well as the customer care’s assistance.
  • Cost: We also looked into how much value one would get for the money spent on each product available in the market.

Why Should You Consider Buying Testosterone Boosters?

If you think T-boosters are only for athletes and bodybuilders, think again.

Do you really want to feel fatigued all the time? Do you want to leave your partner unsatisfied in bed? These are only a couple of things that low-T could do to your body in your middle age.

Whether you visit the gym regularly, lead an active lifestyle, run a company, or even lead a sedentary lifestyle at home, you need to ensure you have enough energy, strength, and stamina to get through like a breeze.

But, as you age, you’d need a bit of extra help to stay fit, healthy, feeling confident, performing well in bed, and maintaining a well-chiseled look.

It’s not always easy to lose fat and pump up those lean muscles just by going to the gym. Your workouts may seem to fall flat even after months of spending time, money, and effort at the gym. This is yet another reason why you may need an extra zing in your life.

A good brand of Natural Testosterone Boosters should do the trick. They can enhance your overall body strength, stamina, energy, fertility, and libido – safely and naturally!

Besides, they are great for boosting your lean muscles and bone density, as well as reducing body fat.

Are Natural Testosterone Boosters Different From Steroids?

According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA), anabolic steroids or anabolic-androgenic steroids are synthetic (man-made) variations of testosterone that artificially boost up your muscle-building abilities, besides increasing your libido.

In contrast, natural testosterone boosters made by reputable brands contain only natural ingredients that help induce a more balanced hormone level. That helps you maintain the normal functioning of your body, besides retaining your stamina and energy as you work out at the gym to build your muscles and strength.

These supplements do not introduce any artificial hormones into your body. They merely help your body utilize the existing testosterone to its highest potential.

That makes these supplements safer for your body than steroids. Your body recognizes T-boosters as natural nutrients and not artificial chemicals. Your body is designed to fight anything artificial. That is why people often suffer from the side effects of pharmaceutical medications made from synthetic chemicals.

In this guide, we’ve discussed how each ingredient of these boosters helps you. Nevertheless, they, together, boost the body’s overall capacity to take on heavy workouts and accommodate an action-packed lifestyle, while maintaining a healthy sex life.

Each of these products contains a different blend of natural ingredients. How you want to utilize them depends on which product you choose.

Low Testosterone Symptoms:

Before you purchase your first testosterone booster, you should first ask yourself: Do I really need a T-booster? In other words, is your testosterone level really low, or is there some other underlying health issue?

Some of the typical signs of low-T are:

  • Random, irrational mood swings
  • Sudden, massive weight gain
  • Reduced muscle tone and/or bulk
  • Low libido and/or erectile dysfunction
  • Smaller or underdeveloped testicles
  • Fatigue and/or low stamina
  • Frequent memory failure
  • Underdeveloped or loss of muscle bulk
  • Bone/joint tissue loss (painful and restricts movement)

If your problem is that of low-T, these signs usually appear in combination. If any of these indicators seem to appear in isolation, you could have some other health issue, for which you must consult a doctor.

Why does a person have Low Testosterone Levels?

Testosterone levels fall when your testes are unable to meet the demand. Aging is a primary cause. But there could be several other reasons. Here are a few reasons:

  • Physical and/or mental trauma
  • Sleep apnea
  • Cancer and/or cancer treatment
  • Some harsh medications
  • Obesity
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Ill-developed pituitary gland

Do Testosterone Boosters Work?

Different T-boosters work differently. But most offer a variety of effects, which no one product could do for everyone.

Some of the things that you can expect from a typical testosterone booster are:

  • Natural boosting of T-levels & overall health parameters: Although these testosterone boosters don’t contain anything that you can’t easily get in nature, these supplements are the results of well-researched formulations.

That is why the dosage of each ingredient is important. These components, together, provide a synergistic effect that boosts the overall parameters that contribute to better and faster results.

  • Enhancement of free T-levels in the body: After being released into the bloodstream, free testosterone often tends to bind with “sex-hormone-binding globulin” or SHBG – just like carbon tends to bind with free oxygen atoms.

But this renders the hormone useless (bound/inactive). This does not allow your body to meet its required T-levels to boost your muscle and bone health or enjoy healthy sex life.

It is mostly seen in people suffering from some physical or mental problems. The ingredients used in these T-boosters were selected, based on their capacity to prevent this from happening. That would allow the testosterone to circulate freely in the bloodstream.

  • Reduction of female sex hormones in men: Female hormones, like estrogen, progesterone, and prolactin, are present in men as well. But their proportions are ideally far below that of androgens like testosterone. When the proportion is off, the hormone balance is lost, even if the actual amount of testosterone remains the same. This can adversely affect a man’s libido, strength, stamina, moods, and overall musculoskeletal structure.

The typical ingredients of natural testosterone boosters prevent this from happening in two ways:

  • inhibiting the enzymes that break down testosterone into female sex hormones
  • preventing the production of female sex hormones or allowing their entry into the bloodstream

Benefits of Testosterone:

The typical health benefits of natural testosterone are:

  • stronger and bulkier lean muscles
  • denser bones and stronger joints
  • improved libido
  • firmer erection
  • healthier heart
  • happier and confident mood
  • better cognitive skills
  • higher energy and stamina

FAQs About Testosterone Supplements: 

Q. Are Testosterone Boosters Safe?

The fitness market is filled with different kinds of testosterone-enhancing products. Frankly, not all of them are reliable. Nevertheless, we can still vouch for the efficacy and safety of the products we’ve tested. They don’t contain any toxic ingredients, preservatives, fillers, or any other synthetic chemicals that could harm you.

All the products listed in this guide contain ONLY natural ingredients. So, they pose little risk to your health. However, we must warn you that anything you put into your body could have an adverse effect if you take too much of something – even if it’s natural.

We’d recommend you consult a doctor before trying any testosterone supplement. Besides, you should also ensure that you do have low-T.

Also, don’t consume something with hopes for magic. You still have to put in the hard work if you’re to turn those lean muscles into mean muscles!

Q. Are Testosterone Boosters, Steroids?

Natural T-boosters, like the ones we’ve mentioned in our list, don’t have any synthetic chemicals, leave alone steroids. These products will merely help your body produce and release optimal amounts of testosterone into the bloodstream and let it do its job on its own.

Unlike steroids, T-boosters don’t introduce any synthetic chemical into your body. Your ability to improve your sex drive, sexual performance, strength, endurance, and muscle build depends entirely on you. These boosters will only help you get there.

Q. How to increase Testosterone Levels quickly?

For quick and best results, whenever a T-booster manufacturer launches any product. Get access to the proper guidelines regarding its dosage. This is based on their formulation and test results, which were derived after meticulous and rigorous hours of research.

It’s best to follow their instructions. They have thousands of scientists, chemists, and doctors speaking for them! 

In Conclusion: Should You Use Testosterone Boosters?

Testosterone Levels drop with age. The age between 25 and 30 is the most crucial and when you exceed 30, the T-Level automatically starts to decline. Therefore, Testosterone Boosting supplements are an outstanding choice for you if you are looking to work on the same. 

After extensive research, We believe that TestoPrime is the best T Booster supplement on the market, followed by TestoGen as the close second.

Unlike others, these supplements boost your testosterone levels to a healthy range which means you can get a lean body along with an improved athletic and sexual performance. If these are the benefits you are looking for, start your journey with any of these brands! However, before jumping to any product, we would prefer you to consult a doctor especially if you have any medical condition.

Disclaimer: If you are in your 60s or 70s, don’t expect to feel like you did in your 20s. You won’t. But you also won’t feel or look as old as you would if you didn’t take care of it. These boosters help stop aging in its tracks – not reverse it completely. They aren’t steroids or hormone injections. They only optimize the capacity of your existing body hormones

from Men's Journal

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