Tuesday 25 February 2020

How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep in a Van

Study after study has revealed that rest is just as important as food and water. It’s one of our basic needs.

The effects of a poor night’s sleep can range from a mild drowsy feeling to a downright dangerous situation (slower reaction time, impaired decision making, a higher susceptibility to sickness), none of which is helpful if you’ve got a competition or big adventure planned for the next day.

Pick your campsite wisely: no lights, no traffic, no noise. Photo: Erin McGrady

If your lack of sleep is an ongoing condition, it can also put you at a higher risk for chronic illnesses. Not good. Making time for rest should be a top priority for everyone from vanlifers to elite athletes. Sometimes, however, that dreamy state of rest is downright elusive, especially when you’re on the road.

We’ve traveled across the country in our Wayfarer Van and have learned a good bit about how to get a good night’s sleep while traveling in a van.

from Men's Journal https://ift.tt/2PoRKtY

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