Thursday, 30 May 2019

From Anorexia to the Fighter Diet with Pauline Nordin

From Anorexia to the Fighter Diet
with Pauline Nordin

Pauline’s career as a personal trainer caught the attention of the producers for the Nordic version of “Biggest Loser.” She was the trainer, diet coach, and the leader for the Swedish team, leading her team and country to victory in the Biggest Loser show

Pauline is as fit as they come. She is a walking billboard for fitness today. BUT That is not where she started. Born in Sweden with a challenging self image around control, she battled anorexia and then the other extreme of unhealthy weight gain.

Her pain and book worm obsession over physique  became her PURPOSE. Today, Pauline is the creator of Fighter Diet that took the wellness industry by storm.

Join in TODAY and learn exactly how Pauline Nordin leveled up and created everything from nothing!

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Why you evolution is important to your purpose
  • When you focus on your mindset first the rest will follow
  • Why you have to have discipline in all areas of your life

The post From Anorexia to the Fighter Diet with Pauline Nordin appeared first on Natalie Jill Fitness.

from Natalie Jill Fitness

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