Thursday, 30 June 2022
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The Best Yoga Mats for Men in 2022
Yoga mats might seem like a simple piece of gear, but these six-foot rubber pads symbolize more. By unfurling one in a bikram yoga class or at home in front of your favorite yoga channel, you’re creating a physical space to move your body as well as a mental space to invite more mindfulness. Think of the mat as a landing spot for taking care of your entire wellbeing.
If you’re new to the practice or just looking to upgrade your yoga mat, you’ll want to consider a few different features before adding one to your shopping cart. The most noticeable feature on yoga mats is the material they’re made from. Most yoga mats are made from a blend of rubber and polyurethane to provide grip during sweaty workouts, but some mats are made from fabric and plant-derived materials. Yoga brands are being more conscientious about using earth-friendly ingredients, so keep an eye out for mats that are made with recycled content, are FSC-certified, and are chemical-free.
The next feature to consider is thickness. If you’re sensitive to hard surfaces or tend to have joint pain, opt for a thicker mat: It’ll offer more cushioning for your hands, knees, elbows, and feet when they make contact with the ground. You can also add a blanket, pillow, or block for extra support. Keep in mind that the thicker the yoga mat, the larger it’s going to be when rolled up. Thinner mats tend to be lighter and easier to roll up and transport.
Bonus features in some selections include antimicrobial additives, anti-slip coatings, lifetime guarantees, extra surface area, and the use of natural materials like grass and cotton.
To help you choose the right yoga mat, we compiled 15 of our favorites for all types of yoga sessions. Whether you’re planning on sweating out all your worries in a hot yoga class or just doing some after-work stretching, these are the best yoga mats for men in 2022.
The 15 Best Yoga Mats for Men in 2022
from Men's Journal
Wednesday, 29 June 2022
The Best Bodyweight Workouts to Build Muscle
Most people write off bodyweight training as a way to achieve conditioning, fat loss, and not much more. While bodyweight moves are good for conditioning and burning fat, you can use bodyweight workouts to build muscle as well. To do that, you need to mix the right movements with the right amount of volume.
The seven bodyweight workouts below will help you do it. Each of these workouts focuses on building muscle in a specific part of the body, and they can be completed in 30 minutes. For these workouts, all you’ll need is a TRX system or gymnastic rings, a pullup bar, benches and blocks, resistance bands (and a stable object, like a squat cage, to anchor them to), floor space, and some good old fashioned gusto. These are the best bodyweight workouts to build muscle—grab your gear and get to it.
The 7 Best Bodyweight Workouts to Build Muscle
Directions: These workouts contain a mix of straight sets, supersets, and compound sets. Straight sets are listed as A, B, or C. Perform the set and immediately take the prescribed rest. Supersets and compound sets involve pairing two movements back to back. They’re listed as A1 and A2, B1 and B2, etc. For these, perform one set of each movement and then take the prescribed rest.
Workout 1: Arms
- A1. TRX/Ring Dip x Max reps: Use a pair of gymnastic rings or TRX straps hung at waist level. Place a hand in each ring/strap and get into a dip position. Be sure to keep the straps close against your body—any gaps between your arms and the straps will cause instability. Perform the dips by leaning forward slightly and lowering yourself while keeping the straps close as described above.
- A2. TRX Rocker x 12: Hold a gymnastic ring or TRX strap in each hand and lean back into a supine position, with your chest facing up. Keeping your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, pull yourself upward into a sitting up position, bending at the waist. Let your butt swing under your torso as this happens. That’s one rep. Return to your starting position and repeat. Perform A1 and A2 as a superset for 4 rounds. Rest 60 seconds between rounds.
- B1. Close-grip Pushup x 20
- B2. Flexed Arm Hang x 30 sec.: This one is simple. Use an aid like a box or a step to assist you up to the top position of a chinup (chin over the bar). Then hold that position, focusing on good form and engaging your back, for the allotted time. Perform B1 and B2 as a superset for 4 rounds. Rest 60 seconds between rounds.
Workout 2: Legs
- A1. Band-assisted Nordic Curl x 8: Start on a mat or pad in an upright kneeling position (chest perpendicular to the floor) with your heels secured under something immovable. Attach a resistance band to something immovable above you (like a pullup bar or squat cage) and position the band around your chest or ribs. Next, keep your hands by your sides and slowly “fall” forward, without losing your tall body position; bend at the knees and try not to “take a bow” by leading from the hip joint. Aim for the chest to make it all the way to the ground, and use your hamstrings and the band assistance to pull you up to the top position.
- A2. Band-assisted Reverse Nordic Curl x 12: Using the same resistance band setup as above, start on a mat or pad in an upright kneeling position, this time facing the band (keep the tops of your feet facing the floor). Hold the free end of the resistance band in both hands and keep your arms held straight out in front of you. Perform the same Nordic curl action in reverse: Stay tall and lean backward. Focus on lengthening the quads while keeping them contracted. Go as far as you comfortably can before using your quads to return to the top position. Perform A1 and A2 as a superset for 4 rounds. Rest 60 seconds between rounds.
- B1. Foot-Over x 10 (each leg): Sit on your butt with outstretched legs and place a kettlebell or a similarly sized object near one foot. Pointing your big toe and keeping your leg straight, lift the leg nearest the kettlebell slowly over the kettlebell and touch down on the other side of it. Return to the start position in the same fashion. As you move your leg, remain tall and keep the knee as straight as possible. Make sure your hip and quads in the working leg are engaged the entire time.
- B2. Copenhagen Plank x 10 (each side): Find a bench and lay sideways on the floor perpendicular to it: Place the shin of the top leg on the bench and rest on your opposite forearm. Assume a side plank by raising the hips off the ground while staying anchored to the bench by your top leg. The bottom leg should “sandwich” the bench from below—it’s okay if the knee bends to do so. Repeat this motion for 10 reps per side. Perform as a superset for 4 rounds. Rest 60 seconds between rounds.

The 50 Best Shoulder Exercises of All Time
Workout 3: Back
- A. Band-assisted Chinup 8 x 8: Rest 60 seconds between rounds.
- B. Inverted Row 5 x 12: At a squat rack, securely place a bar at waist level. Then place both hands on the bar and hang under it, maintaining a straight body from head to heels. Pull your chest to the bar while engaging the upper back and squeezing the shoulder blades together. Rest 60 seconds between rounds.
- C1. Bear Dog x 6 (each side): Start in a quadruped position (on all fours facing the floor). Keep your knees off the ground by a couple of inches—only your hands and feet should touch the ground. Slowly raise one arm and the opposite leg off the ground simultaneously while maintaining stability. Aim for a full extension of each limb, and repeat on the opposing sides.
- C2. Blackburn x 10 (slow reps): Start out lying on your stomach with your hands beside your shoulders, elbows bent, and arms parallel to your body. Pull your shoulder blades together and slowly move your arms straight above your head to full extension (creating a flying Superman pose). Make sure not to let any part of your arms or hands touch the floor through the entire range of motion. Perform C1 and C2 as a superset for 4 rounds. Rest 60 seconds between rounds.
Workout 4: Chest and Core
- A. TRX/Ring Pushup 5 x 12: Rest 60 seconds between sets.
- B1. Pushup with Single-arm Deficit x 7 (each arm): Set up a low platform and then get into a pushup position with one hand on the floor and the other on the edge of the platform. Lower yourself to the bottom of your range of motion and then push up until the arm on the platform is completely straightened. (The other hand will leave the ground.)
- B2. Hanging Leg Raise x 10: Hang from a pullup bar with both arms straight. Raise both legs together, keeping them straight, until they are parallel to the floor. Repeat. Perform B1 and B2 as a superset for 4 rounds. Rest 60 seconds between rounds.
- C1. Hand Walkout x 6: Start in a standing position. Then, bending at the waist, place both hands on the ground right in front of your feet and “walk” with your hands outward, past a pushup position. Keeping your body off the ground, hold that position for 3 seconds before “walking” your hands backward to your start position. It’s OK to stand up between reps.
- C2. Band-assisted Plyo Pushup x 12 (max effort): Place a resistance band around your chest or ribcage and attach the other end to a high, sturdy fixture like a pullup bar. Keeping the band around your chest, lower yourself into a pushup position. Perform explosive pushups with the assistance of the band; your hands should leave the ground on each rep. Perform C1 and C2 as a superset for 4 rounds. Rest 90 seconds between rounds.
Workout 5: Shoulders
- A1. Suicide Pushup x 10: Place both feet on a bench, and set up two more benches or other sturdy platforms for your hands to rest on. You want to position your hands a bit closer to your feet than normal—the pushup will be performed from a pike position. Lower the body headfirst to “dive” between the two hand platforms for an inverted shoulder press.
- A2. Isometric Shoulder Extension x 30 sec. (max effort): Start in a squat position in front of a wall. Reach back with straight arms so your fists make contact with the wall while in the squat position. Push as hard as you can against the wall with your arms. Keep your upper back contracted while doing so. Perform A1 and A2 as a superset for 4 rounds. Rest 90 seconds between rounds.
- B1. Bodyweight Bridge x 30 sec.: Lay flat on your back with your feet flat on the floor and your knees bent. Place your hands behind your shoulders, palms down. Press into the floor with your hands and feet and raise your body off the ground. Aim for a full extension of your arms, and squeeze your glutes to open your hips up. Hold that position.
- B2. Single-arm Burpee x 8 (each arm): Start in a standing position. Then reach down and place one hand on the floor, and quickly extend your legs back so you’re in a single-arm pushup position. Then quickly bring your legs back underneath your body and return to a standing position. That’s one rep. Perform B1 and B2 as a superset for 4 rounds. Rest 90 seconds between rounds.
Workout 6: Legs Part II
- A1. Glute L-bridge x 10 (each leg): Lay on your back with your feet on the floor and legs bent, then raise your hips up into a bridge position. While holding that position, lift one foot off the ground, and bring your knee back toward your chest, keeping that knee at a 90-degree angle. Next, slowly rotate the raised leg out to the side, keeping your knee in the same position. Go as far as you can without tilting your body, and slowly return to the start position. Repeat for 10 reps.
- A2. Hip Thrust With Added Range of Motion x 10 (each leg): Start with your upper back on a bench (body extending sideways off the bench) and one foot resting on another bench or other sturdy platform. Perform a single-leg hip thrust with the opposite leg. Allow your butt to travel all the way to the floor, not just the level of the platform. Perform A1 and A2 as a compound set for 4 rounds. Rest 60 seconds between rounds.
- B1. Band-assisted Pistol Squat x 8 (each leg): Set up a band across the pins of a squat cage, or between two other sturdy anchor points, and perform single-leg squats into the band (your butt should contact and stretch the band downward as you move). The band will act as a sling to assist you through the difficult bottom end of the movement and back up to the top position.
- B2. Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat x 8 (each leg): Stand in front of a bench. Extend one leg backward and place the top of your foot on the bench behind you. Then slowly lower your body into a squat, flexing the opposite knee. Return to the start position and repeat. Perform B1 and B2 as a compound set for 4 rounds. Rest 60 seconds between rounds.
- C. Bench Leg Extensions 4 x 12: Place both feet on a bench (rest on your toes) and both hands on the floor. Keep the hips high (similar to a pike position), and then lower your knees toward the floor. Aim for as much knee flexion as possible. Next, drive the knees back up to the original position, aiming for straight legs at the top. Flex your quads hard as you return to the starting position.
Workout 7 – Core Part II
- A1. TRX Bear Stance Shoulder Taps x 10 (each arm): Set up a gymnastics ring or TRX strap so the handle is about a foot off the ground. Start in a quadruped position with your knees hovering off the ground by a few inches and your feet spread apart behind you (a bit wider than shoulder width). Grab the handle with one hand and push up so your arm has just a slight bend at the elbow. Hold that position. Carefully lift your other hand off the ground and touch the opposite shoulder. Avoid shifting or twisting the body as you do this, and repeat on the other side.
- A2. Banded L-sit x Max Time: Sit on the ground with legs extended. Place two blocks or other short, sturdy objects on either side of you, at your hips. Wrap a resistance band around your torso, just below your arms, and wrap the other end of the band around your feet. Keeping your legs straight out in front of you, push down on the blocks with your hands and lift your entire body off the ground. Hold that position. Perform A1 and A2 as a superset for 4 rounds. Rest 60 seconds between rounds.
- B1. Pushup to Long Lever Plank x 10: Perform a standard pushup, and at the top of your motion, explosively “jump” with the hands out to a long lever plank—that means finishing with outstretched arms—before “jumping” back into your next pushup rep.
- B2. EZ Dragon Flag x 10: Lay flat on your back in front of a sturdy structure or post. Make sure it’s something you can get a good grip on. Hold the post tightly with both hands and raise your legs and lower- to mid-back off the ground, so your legs point straight up. Then slowly lower your back and legs to the floor. Keep your legs as straight as possible throughout. Perform B1 and B2 as a superset for 4 rounds. Rest 60 seconds between rounds.
- C. Rear Support March 3 x 10 (each leg): Start in a reverse plank position, with both hands on the floor, your body facing upward (supine) and both heels in contact with the ground. There should be a straight line between your head, shoulders, and heels. Maintaining that position, carefully raise one knee into the chest, and slowly return it to the start position. Repeat on the opposite side. Rest 60 seconds between sets.
from Men's Journal
How to Activate Your Glutes Before You Run or Lift
Most people, even elite athletes, rarely activate glutes. As a result, people never take full advantage of these tremendously powerful muscles that should be a big part of everyday movement. Instead, we spend most of our time sitting on our glutes, which causes the muscles opposite them—the hip flexors—to become tight and inactive. Deactivated glutes commonly lead to low-back problems, knee pain, groin strain, and other posture-related ailments and injuries. It’s as if someone flipped a circuit breaker, cutting off power to the glutes.
We know how bad sitting is for our muscles. “Your glutes become stretched and inactive, making them difficult to connect to when trying to perform weight-bearing exercises,” says performance specialist Rachel MacPherson, CPT. “The mind-muscle connection is vital for lifting, but that’s only part of the problem when your glutes get sleepy. If you aren’t activating your glutes, you may be compensating with other muscles, resulting in muscular imbalances and potential pain or injury, especially in your back.”
To keep that communication firing on all cylinders, make a concerted effort to move more throughout the day. “Practice getting up and squeezing your glutes every hour, take the stairs, and walk up hills to contract your glutes and connect with them during the day, especially if you’re lifting or running later,” says MacPherson.
When you activate glutes, you can prevent the most common ailments and get your body back in proper alignment. Some glute exercises can be done over the course of the day (i.e. not just in the gym), though glute activation is an important start to any workout. By approaching daily life as a glute workout, it’s possible to build the musculature and prevent the long-term injuries that come from deactivated muscles. Here are 15 ways to activate glutes both during a workout and in everyday life.
Directions: These are not intended to be done as a workout. Choose 5 to 7, opting for a variety of stretches, mobilization drills, activation exercises, and dynamic moves to prime your lower body.
“It’s easy to find yourself spending 30 minutes pre-workout activating your glutes, then by the time your actual workout begins, you’re already fatigued,” says Josh Schlottman, CSCS. “Your goal is to activate the glutes, not obliterate them,” so if any require weight, go light to moderate.
1. Glute Squeeze x 10 reps each side
Here’s an easy way to activate your glutes from anywhere: From a standing or sitting position, squeeze your left glute and hold for two seconds. Release. Do these throughout the day and not just before a workout. Stand up once an hour at work and knock out a set of 10 on each side. Do them while sitting in traffic or a meeting. While your co-workers are suffering through a Powerpoint, you’re activating your glutes.
2. Quadruped Hip Extensions x 10 reps each side
This is an excellent exercise for directly targeting the gluteus maximus, and it’s beginner-friendly to boot, says Schlottman. Come onto all fours, with hands under shoulder and knees under hips. Tighten your abs and bring your belly up toward your spine while keeping a straight back. Extend one leg back, so it makes a straight line with your upper body. Be sure your hips don’t rotate. Hold for a few seconds before slowly returning to starting position and repeating on the other side. Alternate sides on each rep.

3. Glute Bridge x 10 reps
MacPherson likes this move “to wake up sleepy glutes” and notes it also targets the surrounding musculature of your hamstrings and low back. “It also provides an excellent stretch for tight hip flexors that can shorten and tighten during prolonged sitting periods,” she says. Lie face-up on the floor with knees bent at 90 degrees and feet on the floor. Squeeze your glutes and bridge your hips to the ceiling. Hold for two seconds, then lower hips toward the ground without touching and immediately drive up (this creates time under tension). To up the intensity, elevate your heels on a bench or chair or use a resistance band (shown).
4. Downward Dog x 10 reps
This familiar full-body yoga move is underrated for activating the glutes. Begin on all fours, then extend hands forward, out from under shoulders, so arms are extended at a 45-degree angle. Tuck your toes under, then exhale as you straighten your legs and lift your butt and midsection toward the ceiling. Keep knees slightly bent and weight in your toes, to start. Then, drop your head between your arms, straightening your arms and legs, pushing back through your feet to press your heels into the floor. Hold for two seconds.
5. Donkey Kicks x 30 each side
George Yang, CPT, considers this one of the best activities to target the gluteus maximus. Start on all fours with wrists under shoulders and knees under hips. Keep a flat back and core engaged as you lift your left leg behind you and drive the heel, foot flexed, toward the ceiling as you contract your glute. Keep the 90-degree bend in your leg and don’t use momentum to swing. Keep the motion small and controlled to really fire the glute. Lower back to start.

6. Trigger Point Glute Release x 30-60 sec.
Sit with a tennis ball, racquetball, or mobility ball under the outside of one of your glutes. Adjust your position on the ball until you find a sore “trigger” point. It shouldn’t be difficult to locate one. Hold on the spot for desired time. Move the ball to a different spot and repeat. Maintain as much body weight on the ball as possible.
7. Lateral Lunge x 10 reps each side
So often we think of training only in terms of moving forward and backward. The lateral lunge stretches the glutes, along with the quads and hamstrings. Start by stepping out to the right, keeping toes pointed straight ahead and feet flat. Squat down over your right leg, keeping the left leg straight. Hold for two seconds. Return to the starting position and complete all reps, then switch sides.
8. Fire Hydrants x 10 each side
If you’re a beginner, follow Schlottman’s guidelines below. If you’re advanced, place a mini band above your knees to up the intensity. Come onto an all fours with hands under shoulders and knees under hips. Tighten your abs and bring your belly up toward your spine while keeping a straight back. Slowly lift one leg laterally, keeping the 90-degree bend, until it’s almost parallel to the floor. Be sure not to over-rotate your hip. Squeeze and hold at the top before slowly returning it back to the starting position. Don’t sink into the non-working side; maintain even distribution of weight so your glute is the main mover.

9. Inverted Hamstring x 10 each side
This not only works your glutes and hamstrings, but tests your balance and core strength. Balance on your right foot, keeping your core engaged and shoulders back and down. Bend at the waist and extend your left leg back as you fire the left glute, bringing arms straight ahead. Your shoulders and heel should move together, forming a straight line. Return to the start position and repeat, switching sides after all reps are complete.
10. Inchworms x 10 reps
This is a full-body move that lengthens the hamstrings and calves, opens up the ankles and low back, and activates the glutes. Stand with legs straight and hands on the floor. Walk your hands out until you’re in a plank position. Keep legs straight as you walk feet toward hands using short steps.
11. Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch x 60 sec. each side
While this isn’t technically a glute-activation exercise, “it does lengthen the psoas muscle, which makes it easier for your glutes to activate in hip extension,” Schlottman says. Start off in a kneeling position with one knee directly below your hips and your other leg in front of you, foot flat on the floor, knee bent at 90 degrees. Make sure your feet are in line with your hips. Tilt the bottom of your pelvis up and hold it there as you shift your hips toward your front foot. Keep pushing your hips upward and forward while squeezing the glute on the side you’re stretching. Hold this stretch before repeating on the other side.

12. Kettlebell Goblet Squat x 10 reps
Hold a moderately heavy kettlebell with two hands by the horns. Squat by sitting the hips back and down, keeping your weight in the heels of your feet without lifting toes. Lower until your elbows touch your knees (don’t force it if your mobility doesn’t allow for it). Rise and extend powerfully through hips, engaging glutes at the top.

20 Best Kettlebell Exercises of All Time
13. Romanian Deadlift x 10 reps each side
The RDL builds the proper activation patterns in your glutes and hamstrings while also strengthening your back. Start with a light set of dumbbells. Stand with weights in either hand, palms facing your legs. Maintain a slight bend in your knees, then hinge at hips, maintaining a flat back, as you lower weights toward shins. Engage glutes and hamstrings to lift back up. The form is especially key to getting the full benefit, so think of sitting back with your torso moving forward instead of staying upright.
14. Squat Jumps x 10 reps
This move works the hips, knees, and ankles but the key is using your glutes to generate power. Stand with feet just outside shoulders and hands at your sides. Lower into a squat as you extend your arms in front of you. Hold the bottom position for two seconds, then jump vertically, swinging your arms back for momentum. Land softly in the starting squat position and hold for three seconds. Repeat.
15. Clamshells x 10 reps
This tried-and-true beginner move is a great warmup exercise Grab a mini band or tie a loose, flat resistance band into a loop that’s about a foot across. Wrap the band around both legs just above your knees. Lie on your side, knees bent. With your heels touching, open your top knee against the band. Hold for at least 10 seconds, then return to the start.
from Men's Journal
Take Paddling Safety Seriously This Summer: Learn the Ropes Before Hitting the Water
This article was produced under a grant from the Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund, administered by the U.S. Coast Guard.
Taking out a canoe or kayak for some summertime fun doesn’t seem like an inherently dangerous activity—it’s not something where the stakes are apparent, like rock climbing, sky diving, or even piloting a power boat. Paddling on a calm waterway is a relaxing, soothing way to get outside and enjoy warm weather and have some fun. But being on the water can be deadly; the threat of getting hurt or dying from mishaps like drowning or hypothermia is omnipresent.
But you can become a safer paddler, and even gain some knowledge to help others on the water by simply educating yourself before launching a watercraft when heading out on your next excursion. There are many ways to get trained to be able to handle almost anything nature or chance throws at you, from simply watching a few videos to going to an actual course in the real world with certified instructors.
What you’ll get by seeking out a legit source of paddling knowledge is coverage of a wide range of topics that could help save your life—or another’s—when confronted with an emergency or accident. Things like learning how to get back in your kayak or canoe after capsizing, the rules of navigation to keep you from getting run over by a bigger boat, how to call the Coast Guard for help by radio if you get into a jam, and what essential gear you’ll need to make your next trip a safe and comfortable outing.
So even if you’re a seasoned paddler or a newbie, it’s a good idea to keep up-to-date on best practices and expand your knowledge. Not only will it make your paddling time more fun and exponentially safer, but it sets a good precedence for any young ones around you—or boating buddies who aren’t as aware about how to stay safe on the water.
from Men's Journal
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Tuesday, 28 June 2022
Watch: How To Make Cafe-Style Chilli Cheese Toast For Quick Meal
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This Crispy Shanghai Chicken Recipe Is Ideal For Mid-Week Indulgence
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Outer Fire Pit Table: An Outdoor Entertaining Station to Rule Them All
Our ancestors used to gather around fire as much as for warmth and sustenance as for storytelling and kinship. There’s an intrinsic comfort—something ancient and ritualistic—that draws us to flames, like we’re evolutionarily programmed to slow down and connect. That’s why if you’re going to make one major splurge to your outdoor entertaining space this summer, spring for Outer’s Fire Pit Table. It hits all the right marks of style and design.

What It Is
We love multi-purpose items that transcend seasons and maximize functionality. This is a three-in-one tabletop, cook space, and patio heater. The base of the Fire Pit Table is made of glass-fiber reinforced concrete cement, which is traditionally used in domes, statues, and columns as it’s strong yet light. So while this looks like a hefty piece of furniture, it’s just 165 pounds (if you’re curious about dimensions, it clocks in at 51.7″ length x 33.7″ width x 14″ height). This type of concrete also requires less energy to produce and results in less off-gassing, a phenomenon wherein home goods can leach chemicals into the air you breathe, making the fire pit more energy efficient and kinder to the planet, according to Outer.
If you merely want something to serve as a gathering place, zero in on the Outer Fire Pit Table with Ceramic Balls ($3,900). With its cover on, it can be used as a flat tabletop—perfect if you’re hosting a large summer cookout and need the extra real estate beyond your outdoor dining set. You can set up games, charcuterie boards, or make it a s’mores station.

If you want to make dining al fresco a one-stop shop, upgrade to the Outer Fire Pit Table Cooking Set ($4,150). The accompanying cast-iron griddle is reversible, so you can make banana pancakes for brunch, gooey grilled cheeses for lunch, or heat up crab cakes for dinner on the flat surface. Flip it to the grill side to sear salmon fillets, kebabs, and brats for the whole family. The design pulls inspiration from the communal, laissez-faire cooking styles typified by Korean barbecue, Chinese hot pot, and Japanese robata, per Outer. Rather than shuffling between your kitchen or grill and outdoor dining table, you and your guests or family can all be a part of the preparation. It’s far less frenzied and brings the emphasis back to gathering so the host isn’t left stranded.
Why We Like It
Every detail about the Outer Fire Pit Table is intentionally designed. Place the splatter guards on the surface to shield it from spurts of grease and hot oil; it should spare you from an all-hands-on-deck cleanup—though should you need it, simply wet a towel or sponge with warm, soapy water and wipe down the concrete.
The soft-light ignition system releases gas gradually from a propane tank (not included) to gingerly ignite the fire pit. A slow burn is always a welcome respite from unexpected burps of flames (just ask your eyebrows). Once fully ignited, the fire licks out from around the ceramic stone spheres, which help block wind and keep heat centralized, radiating out instead of just up, for more even distribution whether you’re huddling around to toast marshmallows, keep warm on a chilly night, or cook a full-blown meal.

Unless your climate is agreeable all year, the Outer Fire Pit Table lets you regain some ownership of your backyard. Why relegate its use to three months a year? With this brilliant outdoor furniture accessory, you can extend your backyard activities and enjoyment well into the shoulder season. That’s as close as we might get to an eternal summer, but we’ll take it.
Word to the wise, add one of Outer’s sleek outdoor furniture sets to complete your space. Shop among All-Weather Wicker, Teak, or Aluminum.
Editor’s note: Take advantage of this limited-offer Fourth of July promo and get a FREE Gozney Roccbox Pizza Oven ($499 value) with code PIZZAGRAY or PIZZAGREEN with your purchase of a Fire Pit Table.
Get It and Learn Morefrom Men's Journal
First Drive: Genesis Electrified G80 Boasts All the Luxury Creature Comforts—Without Gas
To the casual observer, it would be tough to recognize the new Genesis Electrified G80 as a fully battery-powered car. There’s no badging that says “electric” or “EV” on the outside. On the back, it merely says G80 and features the brand logo. But if you look closely, there’s no exhaust and the grill is solid. The interior is the same deal. Not much gives it away as an electric, except that the hard-to-see start-stop button doesn’t read “engine.” Rather, it’s embossed with “EV.”
As electric is fast becoming the new normal, the absence of delineation makes perfect sense. Genesis is planning on a fully electric lineup by 2030. The G80 will still be part of the team and a battery will be the only power available. After a day of whipping the G80 around the highways and byways of rural Arkansas and Missouri, the upshot is this: Just like it’s gas-burning sibling, the luxed up e-sedan is delightful to drive.
Power, Performance, and Range
In lieu of a V-6, the electrified G80 gets its power from a 523V, 87.2 kWh battery sending its juice to a pair of 136 kW electric motors—front and rear—for 365 horsepower and 516 pound-feet of torque.
The electrified G80 is remarkably similar in terms of performance to the brand’s gas-powered 2022 G80 3.5T Sport. Genesis officially clocks the battery-powered version at 4.9 seconds to 60. That’s respectably quick for an “executive sedan” weighing over 5,000 pounds. For comparison’s sake, the twin turbo V6 in the G80 Sport AWD has 375 horsepower, 391 pound-feet of torque and gets to 60 in 4.7 seconds.
Using a modified version of its M3 platform, Genesis was able to reduce the overall weight of the car by 11 percent while increasing the stiffness of the frame by 17 percent, thanks to the help of some aluminum and carbon fiber bits and bobs. But, as batteries are heavy, the electrified G80 is still 600 pounds weightier than the internal combustion-powered version.
The design team has done a solid job hiding that extra heft with lighter materials and all-wheel steering, but you still notice the girth as you saunter in and out of corners.

Despite the increased weight, speeding over hills and through tender farmland, the electrified G80 proved agile when pushed. Body roll is minimal and the car responds quickly to inputs.
But the G80 truly earns its top marks as a cruiser. It’s brilliantly luxurious, with all the bells and whistles one would expect. The brand’s ECS road preview uses cameras and radar to prepare the suspension for bumps and twists, softening impact, while Genesis’s excellent complement of driver aides helps make short work of lengthy drives.
Charging and Range
Genesis says the G80’s range is 282 miles. After a near 200-mile loop through the Ozarks with the AC, ventilated seats, and stereo all set to blast, that seems a pretty solid estimate.

Unlike many EVs, the G80’s charging port is hidden in the front grill. According to the brand, a rapid charging station (350 kW/800V) will take the G80 from 10 to 80 percent charge in 22 minutes. On a level II charger (240V), the G80 needs seven hours and 22 minutes to go from 10 percent to a full charge. Plug it into a standard AC 110V outlet and that number jumps to 80 hours.

On the Inside
In a familiar refrain, the interior of the electrified G80 is highly reminiscent of the internal combustion powered version with one major exception. There’s no panoramic sunroof in the EV. Genesis had to omit that feature to preserve head room as the battery is housed below the floor, which is therefore higher. Leg room in the rear is also diminished by nearly 30 percent. But the front seats remain as comfortable as in the gas versions.

Zero Options
For launch, customers who want to purchase the electrified G80 can only get it in one option spec: “fully loaded.” Included are a massaging driver seat with “ergo motion,” a feature that automatically engages on long drives to move the body around and reduce fatigue; a 21-speaker Lexicon sound system; 19-inch, turbine-inspired wheels; and an active noise-canceling system to reduce the sounds of the road.
Choose among nine exterior colors and three interior configurations to select from. With a tip of the cap toward diminishing environmental impact, the Nappa leather deployed on the interior is treated with less caustic dyes and processes. The headliner is made with recycled plastic and the trim in the white leather interior spec is produced from what Genesis calls “forged wood,” which uses birch reclaimed from the furniture industry.
As a bit of a bonus for customers ready for an EV, each electrified G80 comes with three years of free charging (30-minute sessions) at Electrify America stations—as much as Genesis offered with their first electric, the GV60. Similar to the GV60 rollout, the electrified G80 will initially only be available in California, Connecticut, New Jersey, and New York.

While pricing hasn’t been announced yet, you can expect MSRP to exceed a similarly outfitted gas-powered iteration, around $70K. The writing has been on the wall for a while now. The automotive future is electric, but Genesis is doing best to ensure, in terms of luxury, their song remains the same.
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The Most Interesting College Football Transfers of the 2022 Offseason
Thanks to a handful of rule changes, including two big ones for college football transfers, NCAA football is a different sport now than it was even three years ago. In 2019, the NCAA opened up the transfer portal, a centralized database where players seeking a new school could enter their names and—hopefully—find a new place to play. In 2021, under heavy political pressure, the association did away with two long standing policies. One was the ban on players taking money from third parties. The elimination of that rule opened the door for friends of various programs to use their wallets to lure both prep recruits and transfers. The second was the end of the national policy that required most transfers to sit out one season after arriving on a new campus. Now, they can make the leap and play right away.
There are two ways to talk about this new era. One is to fret about what it means for the future of college sports and how the long-term relationship between athletes and their universities will evolve. That’s important, but it’s not that much fun to talk about, and nobody will know the answer for years. The other path is to simply talk ball. Hundreds of players who played for one team in 2021 will play for a different one in 2022, and they’ll help shape the coming season. Here’s a straightforward list of the college football transfers with the best recruiting ratings, if you’re interested in such a ranking. But rankings aren’t everything—below is a selection of eight transfer players who I think are especially interesting to follow as the 2022 season gets going.
The Best College Football Transfers of the 2022 Offseason
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Vitaliy Musiyenko on Conquering Goliath Traverse in 8 Days
I’m just hoping it won’t make me a statistic,” says Vitaliy Musiyenko from across my dinner table in Mariposa, CA, just outside Yosemite National Park. The 35-year-old climber is referring to his voracious passion for doing new routes and ropeless climbs in the nearby Sierra Nevada range, while performing endurance feats and Fastest Known Times (FKTs) that boggle the mind. Musiyenko’s magnum opus is the Goliath Traverse, aka “the Goliath,” an endurance climb so over-the-top that he actually had to coin the name Goliath himself.
He’s vaguely heard of a few other attempts on this route—none of which came even remotely close to completion. “Supposedly one team starting from the north got about as far as Palisade Crest before deciding the rock was too loose and not worth the risk,” he says. Musiyenko’s colleague Alex Honnold, of Free Solo fame, calls Goliath “the longest and most adventurous ridge traverse I’ve ever heard of. Literally miles of rock climbing.” The mere thought of it, adds Honnold, leaves him “horrified, repulsed—and inspired.”
At the table, Musiyenko is donning a chalk-dusted jacket that hides his solid frame. Bloodstained athletic tape is still wrapped around his hands from logging 2,000 vertical feet of Yosemite climbing over the last couple of days. Just a little extracurricular activity while here to share his Goliath Traverse experience with me. A journey so long that it fits on two maps. So arduous that only portions of it have been tackled by the world’s best, luring in mountaineering luminaries like Peter Croft and Conrad Anker.
“That’s what attracts us to do hard things,” Musiyenko says matter-of-factly. “It’s that they’re hard.”
Yeah. That’s quite the understatement with the Goliath Traverse, a 32-mile ridge crossing in the High Sierra that ascends 80,000 vertical feet (nearly three times the height of Everest) and, in doing so, crosses 60 peaks. News of Musiyenko’s solo completion of this monster last August stunned the elite climbing world. Crazier still, by combining ultra-running, free-solo rock climbing and bare-bones camping above 13,000 feet, the Ukrainian-American climber did it in just eight days in one continuous push without a resupply.
“Alpinist and Climbing magazines say it’s the biggest traverse that’s been done in the Western Hemisphere as a technical route,” Musiyenko says, not boastfully. It is what it is. Naturally, the first question is: What was the worst part?
“Thunderbolt Peak on day five,” he says on cue. “That was the low point.”
He pauses for a moment, as if letting some very shitty memories of Thunderbolt Peak on day five barge unchronologically into the frame of his Goliath Traverse story—before gently shoving them back in their place with a quick we’ll-get-there summation.
“I mean—if I blew it on Thunderbolt Peak, I knew I would die.”
The Goliath Traverse consists of two massive 16-mile legs along the Sierra Crest—the Full Monty Palisade Traverse and the Full Evolution Crest Traverse. On the climbing scale, both traverses are classed as 5.9 (challenging) and Grade VI (technical, committing). As for the human scale, the Full Monty had never been completed due to its length and sheer difficulty. Only a few climbers have managed to make it through all of Full Evolution, including Musiyenko from a previous climb—who’d back then called it the hardest thing he’d ever done. Last August, he was set on stringing these two behemoths together in one go. To most of his climbing peers, this was unthinkable. To Musiyenko, linking up two of the most jagged subranges of the High Sierra connected by a pass just seemed “like a pretty logical next step.”

Over eight days, this logic will require him to log 10,000 vertical feet of elevation gain daily, largely on imposing, crumbling terrain. Between summits, he’ll need to navigate huge slopes of talus-strewn ridgeline with both speed and agility.
Well before this second bid, Goliath was Musiyenko’s white whale. During a first attempt in 2016, he made it about a third of the way through before bailing—reluctantly. He would’ve pressed on, he says, had it not been for a nagging feeling that he’d die if he did. Later, he would find out that fellow elite climber and friend Julia Mackenzie had perished from a fall on Mount Haeckel the day before Musiyenko himself had climbed it.
“The Goliath became my number one priority last year,” says Musiyenko, who crammed in a year of anxious, meticulous preparation between ER nursing shifts. “I was obsessed,” he confesses. “But I knew I had to approach it with hesitation, fear and respect because if you get too cocky…”
Overcoming long odds is what Musiyenko has done from pretty much the get-go. Born in Belarus shortly after the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster, he was exposed in utero to the fallout which would plague him with a chronic eczema-like skin condition. When he was 5, his parents divorced and he moved with his mother to Kharkiv, Ukraine, and later to San Francisco. At age 14, he got his first job, at Domino’s Pizza—and by 16, he was 300 pounds and struggling in school.
Joining his high school football team (“to get my ass in shape”) and powering through painful shin splints, Musiyenko would hone his signature claw-to-the-finish-line drive. Later, he’d apply it to climbing as well as nursing school. Putting himself through college, he worked double shifts as a security guard, often sleeping in his car between round-the-clock commitments. He kept this up for years.

In 2010, Musiyenko and a co-worker scrambled up 14,505-foot Mount Whitney—a three-day epiphany during which he caught the climbing bug. Joining a Planet Granite gym, he trained rigorously over the next dozen years. Today he lives in Visalia, CA, works as an ER nurse and is an expert first ascensionist. He’s climbed hard, technical ice and rock routes from Alaska’s Denali to Patagonia’s Cerro Torre. But his 150 first ascents have focused mainly on his backyard, the Sierra Nevada, where he has penned a soon-to-be-published, three-volume climbing guidebook. All of this culminates in his boldest move yet—the Goliath Traverse.
Ascending out of 5,400-foot Taboose Pass Trail Head in the Owens River Valley, the Goliath climbs steeply and starkly into a saw blade of 13,000- to 14,000-foot Central Sierra mountains. After removing his shoes and fording a raging mountain stream just to reach the start of the ridge, Musiyenko assesses the road ahead from the top of Cardinal Mountain—the first summit of numberless peaks (but 60ish if you’re counting) he’ll need to cross before the finish line. “You look down off the ridge, and you’re like, whoa—this is where it starts to get difficult,” he says. From here, Musiyenko swiftly notches summits two and three on the south and north peaks of Split Mountain.
The next day, he climbs Mount Prater, Mount Bolton Brown, Ed Lane Peak and The Thumb. This is followed by eight more 13ers on the third day, followed by a dozen pinnacles that are part of the famed Palisade Crest on the fourth—where Musiyenko experiences his first seriously hairy moment.
“I’m between two giant rocks with a massive drop-off on both sides, and have to execute a dynamic cross-step to get through,” he recalls. Grabbing hold of a granite fin he’s about to lurch to the other side just as a gust of wind barrels into him like an invisible rogue wave. “It hits me so hard my foot swings out into space. Luckily, I’m able to hold on. But that’s a real moment right there,” he says.
Free solos in consistently brutal winds at 14,000 feet are now interspersed with dicey, slow-going scrambles over “kitty litter rock,” as Musiyenko describes it. Even worse along this leg are “columns of shit glued together that can collapse on you at any moment if you try to stem on them,” he adds. Musiyenko’s final peak of the day is 14,153-foot Mount Sill, where ferocious gusts force him into a protected nook to set up his bivy. Here he’ll rely on a 0.85-pound quilt to ward off the cold from a pack weighing in at just 33 pounds. That’s 33 pounds for absolutely everything.
Day after day, the sunup to sundown climbing regimen routinely features treacherous terrain. But the nights are no kinder. Seeking flat spots along the exposed ridgeline, Musiyenko endures the frigid off-hours by warming up with pushups before crawling into his wafer-thin quilt. Wearing every single layer he has, his sleepless brain swirls with harrowing moments behind him—but especially with what lies ahead.

The next morning, Musiyenko awakens with intense pain, puffy eyes, swollen hands and aggravated tears in his meniscus that have caused his knee to puff up like a softball. It’s day five—aka “the low point”—but he’s not there quite yet. That happens after clambering up Polemonium Peak and North Palisade to the route’s crux—14,009-foot Thunderbolt Peak—arriving like a midday nightmare with some of the traverse’s meanest, most exposed technical terrain.
Heading up Thunderbolt he forms a crude self-belay by looping a sling around his waist, lassoing a horn with his 6mm static line, wrapping his heel around a summit block and mantling to reach the summit. The descent is a dizzying rappel down a precipitous 2,000-foot drop.
“This is where everything really starts falling apart,” says Musiyenko, whose rope gets stuck while rappelling, forcing him to reclimb a portion of the mountain. Then, as he’s moving toward the next peak, a washing machine-sized boulder rolls out from under his foot. Slammed to the ground, he sprains his ankle and severely scrapes his bicep. “I’d already sprained both of my ankles earlier,” he says. “But after that fall on Thunderbolt Peak, I’m like—is this where the shitshow takes over my climb?”
It’s at this point, Musiyenko confesses, that he momentarily contemplates aborting the mission. From here, it’s just a three-hour hike back out to the road. “I can feel my body looking for a way out,” he says. Still, he rules out a retreat.
“Regret. I don’t wanna live with it,” he explains. “This is exactly where I bailed during that first attempt. I know I’m hurt, but I also know I’m healthy enough to keep going. No way am I walking away from this unless I have an injury that needs, like, medical attention.”
During the last three days of the climb, wildfires blazing in the distance add their own sort of hell to the mix. “Every day is as hazy as you can imagine,” Musiyenko says. “Your body hurts. You’re exhausted. And now you’re breathing fucking smoke.”
After ascending another eight mountains on the following day, Musiyenko can barely bend his severely swollen knee. “At this point, I’m getting pretty worried I may be permanently injured,” he says. “Honestly, I just want to be done with this thing.” The near-death march carries on with Mount Powell, Clyde Spires West and then aptly named Crumbly Spire, where rocks higher than three stacked refrigerators can tumble almost just by looking at them the wrong way. “This is the worst rock I’ve ever seen,” says Musiyenko, who then hobbles over the summits of Clyde Spires East, Mount Wallace Mount Haeckel and Mount Darwin.
“At this point, I’m very close to zoning out,” he recalls. Relentless discipline pushes him forward—as well as a long-held belief and observation he won’t let himself forget, especially right now.
“People tend to give up whenever things get really tough and the odds start to feel almost insurmountable,” he says. “When you’re at that point, you just have to keep remembering that this is actually the whole point. It’s supposed to be this hard. You’re meant to face adversity and work through it with every inch of your mind and body.”
On Musiyenko’s eighth and final day, every inch of his body (and mind) aches. With a nub of a Snickers bar and three gummy worms left to eat, he pushes over more mountains—Tom Ross, Lamarck, Keyhole Plateau, Keyhole Plateau North—and eventually the final, nameless 12,600-foot summit of the Goliath Traverse, simply marked “Peak” on the map. It overlooks Piute Pass and the trail that leads him out. He reaches his car, parked there like a mirage, leans against it and sobs for 10 minutes.
“I’m feeling liberated from this multiyear obsession,” he says about those tears. “I’m excited too, of course, but mainly it’s this relief that I’ve made it through. Going into something this long and difficult is totally overwhelming, but you can’t lose composure when you keep getting smacked,” he adds, tapping into a favorite Mike Tyson quote about how everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.
Soon after our meeting in Yosemite, Musiyenko starts prepping for his first trip to Nepal, where he hopes to either complete a new route on Mount Nuptse (25,791 feet) or repeat the massive 8,000-foot Moonlight Sonata route on the peak’s southeast buttress.
“We want to do it in a seven-to-nine day round trip,” he tells me. “Though the probability of succeeding on something like that is slim to none.”
Yeah, right.
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Best Gose Beers to Quench Your Thirst This Summer
The list of highly crushable, thirst-quenching beers includes the likes of lagers, pilsners, IPAs, Kolsch-style beers, and wheat beers. But the hottest thirst quencher of summer goes to Gose beers (“goes-uh”). This ancient German brew is spiced with salt to round out its sourness. That sodium also provides an electrolytic jolt—perfect for long days in the sun or a post-exercise cooldown.
While the Gose-style has really only become popular in the U.S. craft beer world in the last decade, you can trace its genesis all the way back to the year 1000 (yes, you read that right) in the city of Goslar, Germany. And, while it has seemingly ancient roots, its true arrival on the beer world stage was in the early 1700s. That’s when it became a beer of choice in the northern German city.
While contemporary versions differ in percentage, this warm fermented beer historically was brewed with a minimum of 50 percent wheat in the grain bill. It has a slightly salty flavor and that was originally due to the high levels of salinity in the local water of Goslar. Now, Gose beers usually get their flavor from the addition of actual salt and even coriander. Traditionally made using spontaneous fermentation to give them their tart, sour, slightly funky flavor profile, today most are brewed with top-fermenting yeast and lactobacillus bacteria.
Meet your match with our list of the best Gose beers to drink right now.
Best Gose Beers to Quench Your Thirst This Summer

1. Creature Comforts Tritonia
Creature Comforts is a big name in the craft beer world and its Tritonia is one of its best offerings. It’s brewed with cucumber, lime, sea salt, coriander, and a proprietary blend of lactobacillus. This take on the traditional German-style wheat beer is complex, flavorful, and has just the right amount of citrus, cucumber freshness, and salinity to keep you craving more.
[$14.99 for a six-pack;]
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The Burch Barrel Takes Your Outdoor Grilling to a Whole New Level
When it comes to barbecue tools for summer, you likely already have a classic propane grill, an old-school charcoal smoker, or maybe even a wood-fired pellet grill in your backyard. While there’s nothing wrong with those methods, this summer, why not try a new approach to your backyard cooking? We recently got our hands on the Burch Barrel, and it’s one of the most intriguing grill designs we’ve ever used.
First off, the Burch Barrel design looks so badass, you’ll want to clear a marquee spot in your backyard to show this thing off. It stands tall (up to 84 inches), it’s built like a tank, and it radiates serious grill-master potential. It has serious utility, too. It accommodates multiple types of fuel, including charcoal, hardwood, wood chips, or a combination of those. It also functions as a grill, smoker, and a firepit. That means you can use the Burch Barrel to sear steaks and burgers, smoke ribs and tri-tip, and then pull off the grill grate for a relaxing bonfire paired with dessert and drinks. Try that with your propane grill.

While many backyard grilling setups will place the barbecue off in the corner, away from the social action, the Burch Barrel is meant to be a focal point for people to gather around.
“Burch Barrel was designed to make cooking and food the centerpiece of the backyard,” Roby Burch, CEO of Burch Barrel, tells Men’s Journal. “I wanted something where me and my friends and family could cook—anything from steaks, burgers, pizzas, and more—around an open fire with everyone together instead of one person at a grill 20 feet away. It’s all about being together.”

But it’s not just a fancy piece of yard art—the Burch Barrel is built to last and make mouthwatering meals. It’s constructed with powder-coated, high-grade steel and aluminum components, and it comes with several innovative features. There’s a sturdy lock-collar lid with a pistol-grip slider that allows you to make adjustments to the heat without having to remove the food from the grill. Its Trackster Heat Control Rails feature nine height settings for the coal bed, which gives you the flexibility to go from high-heat searing to low-heat smoking and baking on the fly. A hanging hook on the underside of the lid allows you to suspend food to get that perfect slow roast.
Its Everlevel tripod is very simple to adjust on any surface, and its ultra-precise stoker vents make it easy to adjust the temperature (an external thermometer mounted on the lid also helps). It even boasts double-walled insulation so the inside stays piping hot while the outside remains cool to the touch.

Overall, our favorite aspect of the Burch Barrel is its versatility. Whether you’re a charcoal fanatic or hardwood enthusiast—or anywhere in between—you can cook whatever you want, however you want. And when you’re done with your meal, you can toss in some firewood and enjoy drinks around the campfire with your guests.

But even the best grill won’t make up for subpar meat, so we’d suggest pairing your Burch Barrel with products from the E3 Meat Co. delivery service. Co-founded by cattle rancher Jake Gross and former MLB player Adam LaRoche, this Fort Scott, KS-based company sources some of the highest-quality meat on the market. Everything the brand offers is grass-fed and grain-finished, and it’s sourced from animals given absolutely no hormones, antibiotics, or steroids.

E3 has it all: bone-in prime rib, ribeye, tomahawk steaks, New York strip, tri-tip, burgers, hot dogs, and so much more. If beef is a staple on your grilling menu, then E3 should be your one-stop shop for stocking your freezer this summer. Better yet, you can get everything delivered right to your door.
E3 meats on a Burch Barrel grill—backyard cooking doesn’t get better.
[Burch Barrel: $1,195;]
Get it[E3 Meat Co.: Prices Vary;]
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