Thursday 31 December 2020

Winter Special: Try These Apple And Banana Pakodas For A Sweet-n-Salty Experience

This recipe gives the yummy bananas and apples a spicy and crunchy twist. You must give these apple and banana pakodas a try!

from NDTV Food - Latest

New Year 2021: Kick-Start 2021 With These Diet Tips To Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals

A healthy individual is one who is healthy in mind, body and soul. So, this New Year let us focus on our whole body and get healthy from head to toe.

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Indian Cooking Tips: How To Make Thattu Dosa - A Popular Treat From The Streets Of Kerala

Thattu dosa is a name inspired by 'Thattu Kada' which means street-side eateries in Kerala.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Preview the New Film That Shows Climbing Can Be Colorblind

The new short film, Black Ice, tells the story of a group of Black men from Memphis, TN, who travel to the climbing mecca of Hyalite Canyon, MT, for their first ice climbing experience. The men learned about indoor rock climbing at Memphis’ Rox Gym, but it wasn’t until they met The North Face athlete, Conrad Anker, that their dreams extended to frozen vertical pillars a long way from home.

Memphis ice climbers to Montana
Chris Dean Champ Miller - courtesy TNF/Sender Films

Memphis is not known for rock climbing, much less ice climbing. But an indoor rock gym and an elite group of The North Face alpinists has changed that. The movie (part of the Reel Rock Tour’s 2020 lineup) is a 35-minute-long tale that traces the climbers’ journey into the harsh, cold and often inhospitable world of ice climbing. In addition to learning how to use axes and crampons to ascend frozen waterfalls, the men are faced with attempting a difficult, inherently dangerous sport. Fortunately, they have a trio of seasoned hardmen—Anker, as well as Monoah Ainuu, and Fred Campbell—to show them the ropes. It’s not always easy, and despite the difficult conditions, there’s plenty of humor.

ice climbing guide

The Beginner’s Guide to Ice Climbing

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Memphis ice climbers to Montana
Filmmaker Malik Martin Champ Miller - courtesy TNF/Sender Films

Black Ice filmmaker Jonathan “Malik” Martin had actually never been on an airplane or even traveled far from Memphis when he embarked on the adventure. The film tells their story of heading into intimidating territory, learning how to stay warm and on their feet in cold, slippery conditions, and how people from diverse cultural and racial backgrounds can come together to share their love of the mountains.

Buy tickets to stream the full film through this holiday weekend at


The Best Climbing Spots in America

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Jahmicah Dawes Slimpickins Outfitters

How the First Black-Owned Outdoor Gear Shop in the U.S. Is Equipping and Inspiri...

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Conrad Anker Explains the Art of Free Solo Mixed Climbing

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from Men's Journal

The 5 Pillars of Santa Maria-Style BBQ With Chef Anthony Endy

When it comes to different styles of barbecue across the United States, places like Texas, Memphis, or North/South Carolina probably come to mind. However, there’s a particular style of barbecue that might not be as well-known, but most certainly punches above its weight class in flavor. We’d like to introduce you to Santa Maria-style barbecue.

anthony endy
Photo: Jon Perino

The history of Santa Maria-style barbecue started with the local ranchers in the Central California coast region in the late 1800s—even dating back to the Chumash people. They’d cook over the local hardwood in the area (primarly oak and sycamore). And due to the consistently windy conditions of the central coast of California, they would dig big pits into the ground to build their fires and cook over the embers. But the wind is actually a key component here, as it keeps the fire healthy and fueled without the need for ventilation. They’d place cuts like top sirloin on large skewers or stakes, and then roast the meat across the coals.

The Spanish introduced the grill in the early 1900s, and the below-ground pit became an above-ground pit with a lever to raise and lower the grill, essentially something that the ranchers could tow around—also known as an Argentine-style “Gaucho Grill” or simply “Santa Maria-style” grill.

anthony endy
Photo: Jon Perino

While tri-tip is somewhat of a staple in modern Santa Maria-style barbecue, the history goes back to three dominant proteins: top sirloin, chicken, and linguica (Portuguese sausage). A traditional Santa Maria-style meal consists of the protein, pinquito beans (locally grown in the area), salsa, garlic bread (grilled over oak and dipped in garlic butter), and a green salad, all followed by dessert (traditionally, strawberry shortcake).

anthony endy
Photo: Jon Perino

We sat down with Santa Maria-style barbecue expert and Executive Chef Anthony Endy at the Alisal Guest Ranch & Resort in the heart of Santa Barbara wine country for their annual BBQ Bootcamp event—a brilliant, three-day masterclass in all things barbecue, led by some of the best chefs in the country. We talked with Endy to learn more about what makes this style of grilling so juicy, smoky, succulent, and just damn delicious.

It All Starts With the Wood

anthony endy
Photo: Jon Perino

“We use the local hardwood, which is oak. Red oak is the most popular hardwood for barbecuing here. We use a blend of red oak and white oak just because it’s the most accessible here on the Alisal Ranch. So you’ll always start with that hardwood… the wood always comes first. You make a great fire for it, break it down into embers, and then you just slow roast. Santa Maria-style barbecue runs hotter than most, it’s not as smokey, but runs at a much hotter temperature.”

Reverse Sear Is Key

anthony endy
Photo: Jon Perino

“You don’t want to sear out the flavors. You want to keep the juice inside your protein and you want to absorb the smoke… and keep flipping it. Reverse sear, when it comes to items like tri-tip—and even on the chicken, as well—I was doing [reverse sear] because these are items where you want the protein to absorb the smoke and then you want to create that crust at the very end.”

Don’t be Afraid to Flip the Protein

anthony endy
Photo: Jon Perino

“Be committed once you put the protein on, and flip it often. The chicken will tell you when it wants to be turned, with tri-tip you don’t want to work with flare-ups, that’s a rookie mistake. Flare-ups usually occur when you add the fat like oil to the grill too early. Keep the fire low, and keep a good distance between the protein and flame itself.”

Always Start With a Clean Grill

anthony endy
Photo: Jon Perino

“Use the fat that you trim off the protein to wipe down and clean the hot grates before placing the protein on. This will clean off all the previous residue while maintaining the flavor of the protein.”

Use Tongs

anthony endy
Photo: Jon Perino

“Some Santa Maria guys use these little pig tail things to poke the meat and flip it. However, you want to keep the juices in, and each time you puncture it, you let the juices out. The goal is always juicy succulent meat. A major mistake people make is overcooking their meat, and a principle rule is always letting your meat rest (for roughly 20 minutes), and always cut against the grain when it comes to tri-tip.”

anthony endy
Photo: Jon Perino

Check out more information about visiting the Alisal Guest Ranch & Resort, and get a jump on registering for their next BBQ Bootcamp event.

from Men's Journal

Youmee's Winter Ramen Menu Is A Warm Hug You Deserve In This Bitter Cold

To satiate all your ramen cravings this winter, Youmee has a special ramen menu in a place where they have introduced at least four to five different kinds of ramen to the menu.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Point-By-Point New U.S Dietary Guidelines For Pregnancy Diet And Alcohol Intake In Adults

The dietary guidelines are issued every five years by the Agriculture Department and the Department of Health and Human Services. Let's take a look at this year's guidelines.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Mark Wahlberg’s 8 Fitness Tips to Get Back in Shape in 2021

2020 has been a strange, stressful year for everyone; but for those of you looking to boost your mood, it’s time to get moving. Exercise has been proven as one of the most effective ways to improve mental health by releasing feel-good endorphins––something we could all use more of right now.

I’ve been working out for as long as I can remember, but like everyone else, some days are easier than others to get moving. Though regardless of where you are on your fitness journey, it’s critically important to make your health a priority. And with 2021 already on our doorstep, now is the perfect time to gear up and jump back on the fitness train.

Mark Wahlberg biceps; training; fitness; F45 Training

MJ5: Mark Wahlberg on His Favorite Gear, Best Piece of Advice, and More

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To help convert your resolutions into reality and kick-start a healthier New Year, I’ve put together a list of my top fitness tips below. Remember, its best to start small so that you wake up the next day feeling tired and good about yourself, but not so sore that you start making excuses and stop exercising.

Movement builds momentum and setting goals and tracking your progress is key. With Performance Inspired Nutrition, I love seeing all of the pictures from customers showcasing their pride in working out. Last year, we invested in a gym chain from Australia, F45, and I cannot tell you how inspired I get seeing others take charge of their health and wellness.

I love to mix up my workouts to challenge myself and keep it interesting. I have become addicted to the F45 High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and added that to my weight training. This year I also added a lot of indoor cycling and trail riding for my very physically challenging role in Arthur the King that we start filming in January.  Shocking the body and changing up the workouts helps keep me in top shape and making improvements. I listen to my body and rest when I need it, but I also work through mild injuries with my massage gun by Power-Plate and step up my usage of our Branch Chain Aminos (BCAA) to help with recovery. Nutrition is always key; you cannot outwork the fork!

Wahlberg working out in a F45 gym.
Mark Wahlberg working out in a F45 gym. Broadimage/Shutterstock

Nutrition is essential to feeling great and I’ve found it’s helpful to begin getting in the habit of looking at food as healthy fuel. I moved to my Performance Inspired plant-based protein in 2020 and a mostly plant diet, which has helped with my overall health. Every workout starts with my Pre-Workout to ensure I get the most out of my gym time, and every workout ends with a protein shake (within 20 minutes of finishing my routine) to refuel my depleted muscles. I use many of my products and as I get older, I rely on our all-natural products and a super clean diet to keep feeling great. Moderation is key and I adjust my eating and treating myself to achieve an optimal balance.

Listening to changes in your body and taking action to change your diet, taking a rest day, working around an injured body part or even seeing a doctor to properly evaluate an injury is critical to avoid long-term injuries. Following these eight fitness and health tips will help you stay on track and ready to keep charging into the New Year.

My Top Tips for Getting Back in Shape in 2021

  1. Get started – Stop making excuses and waiting for the perfect month or day to start––today is the perfect day!  Join a gym, start walking, watch your diet, and make your health and fitness a priority! In three months, you will be glad you started!
  2. Set a baseline – Look in the mirror, snap some pictures, record your measurements, set goals in writing, and start a fitness log. Using a fitness tracking device and sharing your goals with friends and family are also proven ways to help you stay on track. Signing up to run your first marathon or vowing to hit the gym seven days a week may happen down the road, but stick to something simple when starting out—like working out 2-3 times a week for 30 minutes. Eventually, you will build up to more challenging goals as you make progress.
  3. Do not let excuses overpower your commitment to getting healthy – If you cheat on your diet or miss a few days working out, get back at it!  Your mind is your most powerful workout tool.
  4. View nutrition as fuel – So many people offset a great workout by overeating and eating high sugar food as a reward for the workout. Moderation is key and start reading labels on the foods you eat; you will be surprised at the sugar and artificial ingredients in popular foods!
  5. Listen to your body – Rest as needed but do not fall back into bad habits! Falling off the diet or workout regimen is NOT a reason to give up. You are the CEO of your health, so stay focused and keep yourself on track.
  6. Variety will help keep you motivated – Change-up your workouts with HIIT training, cycling, lifting, hiking, etc. Working out can be fun and soon you will hate missing even one workout or overeating junk food!
  7. Surround yourself with healthy choices – Take that blender out from under the counter and leave it out. Make low-sugar, high-protein smoothies instead of grabbing something unhealthy when you are hungry and lazy. Check recipes for smoothies as meal replacements and better meal preparations. I keep protein bars handy and travel with my supplements and everything I need to stay on track when I am running around. It takes some extra planning, but it’s worth it.
  8. Celebrate starting and take pride in your progress – Share both your progress and struggles to help keep you on track. Join and follow fitness groups on social media and post up those selfies, diet tips and workouts. The fitness community is so engaged and supportive that you’ll stay inspired seeing others making progress! It also inspires others to see your fitness journey and that’s a great feeling. It’s proven that sharing your goals makes you more likely to keep reaching for them, so don’t be afraid to post about your healthy habits and ambitions on social media and tell your friends and family––you may even inspire them or find a workout buddy!

I hope my tips will help inspire you to be better! While it’s nice to put 2020 behind us, we have learned that prioritizing our health and wellness is critical for our immune systems and being healthy is a gift we have to work for. Share your healthy journey with me and Performance Inspired––let’s make 2021 the best year possible!

Mark Wahlberg is an actor, producer, and businessman.  Mark co-founded the all-natural active lifestyle nutrition company Performance Inspired and Municipal, a Sport Utility Gear & Apparel Company and a production company Unrealistic Ideas.  He is also an investor/owner/partner in F45 Gyms, Power Plate Massagers, and of course he co-founded Wahlburgers restaurants with his brothers.  Look for WahlStreet on HBO-Max in 2021 that will showcase all of Mark’s business dealing!   

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Mark Wahlberg (@markwahlberg) • Instagram photos and videos F45 Training (@f45_training) • Instagram photos and videos

MUNICIPAL (@municipal) • Instagram photos and videos

F45 Training (@f45_training) • Instagram photos and videos

from Men's Journal

New Year 2021: Looking For Quick Party Snacks? Try These Easy-Peasy Chicken Popcorns (Recipe Video)

Make your New Year 2021 party a delicious affair with this super easy chicken popcorn recipe. Happy New Year!

from NDTV Food - Latest

Not Just Biryani, India Loves Ordering Pizza At Home Too And Here's Proof

According to food delivery app Zomato, the orders for pizza witnessed a surge as the year 2020 progressed. Take a look at the statistics!

from NDTV Food - Latest

Malaika Arora Is All Set To Ring In New Year 2021 With A Yummy Cake Made By Her Dad

Malaika Arora has been in a celebratory mode all this month, and with New Year's Eve being equally exciting, Malaika is not quitting her binge spree yet.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Indian Cooking Tips: How To Make Easy Haleem Ke Kebab (Recipe Inside)

Greasy yet nourishing, Haleem is a porridge-like comforting dish from Hyderabad made from wheat, lentils and meat. These kebabs are made with the same set of ingredients.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Drink Up! This Masala Coffee Is Every Coffee-Lover's Dream-Come-True (Recipe Inside)

Masala Coffee Recipe: Masala coffee is basically a warm cup of coffee with some warm and amazing spices infused in it.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Alia Bhatt Is Feasting On Aloo Paratha In Ranthambore And We Want Some Too

Alia Bhatt is on vacation with Ranbir Kapoor in Ranthambore, Rajasthan and the former feasted on some gorgeous Aloo Parathas!

from NDTV Food - Latest

Wednesday 30 December 2020

Happy New Year 2021 Party Snacks: How To Make Galouti Kebab, Easy Recipe Inside

Galouti Kebab Recipe: You may think that making galouti kebab is a cumbersome task, and yes it is to an extent. But we have a super easy version of the recipe that will make you want to make it again...

from NDTV Food - Latest

High-Protein Diet: How To Make Mushroom Tea To Beat Chilly Winters (With Health Benefits)

Have you tried mushroom tea yet? It is healthy, tasty and soothing to the core.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Tsunami Cake: The Latest Viral Food Trend That Has Left Instagram Mesmerised

Viral Food Trend: Tsunami cakes or pull-me-up cakes are the internet's latest obsession. Here's what goes into making them!

from NDTV Food - Latest

Spicy Rice Cakes Recipe A Unique Snack That Would Be A Hit At Your New Year Party

New Year Recipe: This unique snack is a vegetarian version of the popular Korean street food of rice cakes that we will replicate in simple, Indian-style method.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Why You Should Start Your Day With Warm Jaggery (Gur) Water In Winter I How To Make It

The advantages of starting your day with a glass of warm water mixed with jaggery are many. If not for a particular reason, drink it for overall good health in winter.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Your Butt is Photo Shopped…🙄

Your Butt is Photo Shopped…🙄

Natalie Jill Your abs are photo shopped“Your abs are photo shopped” “Your butt is photo shopped” 😂 (now I had to giggle at that one)

When I first started sharing on social media years ago I had a wicked strong core and defined abs. Something I had worked REALLY hard at. I would constantly get comments (usually from someone with a pet or plant as a profile picture) that I was photoshopped. It hurt. A lot.

When video became a thing on IG those mean comments stopped.

Now, years later, as I’ve been working super crazy hard the last few months to develop my backside, comments once again started coming in, not about abs but that my “butt was photoshopped”

I wasn’t triggered this time as I now know this and have compassion:


Your mean comments just mean that YOU don’t think that YOUR goals are possible so you tell everyone else that achieved something you have wanted that their results are fake

I’m sorry that must feel sucky.

Ok here’s the hard core reality:

YOU have to believe RESULTS are actually possible first

YOU have to believe that YOU can achieve something before you can achieve it

YOU have to start looking at others who have what you might want with curiosity, possibility and hope.

You will not achieve what you THINK you want when all you see is others “cheating” the system. They aren’t. They just believed something was possible and went after it.

You can too!!!

Talk to me… are you committed to seeing POSSIBILITY or being a troll who tears others down? Hint… you’ll never get results that second way.


Natalie Jill

The post Your Butt is Photo Shopped…🙄 appeared first on Natalie Jill Fitness.

from Natalie Jill Fitness

Hardik Pandya's Son Turns 5-Months Old And We Can't Take Eyes Off His 'Snowy' Cake  

Pandya posted a picture from Agastya's fifth month birthday celebration on his Instagram feed. The picture features the family of three and a super cute cake.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Shilpa Shetty's Latest Evening Snack Is The Perfect Balance Of Taste And Health (See Pic)

Shilpa isn't just celebrating the new years by gorging on delectable dishes but also making sure to balance it with some healthy choices.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Watch: This Super Easy Paneer Tikka Can Be A Quick Starter For Your New Year Party

Although paneer tikka is super easy to make at home, not all can whip it up like a pro. Here's the reason.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Quick Recipes: 8 Quick Rice Recipes You Can Try To Avoid Last Minute Fuss

You can have rice with just about anything, dal, sabzi, fish, chicken and treat yourself with one wholesome meal. But on days, you are tight on time, you could whip up something incredibly simple and...

from NDTV Food - Latest

SunButter Fudge with Marble Swirl

SunButter Fudge with Marble Swirl

Natalie Jill SunButter Fudge with Marble Swirl10 Minute prep time, 1 hour FREEZER time


1 cup chocolate chip morsels or Dark Chocolate melted
3/4  cup SunButter

Baking items:

1 square silicone mold for candies


  • On a stovetop melt 1/2 cup of sunbutter and 1 cup chocolate stirring until smooth
  • Pour once blended into the silicone squares filling them 3/4 of the way!
  • Top with a dollop of additional melted sunbutter on top of each “candy square” and swirl with a toothpick or fork!
  • Freeze for approximately 1 hour. Remove and enjoy! remember to share!



Natalie Jill


Want more Sunbutter Recipe IDEAS?

Sunbutter Granola Clusters

Sunbutter Rice Krispy Treats

Sunbutter Cake Cookies

Sunbutter Crunch Bars

Protein Rich SunButter Bars

Sunbutter Pumpkin Pie

Sunbutter Grass Hopper Cookies

Chocolate SunButter Donuts – Gluten Free and Dairy free

SunButter Chocolate Cups

Shrimp Summer Rolls

Aging In Reverse Super Food Smoothie

The post SunButter Fudge with Marble Swirl appeared first on Natalie Jill Fitness.

from Natalie Jill Fitness

Eight Greats: The Best Vehicles We Drove in 2020

We’re staring down the road at an electric future, there’s no doubt: Governments and automakers have pivoted to long-term plans where battery-electric powertrains are paramount. But that’s not the only story on autodom, as evinced by the best cars and trucks we drove over the course of this very unique year. On our “best of” list, you’ll find two norm-defying pickups, a game-changing Corvette, a Land Rover with enough off-road chops to cure your cabin fever for good, and more. Here are the drives we dug the most in 2020:

2021 Dodge Charger SRT Hellcat

Dodge Charger Hellcat Redeye
In the old Super Mario Kart, running over a star makes you ultrafast and untouchable, temporarily. Such is the feeling of piloting the 717-horsepower 2021 Dodge Charger Hellcat on a long freeway uphill, past scores of slower cars. Grip the meaty wheel, plunge the pedal, and you hear a high-pitched, menacing supercharger whine as the 4,586-lb beast hurtles effortlessly toward triple digits. If you can get past the big fuel costs (and your big environmental footprint), you’ll find a surprisingly road-trippable family ride with a flipside that can make you feel invincible, for a moment.

Nissan Z Proto 2021 coupe debut

New Nissan Z Proto Signals a Return to Coolness

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2021 Jeep Gladiator EcoDiesel

2020 Jeep Gladiator Rubicon
A week in the new diesel-engined, overland-ready Gladiator proved to us that there isn’t a pickup on the market that hits as many notes: fun, livable, capable. A 3.0-liter engine gives the Wrangler-based pickup plenty of instant-on, low-end power (442 lb-ft of torque) that’s ideal for technical off-roading, but just as entertaining around town. After stoplights go green, you find yourself leaving traffic in the rearview without even trying. Better yet, the Gladiator’s modest size allows you to throw it in the garage when you get home.

2021 Rolls Royce Ghost

Rolls-Royce Ghost II
James Lipman /

When an officer from the Bee Cave, Texas police department pulled us over in the 2021 Rolls Royce Ghost, he had one question: How’s it ride? Just splendidly, sir. Rolls retooled its formula for the 2021 model with some advanced suspension trickery, which includes road-monitoring dampers to sort out imperfections in the road before you ever feel them. Four-wheel steering allows the stately ride to handle like a machine that’s much smaller, and the 6.8-liter, twin-turbocharged V12 ushers you with haste and refinement. Our answer, to the cop, was deemed sufficient: We were sent on our way with a friendly warning.


2021 Chevrolet Suburban

2021 Chevrolet Suburban Z71
The pandemic forced us to test-drive vehicles mostly in Texas this year, and there’s perhaps none more suited to the Lone Star State than the new Chevy Suburban. For one it’s huge. A new independent rear suspension—the first in the Suburban’s long history—frees up room to make up to nearly 145 square feet of cargo space (or an actually livable third row of seating). Two, the thing is luxe, stocked with a plush interior and 12.6-inch touchscreens behind the front seats, connected to the vehicle’s on-board WiFi. At a time when more space and creature comforts are more valuable than ever, the new Suburban delivers.


2021 Ram 1500 TRX

2021 Ram 1500 TRX 2021 truck front 3/4
Strangely, no vehicle we drove this year drew more thumbs-ups than this larger-than-life pickup. The supersized, supercharged, Hellcat-powered Ram indeed proved a mood-booster, even if we weren’t able to fully test the otherworldly capabilities of its suspension, built for bounding over the high desert with 13 inches of travel. Its unparalleled power was more apparent during city driving: Punch the gas and space cushions dematerialize. And befitting this no-compromises machine, there’s tons of room in the cabin, and an infotainment system that’s the most seamless in the biz, too.


2020 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray

2020 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray Convertible
During two separate drives—one in Nevada, one in Texas—the next-generation Vette proved that this reworked American classic is better than ever, with transparent and predictable handling, courtesy its mid-engined layout. Some, of course, will complain that its small-block V8 engine isn’t loud enough and doesn’t crackle like the fire-breathers of yore. But this Stingray is young, and more power and tailpipe pyrotechnics are sure to follow. In the meantime, new Vette drivers will dig details like Stealth Mode, where the interior goes dark—console, buttons, everything save your mph readout and other essentials. Just you, machine, road. No distractions. How subtle. How un-Corvette. How cool.

Corvette Stingray

Vette Vaults Ahead With the Sleek and Sexy Stingray

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2020 McLaren GT

mclaren gt
Somewhere out on a rollicking ride through the dips and bobs of Texas Hill Country, it hit us: The McLaren GT simply rocks, whether it’s a true grand tourer or not. The high-tech British manufacturer intends the GT to be its most livable, daily drivable sportscar—there’s more cargo space and more powertrain refinement here than in its other rides—yet the GT proves no slouch when tasked in the twisties. Its 4-liter V8 and seven-speed dual clutch provide unflagging power, while its adaptive damping suspension and hydraulic steering provide transparent feedback, lending you confidence to push harder, as does its excellent forward visibility. The GT’s a winner. We haven’t had more fun behind the wheel all year.

2021 Land Rover Defender

Land Rover Defender
In a year where getting away from civilization became more appealing than ever, the relaunched Defender offered a compelling and capable vehicle to do it in. We took a quick spin in the Defender, both on smooth pavement and on dirt, and our drive revealed that the vehicle boasts tons of tech, comfort, and livability, especially the well-designed, smartly packaged interior—while offering more off-road capability than you’re likely to ever use. We flung it down a remote ranch road and were impressed by its ease over the sketchy, rutted stretch, thanks in part to an air suspension that lends nearly 12 inches of clearance, a peppy 3.0-liter inline-six, and a precise, direct steering that makes it handle like a smaller vehicle. It’s a best-of-both-worlds machine that doesn’t disappoint.

Ford bronco two-door and four-door

Five Things You Need to Know About the New Ford Bronco

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from Men's Journal

A Look Back at the Best Viral Videos From 2020

For most of us, 2020 was a year we’d rather forget. But instead of solely focusing on the negative, let’s try to remember a few of the moments from the past 365 days that actually brought a smile to our faces.


Watch: GoPro Releases Epic Montage of Best Clips From 2020

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Of course, the personal and intimate moments shared with friends and family––even during those awkward Zoom chats––were what mattered most. However, it’s also fun to remember some of those wild and wonky clips that kept us entertained. These are the clips that made us laugh, inspired us, shocked us and helped us as we made our way through this strange and trying year. And with most of us stuck inside and looking at our phones anyway, it was a banner year for viral videos.


from Men's Journal

Scott Glenn on ‘Greenland’ and Acting With Authenticity

Scott Glenn may have entered the “playing granddad” part of his career, but odds are he could still kick your ass. At least, that’s the distinct feeling we got during our conversation with the veteran actor from his property in the foothills of Idaho’s Sawtooth Mountains.

“I’ve always been a person who experiences life through my body first, and in my mind second,” says Glenn, while recounting some of the epic lengths he went to bring authenticity to his acting. The pursuit of those new experiences continues off screen as well, most recently in the study of the Russian martial art systema.



Glenn spoke with Men’s Journal about his latest role in Ric Roman Waugh’s Greenland, his legendary career, divergent training practices, and living the good life in the Pacific Northwest.

Riz Ahmed as ex-addict punk drummer Reuben in ‘Sound Of Metal’

The Workout That Transformed Riz Ahmed for ‘Sound Of Metal’

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What made you want to jump onboard Greenland?

I really saw the potential in the project after talking with Ric Waugh, and realizing the section I would be in is the beating heart of the movie. The idea of dealing with a natural disaster of that magnitude, and what you would do under those circumstances, is a big one. I think what resonates is that drive to find everyone you care about—making sure they’re safe and what’s possible when we all work together. We’re unified under a common threat. I saw that in the script, and I also saw who my character was. He’s, how should I say it, finished the major circle of his life. The love of his life is gone. And to him, whether he lives for another 50 years or another 50 minutes makes no difference.

Scott Glenn in 'Greenland'
Scott Glenn, Gerard Butler, and Morena Baccarin in ‘Greenland’ STX Entertainment

How was working with Gerard Butler?

Gerry was great—both he and Morena Baccarin were very generous with our scenes together. I work a certain way, and I always have. When a scene begins, I have no idea where it’s going to go. I don’t know exactly what I’m going to do, or what the audience is going to see, and they allowed me to go with it. That’s all I need.

What drove you to move out to Idaho instead of the usual actor haunts like New York or Los Angeles?

I was drawn here because, in my opinion, it’s the most beautiful country you’re ever going to see. Our house sits at around 6,000 feet. When we have snow, we have some of the greatest skiing in the lower 48 states. During the summer, there’s hiking everywhere and roads made by God for our motorcycles. It’s a great place for me to get back into neutral before I go out to do this crazy thing I decided to do for a living. The air is clean and the water is clear. My wife is a potter, and a brilliant artist. She has a studio on our land so she can just walk across our property to do her work.

What kind of motorcycles are you riding now?

The main bike I ride now is a BMW, but I’ve had all kinds of sport bikes, Ducatis, Triumphs. If you can name it, I’ve had it. I’m really looking forward to getting back on a track again, so I can do high speeds, makes some turns, and all of the fun stuff that goes with that.

49ers cornerback Richard Sherman playing video game

How Gaming Helps 49ers Cornerback Richard Sherman on the Gridiron

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What are you doing for fitness these days?

I’ve done one form of martial arts or another since I was a kid, after I’d already done wrestling and boxing. The first martial art I really studied was tang soo do, which is a Korean style that has a little more emphasis on striking. But most recently, I spent a long weekend with one of the great masters of Russian systema, this guy Vladimir Vasiliev. I learned a lot from that experience and a few new techniques I’ve been playing around with. One of the elements I brought into my training is the idea that the workout has just as much to do with your breathing as it does with your physical exertion.

Can you give us an example of what that might look like?

For instance, doing pushups that are completely synchronized with your breathing—inhaling as you slowly press your body up, then return back down, all while still inhaling. Then before you begin your next pushup, start to exhale, and repeat that process all while exhaling. It allows you to concentrate on your breathing more deeply, as well as opening up your senses to places where you may be feeling tension or strain. Not only that, but slow pushups are just harder by nature. Another great one is a variation to fist pushups, where you open your fingers slowly until they’re lying flat on the ground and your weight is evenly distributed on all of your knuckles. I’m still working on it, but you might be taking two minutes just to do one pushup. Sixty seconds down, then 60 seconds back up.

How important is authenticity when you’re acting?

I believe that whatever character you play, there are parts of their life outside of the scenes—hobbies, occupation, behaviors—that are innate to them. For example, starting with Urban Cowboy, there’s a way bull riders tie the rawhide around their gloves. I wanted to learn how to do it realistically, using my teeth and one hand. I got comfortable with it by actually doing it a thousand times a day—150 times before breakfast, after breakfast, and so on. By the time I was doing it in a scene, I didn’t have to think about it. I only do it in two scenes, but having that natural reflex brought a new level of authenticity for me. There were a few bull riders who saw the movie and thought perhaps they’d found a bull rider to play the part or that I was a serious bull rider. There aren’t many compliments better to get than that.

Do you have more examples of that on-the-job training?

For The Shipping News, I got director Lasse Hallström to get me a job gutting fish for two hours every night in the kitchen of the hotel we were staying in. I was hoping for cod, because I knew there was going to be a scene where I’m on my boat gutting a fish and I wanted to be able to do it without thinking. I didn’t want to be staring at my hands. I wanted it to look like I’d been doing it my whole life.

Miles Teller

Miles Teller On Flight Training For ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ And Working With Tom Cru...

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What’s been your most physical role in a film?

The character Stick, the blind sensei to Matt Murdock in Daredevil, was one of the most intensely physical for me. I spent countless hours with my teacher, Dan Anderson. He has a martial arts studio called Anderson Martial Arts at the corner of Broadway and Canal in New York City. Basically, when I wasn’t on set in Brooklyn filming the show, I was with my sifu (teacher) playing with knives. I probably spent more time working with the stunt people on our show than the rest of the cast because of the level of action we were doing.

I recently had a conversation with a NASA astronaut, Mike Massimino, who says watching The Right Stuff inspired him to go to space. What do you remember about playing Alan Shepard?

Really? [Laughs]. That’s great. The hardest part about that movie was I knew there were going to be two people playing Alan Shepard, me and the real Alan Shepard. That’s because our director, Philip Kaufman, was going to be using news reel footage as well as our performances. So there were things I needed to get right. Alan Shepard is right handed, while I’m very left handed. I remember waking up in the morning in San Francisco and I would use yarn to tie my left hand to my belt loop so I was forced to use my right hand.

I have to ask about Vertical Limit, which came out 20 years ago in December 2000. I heard that was a crazy shoot, filmed at these rugged locations in New Zealand’s Southern Alps and K2.

Vertical Limit was a giant adventure for me. Right from the beginning we started rehearsing and training in Queenstown, New Zealand. There were a lot of days set aside for the cast to become comfortable with all the gear we were going to be using. I remember one day they took us to these frozen waterfalls outside of Queenstown, and we learned about going up ice with picks. I was already a fairly addicted rock climber at that point, but I had never climbed ice before then, and just fell in love with it.

What did you find compelling about ice climbing?

The thing about rock climbing is, outside of the physical challenge, there’s an element where you need to be analyzing the rock face for the best route. Your ability to climb is reliant on the options nature puts in front of you. For ice climbing, you can pretty much go anywhere there’s ice, so instead of taking an inventory of your options, you take an inventory of yourself. You need to be honest about your abilities, especially if you have someone following behind you.

Were you able get a lot of ice climbing in during that production?

On one of the rehearsal days they were trying to corral the cast back to the hotel, and I just kept going up one of the waterfalls we’d been climbing and said I couldn’t go back with them. Our ice climbing advisor and guide, Barry Blanchard, who’s arguably one of the best out there, just looked at me and said, ‘You’ve fallen in love with this haven’t you?’ I had. He told me if there was a scene in the movie where I needed to ice climb, he’d teach me everything he could. So I started to pester Martin Campbell about putting an ice climbing scene in the movie. When he finally cracked, Martin turned to me with the whole cast around, and said, ‘You’re turning into an insufferable child. If I give you an ice climbing scene will you shut up and do everything I tell you to?’ I said yes. From that point on, any day I wasn’t working, I had my own helicopter, a big Thermos of English breakfast tea, and Barry fucking Blanchard teaching me to ice climb.

Chris Hemsworth

Chris Hemsworth on Training and Prep for 'Thor: Love And Thunder'

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What were those ice climbing days with Barry like?

We would go to this place called the Darwin Ice Bowl, which was right at the edge of the Tasman Glacier. There we would climb all over these great seracs of ice. I no doubt spent more days climbing than I did acting in that movie. I just loved it. Sitting in that helicopter after some great climbing, with the sun setting over Karakoram mountain, with one of the best climbers in the world. It doesn’t get any better than that. Those moments are everything.

Greenland is now available on demand 

from Men's Journal

Five Minutes of Ridiculous Surfing Wipeouts and What Causes Them

Anyone who has ever entered the ocean and attempted to ride a wave has probably experienced it: The Wipeout. They range from gentle splashes to violent pounddowns that reduce you to a helpless rag doll. Regardless, the thrill of riding a good wave always outweighs the unfortunate experience of being dragged along the ocean floor.

Albee Layer_Norkunas

Five Years at Jaws: Albee Layer's Greatest Hits

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In an ode to the wipeout, surfer Brad Jacobson walks us through the many different types of wipeouts and what mistake causes each one. Watching this video will not only provide some interesting insight into surfing technique, but it also is very entertaining. Because let’s face it, watching other people wipeout for five straight minutes is a great distraction from work, chores, or anything for that matter.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy.

from Men's Journal

Watch: 4 Matar (Green Peas) Recipes You Must Try This Winter Season

Matar Recipes: Green peas or matar offer a host of health benefits. Here are some recipes where the humble ingredient is the real star!

from NDTV Food - Latest

Mac-N-Cheese, Lasagne And More: 7 Casserole Recipes For Your New Year 2021 Feast

We handpicked some super delicious casserole recipes that can amp up the night without much struggle.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Soya And Bathua Saag With Poori Is A Protein And Vitamin C-Rich Winter Meal That You Must Try

Soyabean and bathua saag paired with poori is a special meal you must try this winter.While soyabean is known to be super rich in proteins, bathua is packed with vitamin C.

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Indian Cooking Tips: How To Make Vellayappam- A Sweet Appam From The Streets Of Kerala

Paper soft, thin and crispy, it is made with rice flour and popularly paired with chicken stews, ghee roast and avial.

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Shilpa Shetty And Raj Kundra Are 'Breaking' Bread And It Looks Irresistible

Shilpa Shetty and Raj Kundra tried their hand at 'breaking' bread, or cutting it up to savour the crunch and fresh taste.

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Immunity: This Dry Fruits Ladoo Is A Traditional Remedy To Fight Cold Wave

Immunity: The season comes with its own set of challenges, eating dry fruits and nuts may help keep you warm and fortified because of the antioxidants. Dry fruits are also packed with...

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Make Punjabi-Style Aloo Chole Ki Sabzi For Poori, Bhatura Or Naan (Recipe Inside)

Aloo chole ki sabzi is another offering from the vast Punjabi cuisine that will win your heart instantly. Here's an easy recipe to help you make this authentic Punjabi delight.

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Dhoni Hosts A 'Homely' Dinner For Newlywed Yuzvendra Chahal And Wife Dhanashree (See Pics)

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Masala Green Tea Is Just The Drink To Warm You Up This Winter - Recipe Inside

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Watch: How To Make Original Street-Style Samosa Chutney At Home

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Dress Up For Good Health: Study Reveals Surprising Link Between Formal Clothes And Healthy Food Choi

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Karisma Kapoor Is Ending 2020 With Friends Over A Stunning Dinner Setup (See Pics)

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Tuesday 29 December 2020

Kareena Kapoor And Cousins Assemble For Another Lavish Dinner For New Year

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11 Winter-Special Veg Soup Recipes To Brave The Cold Season

Healthy winter diet: You'll be surprised to find out the wide variety of vegetarian soups you could try to stay cozy and healthy in this chilli weather.

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Puttu And Kadala Curry: How To Make This Protein-Packed Breakfast Combo From Kerala

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Garlic Chicken To Cheesy Garlic Bread: 8 'Garlicky' Recipes For New Year Party 2020

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from NDTV Food - Latest

Inside Kai Lenny’s “Day of Days” at Mavericks

As all things 2020 have been trending, so was the winter forecast for the big-wave season ahead. Surfers anticipated less-than-good conditions courtesy of La Niña weather patterns impacting the Northern Hemisphere, generally resulting in less swell and colder water.

However, on Dec. 8, and seemingly out of nowhere, Mavericks awakened from a lengthy slumber and began firing on all cylinders.

Located just outside of Half Moon Bay, CA, the storied wave has a reputation for consequence that precedes it. But despite its distinction, the spot is finicky and typically only works during a big swell coming from the west to west-northwest, with minimal wind.

According to Kai Lenny, recent men’s winner of the WSL’s XXL Biggest Wave Award, the swell was coming from a different direction than normal. Lenny, who flew in from Maui for the conditions, says the swell was filling in from the north, causing the waves to break over the reef—a spot that hadn’t yielded such ideal conditions in a decade. Additionally, the sun was out and the wind remained light, maxing out around 1.5 mph in the afternoon, allowing for surfable 30- to 50-foot faces all day.

grant twiggy baker

Big-Wave Surfing's 5 Most Pivotal Moments of the Decade

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Mavericks Big Tuesday Big Wave surfing
Fred Pompermayer

“From all accounts, it was one of the best days ever,” says Lenny. “They were calling it the ‘day of days’. This was a swell where you could surf maybe the biggest wave you’ve ever paddled into from sunup to sundown.”

Lenny wasn’t the only out-of-towner who flew in for the swell. In addition to a number of boats and jet ski safety crew, the lineup was stacked with legendary big-wave chargers such as Grant “Twiggy” Baker, Ian Walsh, and Peter Mel. The majority started out the morning doing tow-in launches. Once the light hit, however, they swapped out tow-in boards for their big guns and spent the remainder of the day paddling in.

Lenny clocked 12 hours in the water that day, only breaking for 15 minutes to down a burrito before paddling back out.

“When those days come around it’s almost impossible for me to not want to maximize it because I know how quickly it will go by,” says Lenny. “I’d rather push myself as hard as I possibly can and then rest later.”


10 Craziest Big-Wave Surfing Destinations

Every adrenaline junkie should add these gnarly, globally renowned hotspots to his bucket list.

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Big Wave Surfing Mavericks
Fred Pompermayer

As Lenny frames it, Mavericks is a proving ground for the young guns trying to make a name for themselves. In addition to a number of big-wave veterans, there were a few groms out, pushing their limits. A particular standout was 18-year-old Luca Padua, a Half Moon Bay local who is leading the charge for Californians, sure to be a regular in the Mavericks lineup for years to come.

“I remember being there myself: keen and hungry but also scared and nervous,” says Lenny. “It’s fun to share sessions with these guys and watch them learn, grow, and experience what big-wave riding’s all about.”

Lenny predicts that paddle-in big-wave surfing will continue to progress to a point where surfers approach giant waves with more comfort and ease: riding the barrel and executing dynamic turns more typical on mortal-sized waves. For tow-in surfing, he imagines surfers will cover the wave canvas like professional snowboarder Travis Rice charges massive lines in Alaska, blending speed with freestyle tricks.

When the next big swell will hit Mavericks is anyone’s guess. Although the early December conditions for the books only held for two days, many called that Big Tuesday a “career day,” agreeing they scored some of their lives’ best waves.

Kai Lenny Mavericks
Fred Pompermayer

“I got a really big wave early in the morning and I was bottom-turning and could see a lot of my friends in the channel with their arms up in the air,” says Lenny. “They were so far away that I was kind of alone, but they were with me as well. Big-wave surfing is a lot of camaraderie, and on this swell at Mavericks everybody just wanted to see each other get some big waves.”

Pushing boundaries.

Pushing the Boundaries With Kai Lenny

The iconic waterman talks monster waves, fast foils, and social media success.

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from Men's Journal

Maximize the Effectiveness of Your Workout With MusclePharm Combat

When it comes to your workouts, it’s more than likely you’re putting in 100% effort (well, maybe you give a little less but who are we to judge, it’s the holidays). But when it comes to the effectiveness of your protein powder, can you say that it works just as hard for you?  I’m sure you’ve never quite thought of your workout supplements in that way, but if you’re not giving your body 100% of what it needs to maximize the benefits of your hard work, well frankly my friend, you’re missing out on some serious gains. Which is why we’re here to tell you that MusclePharm’s® lineup of Combat Protein Powder® works just as hard (if not harder) for you.

Muscle Pharm

The powerful combination of 5 protein sources, including whey protein concentrate, isolate, and hydrolysate, egg albumin, and micellar casein, combine to fuel muscle growth and enhance your performance for hours. Gluten free and containing 25g of protein, Combat Protein Powder® is perfect for any athlete looking to maximize lean muscle growth and recovery, which is a major part of realizing those gains for whatever you’re training for.

Available in delicious flavors such as Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup, Triple Berry and Cookies N’ Creme, Combat Protein Powder®is great tasting, easy to mix, and can be taken at anytime, morning, pre or post workout or at night. No worries about terrible, chalky-taste here, Combat Protein Powder®  is one of the best tasting (if not the best tasting) powder on the market.

Muscle Pharm

Don’t just take our word for it. Check out the hundreds of 4 and 5 star reviews, and learn how maximize the effectiveness of your workouts with Combat Protein Powder.® Your body, your taste buds and your workouts will thank you for it. Available at Costco or

from Men's Journal

Watch: How To Make Classic Gobi Paratha For A Scrumptious Winter Meal

Here we bring you an easy recipe to prepare gobi paratha for a scrumptious meal.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Frozen Food, Literally! Pic Of Noodles And Egg Frozen Mid-Air In Siberia Goes Viral

Viral Photo: A photograph of egg and noodles frozen mid-air in Siberia has taken social media by storm.

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Twinkle Khanna's Birthday Celebration Featured 4 Cakes And A Lavish Indian Spread

Twinkle Khanna's cousin and actor Karan Kapadia shared pictures and videos from the birthday do, much to the delight of scores of Twinkle's fans.

from NDTV Food - Latest

"Never Hurt A Samosa..." Hilarious Pun On Chennai Restaurant Bill Goes Viral

A Chennai restaurant indulged in some hilarious wordplay at the end of their invoice. The post went viral on social media!

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5 Top F&B Trends That Are Going To Rule In 2021

Here's looking at some of the biggest F&B trends that may take over 2021.

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High-Protein Diet: How To Make Poondu Rasam To Boost Immunity And Shed Kilos This Winter Season (Rec

South India's rasam is one of the best ways to soothe your tummy, soul and body this winter season.

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New Year 2021: This 5-Minute Chilli-Garlic Corn Snack Is Easy To Make For Your Party

New Year Special: We found a recipe video of a unique corn party starter - chilli-garlic corn - which is quick and easy to make.

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'Naagin' Actor Mohit Sehgal And Sanaya Irani's Midnight Date Featured This Treat

Sanaya and Mohit have also done a couple of reality shows together. When they are not setting the screen on fire with their chemistry, they continue giving us #couplegoals on Instagram.

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Lucknow's Sultani Dal - Try This Toor Dal Recipe For A Slice Of Mughlai Royalty

Sultani dal is a popular toor dal recipe from Lucknow that reflects the traditional Mughlai flavours, which are rich, fragrant and creamy.

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Winter Special: This Rajasthani Haldi Ki Sabzi Is A Treat To Your Health And Palate

Haldi ki sabzi is healthy, tasty and a must-have for the people in Rajasthan during the cold winter season.

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Monday 28 December 2020

Viral: Columbian Restaurant Makes 24-Karat Gold Burger - Guess Its Price?

A restaurant in Columbia has introduced a burger which is bathed in a layer of 24-karat gold. The price of the viral creation will surprise you!

from NDTV Food - Latest

Viral: American Supermodel Gigi Hadid Shared Pic Of Indian Spices She Binged On During Pregnancy

Viral post: If you look at the picture shared by Gigi Hadid on her Instagram stories, you would be able to easily spot well-known spices commonly used in Indian cuisine.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Shilpa Shetty Is Drooling Over This Decadent Dessert In Goa, Guess What It Is! (See Pic)

Shilpa Shetty Kundra is currently holidaying in Goa with her family including sister and actor Shamita Shetty.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Kerala Farmers Send 16 Tonnes Of Vazhakulam Pineapple To Farmers Protesting In Delhi

Pineapple Farmers Association sent truckload of Vazhakulam pineapples to the farmers protesting on the borders of Delhi.

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Quick Recipes: How To Make Easy Chicken Pulao That Is Fit For Any Feast

Chicken pulao is another rice-based dish that has captured the fancy of many foodies since time immemorial. It is rich, aromatic and makes for a perfect addition to any feast.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Celebrate Cold New Year Eve With Warm And Spicy Sangria (Recipe Inside)

This New Year 2021, ditch the usual cold sangria and impress your guests with spiced, slow-cooked warm sangria.

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This Super Easy Recipe Of Kolkata Biryani Screams Indulgence

The Awadhi khansamas brought their recipes along with themselves; and in Kolkata, was born, the very special Kolkata Biryani.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Complete List of Everything Leaving Netflix on January 1

In case you haven’t heard, there is a (very) large list of popular TV shows and movies heading for the Netflix exit doors on January 1. So if you’ve been waiting for that perfect time to binge Indiana Jones, or the Office, or Back to the Future, or––well, you get the picture.

Below is a list of all the shows that will be leaving Netflix once we ring in 2021. Let the bingeing, begin.

  • 3 Idiots (2009)
  • A Dangerous Woman (1993)
  • A Girl Like Grace (2015)
  • A Good Wife (Season 1)
  • Airplane! (1980)
  • Along Came a Spider (2001)
  • Alpha and Omega: The Legend of the Saw Tooth Cave (2014)
  • Alpha Dog (2006)
  • An Education (2009)
  • An Innocent Mistake (Season 1)
  • Anna Karenina (2012)
  • Baby Mama (2008)
  • Back to the Future (1985)
  • Back to the Future Part II (1989)
  • Back to the Future Part III (1990)
  • Bad Teacher (2011)
  • Barbershop (2002)
  • Being John Malkovich (1999)
  • Beowulf (2007)
  • Beyond the Mat (1999)
  • Cape Fear (1991)
  • Case Closed (2015)
  • Case Closed (Season 1)
  • Casper (1995)
  • Charlie St. Cloud (2010)
  • Cheech & Chong’s Up in Smoke (1978)
  • Clash of the Titans (1981)
  • Cloud Atlas (2012)
  • Code Name: Geronimo (2012)
  • Colombiana (2011)
  • Coneheads (1993)
  • Cookie’s Fortune (1999)
  • Darna Mana Hai (2003)
  • Definitely, Maybe (2008)
  • Delta Farce (2007)
  • Dennis the Menace (1993)
  • Dinner for Schmucks (2010)
  • Doomsday Preppers (Season 1)
  • Dr. Seuss’ The Cat in the Hat (2003)
  • Drugs, Inc. (Season 6)
  • Due Date (2010)
  • E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
  • Ek Hasina Thi (2004)
  • Enemy at the Gates (2001)
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
  • Ex-Boyfriend (Season 1)
  • Fall Girls (2019)
  • Fargo (1996)
  • Ferrari Ki Sawaari (2012)
  • For Love or Money (1993)
  • Frida (2002)
  • Frost/Nixon (2008)
  • Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (2009)
  • Glory (1989)
  • Gossip Girl (Seasons 1-6)
  • Grand Hotel (Seasons 1-3)
  • Happy 300 Days (Season 1)
  • Heartthrob (2017)
  • Heist (2015)
  • Her (2013)
  • How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)
  • How to Change the World (2015)
  • I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry (2007)
  • I’m in Love with a Church Girl (2013)
  • In Between (2012)
  • In Between (Season 1)
  • Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)
  • Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
  • Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
  • Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)
  • Jake’s Buccaneer Blast (2014)
  • Johnny English (2003)
  • Jora 10 Numbaria (2017)
  • Jurassic Park (1993)
  • Jurassic Park III (2001)
  • Kangaroo Jack (2003)
  • Kevin Hart: Laugh at My Pain (2011)
  • Kevin Hart: Seriously Funny (2010)
  • Knights of Sidonia (Seasons 1-2) Netflix Original
  • Knockaround Guys (2002)
  • Krystal (2017)
  • Lego Friends (5 Seasons)
  • Lego Friends: Girls on a Mission (Season 1)
  • Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004)
  • Lust, Caution (2007)
  • Maacher Jhol (2017)
  • Maddman: The Steve Madden Story (2017)
  • Mars (Seasons 1-2)
  • Mean Dreams (2016)
  • Mean Streets (1973)
  • Mr. Young (2013)
  • Mr. Young (Seasons 1-2)
  • My Best Friend’s Wedding (1997)
  • Nacho Libre (2006)
  • Not Another Teen Movie (2001)
  • Octonauts (Seasons 1-3)
  • One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975)
  • Patriots Day (2016)
  • Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything: A VeggieTales Movie (2008)
  • Planetarium (2016)
  • Poltergeist (1982)
  • Poseidon (2006)
  • Possession (2002)
  • Pride & Prejudice (2005)
  • Quest for Camelot (1998)
  • Raising Cain (1992)
  • Reckoning (Limited Series)
  • Red Dragon (2002)
  • Reincarnated (2012)
  • RV (2006)
  • Session 9 (2001)
  • Splice (2009)
  • Starsky & Hutch (2004)
  • Sucker Punch (2011)
  • Super Dark Times (2017)
  • Superman Returns (2006)
  • The Big Wedding (2013)
  • The Clique (2008)
  • The Dukes of Hazzard (2005)
  • The Inbetweeners (Seasons 1-3)
  • The Interview (2014)
  • The Longest Yard (1974)
  • The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)
  • The Notebook (2004)
  • The Office (Seasons 1-9)
  • The Patriot (2000)
  • The Producers (2005)
  • The Queen (2006)
  • The Rehearsal (2016)
  • The Story of God with Morgan Freeman (Seasons 1-3)
  • The Story of Us (1999)
  • The Story of Us with Morgan Freeman (Season 1)
  • The Town (2010)
  • The Wedding Planner (2001)
  • The Witches (1990)
  • The World Is Not Enough (1999)
  • This Christmas (2007)
  • To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar (1995)
  • Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
  • Troy (2004)
  • Two Can Play That Game (2001)
  • Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Big Happy Family (2011)
  • V for Vendetta (2006)
  • Visions (2015)
  • WarGames (1983)
  • Wazir (2016)
  • What Is Love? (2012)
  • What is Love? (Season 1)
  • Who’s The One (2011)
  • Who’s the One (Season 1)
  • Why Did I Get Married? (2007)
  • Yes Man (2008)
  • Zookeeper (2011)

from Men's Journal

How to Grill the Perfect Filet Mignon (With Scotch Butter)

Winter grilling, depending on where you live, can mean extremely different things. For those lucky enough to roast in board shorts and a T-shirt, well, good for you. The rest of us must bundle up and brush snow off our grills (put a drink in your hand first, that should help). Whatever your weather, you’ll want to fire up your grill; here’s a recipe that’ll make even the coldest, shortest of winter nights seem a little less bleak. It involves two of the greatest dining pleasures on earth: red meat and liquor.

filet mignon steak with scotch butter grilled steam cooking
Authentic Asheville

Prep time: 15 minutes

Cook time: 12 to 14 minutes

2 (6 oz) filets mignons
Salt and pepper
3 tbsp of salted butter – room temperature
1 tbsp of Scotch – we used The Singleton of Glendullan
½ tsp Worcestershire sauce
2 tbsp of finely chopped parsley


Steps to making Scotch butter:
1. Put the butter in a small bowl
2. Add the Scotch, Worcestershire sauce, and parsley. Stir until combined and smooth
3. Lay down a piece of waxed paper and spoon the butter into a cylinder-shaped log
4. Wrap the butter up into the waxed paper and then twist the ends
5. Refrigerate until cold (at least 2 hours)
6. When ready to use, remove from the wrapper and slice into ¼-inch thick medallions

filet mignon steak with scotch butter grilled steam cooking
Authentic Asheville

Steps to making filet mignon with Scotch butter:
1. Take your steaks out of the fridge and let sit at room temp for about 30 minutes
2. Preheat both sides of the grill to high
3. Season the steak with salt and pepper. Do this right before you put the steaks on the grill

filet mignon steak with scotch butter grilled steam cooking
Authentic Asheville

4. Reduce your heat to medium-high. To cook your steaks medium, opt for 7 minutes on each side. For steaks on the medium-rare side, aim for 6 minutes on one side and 6 on the other. Remember, you can always undercook and then continue, but you can never bring your steaks back to a rarer range once you’ve put ‘em to the flame.

LOS ANGELES - OCTOBER 17: 16 OZ Bone in Ribeye Steak Au Jus with Daily Cut French Fries served at Musso and Frank Grill in Los Angeles, California on Saturday, October 17, 2015. (Photo by Melina Mara/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

How to Cook the Perfect Steak, According to a Pro Chef

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filet mignon steak with scotch butter grilled steam cooking
Authentic Asheville
filet mignon steak with scotch butter grilled steam cooking
Authentic Asheville

Top with the butter medallions for the final minute of grilling.

Once you take your steaks off the grill, rest them for about 10 minutes (tenting with foil is optional). It’s just enough time to step over to the mini-bar and pour a drink. Scotch is an easy call and if you’re thinking, ‘Hmm, is that too much Scotch in one meal?’ then you’d better pour yourself a double.

filet mignon steak with scotch butter grilled steam cooking
Authentic Asheville
Best Scotch Whisky to Drink This Winter: 2017

The Winter's Best Scotch Whiskys

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from Men's Journal